I Contracted Myself


A certain parallel world.

Lin Renmei killed a bear with one punch and dragged the bear back.

The sky was already in pieces, and the world was not far away from collapse. She raised her head and glanced at the dark, heart-stopping sky, and couldn't help but subconsciously speed up her pace.

The moment the Dark Lord invaded the rescue team's headquarters, she fled the headquarters with a group of people.

She and Wuming can be said to be the people who know the King of Darkness best. Even though Chen Weihua has obtained a lot of information from the spies of the Infinite Organization, the real understanding is definitely not as good as her and Wuming.

If you can't beat him, you will die!

This was Lin Renmei's judgment, so she wanted to keep the fire for the rescue team and wait for Wuming to reorganize the world.

Wuming is a place of ten good deeds, so the problem is definitely not big. All she has to do now is to survive and wait for Wuming's rescue.

She dragged the bear to an underground crack. After entering the crack, she walked into a cave. In the cave, Su Jingyao was taking care of several children. There were more children and women resting, and some people were anxious. Look outside from time to time.

"Renmei, how is the situation outside?" Su Jingyao asked in a low voice because she was holding the child.

Lin Renmei was like a needle in the sea. After returning, the anxious women calmed down, but when they heard Su Jingyao's question, everyone quietly pricked up their ears.

When everyone first arrived in this world, they saw the shattered sky. Naturally, they understood the situation of this world. They all tried their best to relocate. If they didn't even know this, it would be abnormal.

"It's not good. The ground a few kilometers away has fallen into the void. I'm afraid this world won't last long." Lin Renmei put the bear down and replied.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the cave became a little gloomy, and many people were trembling slightly with fear.

In fact, death itself is not that terrible, but there are too many children here. These children are so young, and they really can't bear to let these children die with them.

"Don't worry, Wuming will definitely come back to find us, and we will be safe then." Lin Renmei comforted.

Wuming suddenly appeared behind Lin Renmei and said with a smile: "It seemed like someone said I was handsome just now?"

"Nameless!" Lin Renmei turned around immediately.

And Su Jingyao suddenly

He got up from the ground and looked at Wuming excitedly.

Wuming first gave Lin Renmei a gentle smile, then winked at Su Jingyao and said with a smile: "If you have anything to say, let's leave here first. This world will collapse in a few minutes."

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and everyone was immediately swept away by the river water and disappeared.

Lin Renmei and Su Jingyao were surprised to find that although the water was no different from real water, it did not make people suffocate.

After a moment, the water quickly fell to the ground and disappeared, and they had appeared in the city.

"Welcome to the City of Hope, the headquarters of the rescue team will be here in the future!" Wuming turned around, opened his hands and smiled.

Lin Renmei and Su Jingyao couldn't help but look up at the sky. There were a few white clouds floating in the blue sky, and the sun was shining through the clouds. It was neither dazzling nor hot, and the temperature was just right.

This world is as beautiful as a fairy tale, not like the real world.

"Wu Ming, where is this place?" Lin Renmei asked directly.

Wuming gave Lin Renmei a reassuring look and said with a smile: "I will explain it to you later, but for now we should settle these children first!"

The City of Hope is large enough to house more than 100 million people.

In the future, every bubble world will have such a branch to house members of the rescue team, while ordinary people live in ordinary cities.

After a lot of work, all the women and children were temporarily accommodated, and medical staff helped to check their bodies.

Wuming, Lin Renmei and Su Jingyao came out of the house. The next moment, the surrounding environment changed and they appeared on the surface of Menghe.

Of course, no matter how straight Wuming was, he would not take two women to the Yinhe River, so the two of them only felt their eyes dazzled. When they recovered, they saw the boundless sea of ​​flowers in front of them.

"It's so beautiful, even more beautiful than the Ten Good Places!" Su Jingyao exclaimed.

Lin Renmei looked at Wuming curiously, waiting for Wuming's explanation. It was obvious that Wuming's current changes were somewhat incomprehensible to her.

Wuming smiled, and then explained how he obtained the Dream River, how he developed the Dream River's abilities, and how he survived being defeated by the King of Darkness in the end.

"Sorry, I couldn't fight with you at that time."

After Lin Renmei heard this, Wu Ming

narration, holding Wuming's hand, and said a little guiltily.

She originally thought that Wuming would make the same decision as her after realizing the invincibility of the King of Darkness. As a result, Wuming not only did not avoid the battle, but actually confronted the King of Darkness head-on.

"No, you did a good job. In fact, when I came back to life, I kept praying in my heart, hoping that more people could escape from the headquarters and survive. In the end, you were the only one who made the right choice." Wuming shook his head, and then helplessly smiled.

It can only be said that the ordinary people have no chance of running away, but the people in the rescue team do not realize how terrifying the Lord of Darkness is at all. Even if some people realize it, they probably stay with the idea of ​​​​life and death with the headquarters.

For example, after being resurrected by him, Ni Jing, Bai Mo and others immediately roared and punched, completely unaware that they had died.

The rescue team has already become the belief of countless people, and the real backbones basically do not stay in the team because of the welfare benefits.

"Do we still need to continue the rescue now?" Lin Renmei looked at Wuming and asked.

Wuming nodded and said, "Yes, and you don't need to take action in the future. I can solve it myself. The rescue team's strength will be transferred to the rescue."

He can pack up the entire planet and take it away directly, so there is no need for the rescue team to take action.

But what happens after packing it away?

These planets have their own situations. If they meet a good ruler, they may be in a better situation. If they meet a cruel ruler, living may not be much better than dying.

The rescue team's rescue falls on this aspect, and these planets are not allowed to have exceptions. Everyone will be included in the ruling territory of the Dream Country.

Only with unity can we better manage and avoid war.

"By the way, Renmei, I need your help." Wuming said to Lin Renmei after he finished talking about his conception of the Dream Country and the new direction of the rescue team.

Lin Renmei smiled and said, "Do you think I will refuse?"

"I hope you can become the master of this river, that is, the Lord of Yanghe under my command!" Wuming said seriously.

This is actually like the God King appointing a subordinate god. Once Lin Renmei becomes the master of Yanghe, Lin Renmei will be completely bound to Yanghe and also to Wuming. Everyone will prosper together and suffer together!

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