I Contracted Myself


Bubbles appeared out of thin air at the rescue team headquarters, and then the bubbles continued to expand, sucking everything in the ruins into the bubbles.

Some of the dead rescue team members were resurrected in the bubbles, but some were still completely dead.

Nameless resurrection is not a perfect resurrection. He can only resurrect souls or entities whose aura has not dissipated.

Because the Dream River is connected to the living beings at the rescue team headquarters, most people's auras will be sucked into the Dream River after death. Only a few people are scattered in the aftermath of the Dark King's attack, so only one in a thousand people cannot be resurrected.

Many people looked at the ruins outside the bubble and couldn't help but feel sad, covering their faces and crying bitterly.

The bubbles rise slowly, turning from real to empty, and finally merge into the water of the Dream River. A bubble is a world.

The world within the Yin River belongs to the world of spiritual bodies, while the world within the Yang River belongs to the world of the living.

Originally, Wuming did not intend to resettle living beings in Yanghe, but under the pressure of the King of Darkness, he had no choice. The headquarters of the rescue team had been exposed. Only Menghe was truly safe, otherwise no matter how many times the rescue team was rebuilt, in the end The result was still destroyed by the King of Darkness.

Each bubble floats in the water, and the internal space of each bubble expands at an extremely fast speed.

People inside the bubble can feel this feeling best, and there is even an illusion that the world is not getting bigger, but that they are getting smaller.

"Now that we have space, the next step is to fish out a few planets!" Wuming said to himself as he looked at the countless bubble worlds in the water.

He can't beat the King of Darkness, which doesn't mean he's weak, it's just that the King of Darkness is too strong.

But to most living beings, he is a god, a super strong man who can hold the sun and moon in his hands and pick up the stars.

Ten minutes later, he locked onto several broken worlds and activated his abilities directly.

In the dark universe, countless transparent water flows gathered out of thin air to form a huge palm. This palm slowly grasped a planet and directly pulled the planet into a space ripple.

In an instant, there was an extra planet inside a bubble, and the people who were originally in the bubble were transferred to the planet one after another. The planet did not collapse due to the change in gravity, but instead started to rotate normally.

Next, Wuming repeated his old tricks, constantly selecting suitable planets, and pulling huge planets into bubbles.

This work took him dozens of days. After each bubble had a planet, he placed teleportation arrays at important nodes on each planet that could be transferred to other bubbles.

In Bubble No. 1, Chen Weihua was directing members of the rescue team to distribute supplies. Suddenly, the sky

Suddenly, she looked up and a huge screen opened.

Wuming appeared on the screen, and he said with a serious face: "All comrades of the rescue team, as well as the people of Xili, I am very sorry. Due to personal lack of ability, the headquarters of the rescue team... has been destroyed by the King of Darkness, but it cannot be destroyed. , now we are in the safest place in the world..."

Many people stared blankly at the screen in the sky. Suddenly they didn't know who started first and started crying one after another.

"As the saying goes, if you are poor, you can be alone, but if you are rich, you can help the world. Now the rescue team has been hit hard, and the Xili community has been destroyed. Obviously we have no more ability to rescue others at the moment, so I am ordering here, the rescue team The first task now is to rebuild the headquarters and protect the lives of the people. In addition, the Xili community has become a thing of the past, so I declare... The Kingdom of Dreams is established, and everyone will be citizens of the Kingdom of Dreams from now on!" Wuming Seriously! said.

Next, after announcing many matters under the state of emergency, Wuming closed the big screen, and the next moment the main body entered the No. 1 bubble.

"Sister Weihua!"

He appeared next to Chen Weihua and greeted.

In an instant, Chen Weihua hugged him tightly, and then let go after a while, her eyes a little moist.

Today was her most desperate day. When the Lord of Darkness was taken away by Wuming and reappeared, she really thought everything was over.

"Sorry, I failed to protect the headquarters." Wuming wiped Chen Weihua's tears and said apologetically.

He knew very well how much effort Chen Weihua's micro rescue team headquarters had put in. It could be said that the entire rescue team could operate well and that there had been no major troubles until now, all because of Chen Weihua's credit.

"Actually, I knew there would be this risk from the moment we decided to save other worlds. It's not your fault." Chen Weihua shook her head and defended Wuming.

Wuming looked at the temporary camp set up under Chen Weihua's command and said, "Then let's start rebuilding the headquarters now!"

"Well, everything will be fine, and we will pick up the headquarters again!" Chen Weihua nodded.

As long as people are still there, there is still hope for everything.

The most terrifying thing is that the headquarters is still there, but all the people are dead. That is the real despair.

Wuming walked in front, and Chen Weihua immediately followed. When people in the temporary camp saw Wuming, some burst into tears with excitement, while others tried their best to smile. Everyone gathered around Wuming.

"Don't worry, everyone, we are safe. The next step is to rebuild the headquarters!" Wuming smiled at everyone.

Then he had an idea, big

The ground immediately shook, and everyone noticed that the ground beneath their feet instantly rose up, forming an isolated peak, and they were on top of it.

"The headquarters should be built there. It happens to have mountains, water and trees!" Wuming pointed to the harbor in the distance and said with a smile.

In fact, this planet was discovered by the rescue team thirty years ago. Later, the rescue team moved all the people on the planet to the headquarters. Therefore, although there is still life on the planet, there are no traces of human activities.

Wuming chose this planet because it was already ownerless and would not conflict with the natives.

Next, the ground at the harbor slowly rose up, and a large number of rocks formed a long city wall, forming a huge millstone like a dragon. In the center of the millstone, a magnificent city was quickly built.

"It's so majestic!" A member of the rescue team couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw this scene.

After Wuming built the general outline of the headquarters, he said seriously: "From now on, that city will be called the City of Hope. We will never give up saving humanity, no matter how many times we fail, no matter how many setbacks we have!"

"Yes, we can fail, but we must not give up!" Chen Weihua clenched her fists and said through gritted teeth.

Seeing everyone's solemn expressions, Wuming couldn't help but narrow his eyes and smile, and said: "Now I have built the general outline of the headquarters, but how to complete it in detail still requires everyone to work together, let's go there first!"

As they spoke, everyone felt the space cool down, and people appeared in the huge square in the center of the City of Hope.

The square covers an area of ​​400,000 square meters. In the middle of the square is an erected stone tablet with numerous names engraved on it.

"I can't save everyone, but I will remember every comrade who fell on the way forward, but I still hope that everyone's names will not appear on it in the future." Wuming saw many people looking at Tongtian curiously Stone tablet, so he wiped his nose and explained garrulously.

Chen Weihua said at this time: "Okay, everyone has come to their senses. The headquarters is still waiting for us to build. Wuming, which building is the headquarters?"

There are four tall towers surrounding the square, each with a unique symbol. For a moment, Chen Weihua couldn't tell which of the four towers was the headquarters.

"You can see the one from the front of the monument!" Wuming replied.

Chen Weihua nodded and said, "Then I'll go over and take a look first."

After saying that, she called for everyone to follow, and Wuming clapped his hands at this time, and formations formed around him, all aiming at the monument.

Everyone who teleports over will be facing the monument with their back to the headquarters.

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