I Contracted Myself


The Dream River flows slowly, without beginning or end.

Suddenly, Wuming sat up from the water, and water drops dripped down.

He looked down at his face reflected on the water, and after a long while, he exhaled a long breath of turbid air, venting the depression in his heart.

One second!

When the Dark King opened his Black Realm, he only lasted for one second, and then died.

What was even more shameful was that before he died, he saw the Dark King close the Black Realm at the fastest speed, which means that the Dark King’s words "Don’t die" were not a joke, at least at that moment the Dark King did not intend to kill him.

"How can there be such a terrible attack in the world."

Wuming recalled the Dark King’s attack after opening the Black Realm, and couldn’t help talking to himself.

I don’t know where the attack came from.

It suddenly fell on him, and then his body was covered by darkness, and even the time and space he was in disappeared with it.

Incomprehensible, irresistible, and nowhere to escape!

Wuming sat on the water and thought quietly. After a while, he slowly said, "No solution, it's actually an unsolvable power. No... The only solution is a more extreme power than the Dark King."

To put it bluntly, the Dark King's black world is to suppress people with realm and absolute domineering power. Anyone whose realm is not as good as the Dark King and whose ability is not as high as the Dark King can be brutally broken by the Dark King.

Who would have thought that the Dark King, who acts recklessly and has a perverse and tyrannical temperament, actually takes the upright kingly way in terms of power.

Wuming must admit that he can never be as pure as the Dark King.


Realizing that he can never beat the Dark King, Wuming lay down a little dejectedly and let the river drown him.

He is trying hard to make progress. In fact, the Dark King can't stand still.

And the Dark King's realm is much higher than his.

If converted into levels.

Levels 1 to 39 are the awakeners, levels 40 to 79 are the transcenders, and levels 80 to 119 are the domainers and upgraders. Lin Renmei is currently at this level.

Going further is the real high-end combat power of the Lashao Universe. There are very few people, and there may be only one in tens of millions of worlds.

Levels 120 to 159 are the holy domainers. Because there is no other system that matches it, the name can only be used as the holy domainer in the Dark King system. The disaster team got the power of the Dark King, which is actually almost at this stage, but they are all cannon fodder that has been forced to grow. Not only do they have no potential, but the power given by the Dark King can be recovered by the Dark King at any time, and it does not really belong to the disaster team.

Going further is the realm of the God Domainers from levels 160 to 199. The God of Destruction and Chen Qunxing are both at this level. For the creatures of countless worlds, they are actually no different from gods.

Whether it is creating planets or creating life, it is not difficult for this realm.

Next is level 200 to level 239. This stage is named the Dominator by the Dark King. This level is the strongest among the strong in the world.

Most of the existences that can cultivate to this level are old monsters who have accumulated countless years. Each of them has amazing energy and has the power to easily destroy the world.

Wuming is now at this level. He is the Lord of Dream River. In terms of status, he is actually equivalent to the Dominator.

However, compared with those real old monsters who have spent countless years and cultivated to this level step by step, Wuming is inferior in time. Whether it is the foundation or the energy that can be controlled, it is far inferior to those old monsters.

His current situation is like a newborn dragon. At the moment of birth in Dream River, he has reached the peak that many people cannot climb in their lifetime, but compared with those old monsters of the same level, he is still just a baby.

It is difficult for him to beat enemies of the same level, let alone the Dark King.

The higher the level, the greater the gap.

Sometimes just one level difference is actually the difference between heaven and earth.

Besides, the difference between Wuming and the Dark King is not a small level, but a big level. If the Dark King takes it a little more seriously, his fate will be no different from Chen Qunxing's.

The more Wuming recalled the second of fighting with the Dark King, the more powerless and desperate he felt.

And after he was killed by the Dark King, the Dark King might have escaped and returned to the rescue team headquarters. It is unknown how many people in the rescue team headquarters can escape.

"Wuming, what are you doing here? Aren't you going to find gold?" At this time, Mani came to the river,

squatted down and looked at Wuming soaked in the water, and asked.

Wuming took a deep breath, sat up from the river, and said a little frustrated: "I failed, I lost to an enemy I can't win at all."

"But you are still alive, aren't you?" Mani asked back.

Wuming smiled bitterly and said: "You don't know how strong he is. If you have experienced it, you will know how desperate I am now."

"I don't know, but you can tell me. If you tell me, I will know." Mani simply sat by the river, soaking her feet in the river water, and said casually.

Wuming is not in good condition now.

She was still looking forward to Wuming collecting more gold.

Wuming looked at Mani, thought about it and told Mani about his feelings. He really needed to talk because the Dark King had dealt him a heavy blow.

"Wuming, I heard from my sister before, she said... what did she say?" Mani said immediately after listening to Wuming's confession and understanding the horror of the Dark King.

The problem is that she forgot what her sister said.

Wuming was a little surprised and said, "You still have a sister?"

"Of course, but now she is often not at home, and I haven't seen her for a long time." Mani replied.

Wuming complained, "You forgot the way home yourself, maybe your sister forgot it too."

"Yes, sister may have forgotten it too." Mani suddenly realized.

Wuming sat up from the water and asked, "Then do you remember what your sister said?"

"Ah, I remember, she said that unless you touch infinity, there is no power... There is no distinction between strong and weak, it seems to be this meaning, I forgot if it is like this." Mani was interrupted by Wuming, and she magically remembered it and said quickly.


In an instant, a light flashed in Wuming's mind.

He immediately stood up and waved his hand. A dense screen appeared on the river surface. The screens of the rescue team headquarters from all angles were presented in front of him.

Ruins, ruins, ruins!

The entire rescue team headquarters was completely destroyed. Obviously, the Dark King, who was angry and embarrassed, directly slaughtered the rescue team headquarters.

After confirming that the Dark King had left, Wuming immediately moved his mind, and a large amount of water mist immediately appeared at the rescue team headquarters.

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