I Contracted Myself

【259】Fusion becomes stronger

Under Wuming's guidance, Lin Renmei walked to the middle of the river.

She immersed her body in the river water, and then she felt herself blending with the river water.

This feeling was very strange, the river seemed to become a part of her body, and her body also became a part of the river. When this feeling continued to extend, she felt nameless.

Wuming was obviously standing on the shore, but at this moment she felt like she was hugging Wuming.

They met, got to know each other, and fell in love. The trust between the two was built up through countless years, but now she found that she knew Wuming better than before.

"This feels...good!"

The corners of Lin Renmei's mouth raised slightly, and she allowed herself to sink deeper into the water. Her body gradually dissipated, completely becoming one with the river water.

She is the Lord of Yanghe!

A few minutes later, the water in the Yang River quickly gathered, and a new Lin Renmei was born in an instant.

She stood on the water and smiled: "I feel stronger, and... the world is so big!"

The Meng River leads to all the heavens and all the worlds. She is the master of the Yang River, so she can naturally feel the breath of life in all the heavens and all the worlds. At the same time, the Yin River continues to absorb the souls and auras of the dead. In fact, in turn, the Yang River will continue to produce certain An indescribable spirituality.

These wonderful spirits have almost omnipotent effects.

Although Lin Renmei has not yet tested it, she knows that there are many things she can do, and creating life and reversing life and death are just one of them.

"It's not that you have become stronger, but that we have all become stronger!" Wuming listened to Lin Renmei's words, looked at Lin Renmei and smiled.

After Lin Renmei became the master of Yanghe, her unlimited potential and lifespan became Yanghe's fundamental attributes. Wuming could feel that the origin of Yanghe had fundamentally changed.

Unfortunately, Marnie provided too little information, and Wuming didn't know what this change meant.

But he had a hunch that this step was crucial.

If Yinhe can also seal a master with some infinite attributes, then Menghe will undergo great changes, and he will also have the strength to fight the King of Darkness.

All we need now is a Lord of the Yin River!

Wu Ming and Lin Renmei then spent an afternoon testing and gained a lot.

First of all, Menghe has indeed become stronger. Before, Wuming used

It still takes a lot of mental energy and Menghe's own strength for He Shui to control the planet, but now it has become very easy to control the planet.

At the same time, the water speed of Meng River is also increasing. Although it looks similar on the surface, the increase in flow speed actually means that the expansion speed of Meng River is also increasing.

The world is too big, and wherever there is life is the direction in which the Dream River flows.

Its expansion is actually very, very fast, and it can reach thousands of worlds in the blink of an eye, but even so, the Dream River is actually still extending to more living worlds.

The infinite world will theoretically extend infinitely. The faster the water flows, the faster it will spread.

The more worlds it comes into contact with, the more auras and souls Menghe can absorb, and the stronger Menghe itself becomes.

Of course, not every world can collect souls. Some worlds have their own underworld or underworld. The dream rivers in these worlds will not interfere and just flow quietly. If one day the underworld and underworld in those worlds If spaces like kingdom and hell disappear, Menghe will naturally replace those existences.

Wuming estimated that he had become about a hundred times stronger, while Lin Renmei, as the Lord of Yanghe, had become about fifty times stronger than before.

And this increase is not a one-time event. As long as time continues to pass and as long as countless worlds of creatures continue to live and die, Menghe is destined to become stronger and stronger.

Finally, the biggest benefit of Lin Renmei's integration with Yang He is that Yang He has evolved.

Originally Yang He and Yin He were like twins, the two sides of Yin and Yang, but now because of Lin Renmei's unlimited potential and unlimited lifespan, many of Yang He's characteristics have been greatly enhanced.

Spying on fate, rewriting reality, and manipulating luck have become one of Yang He's abilities.

However, these abilities consume a lot of money. The larger the scope of influence, the consumption will increase exponentially. Once Yang He cannot afford it, the abilities will be directly ineffective.

If it is just to make one person's luck better, it is actually very simple, but if this person's luck changes and the result affects tens of millions of people, then the consumption will become terrible.

For example, Wuming himself, if he wanted to improve his luck, the amount of aura he needed to consume was extremely exaggerated. However, Lin Renmei and he both prospered and suffered losses, so they also needed a lot of aura to improve their luck.

And ordinary

People can only influence a few people around them, so Wuming can consume a small amount of spiritual light to improve his luck. However, if his luck doubles and then doubles, he will need more and more spiritual light.

It's probably like adding 1 to 1 point of luck. It's very simple. It only requires one point of aura. But if you want to add 1 point of luck from 2 to 3 points of luck, the aura consumed is 2. If you want to add 3 points to 4 points of aura, For luck, the aura that needs to be consumed is 4, and so on.

In fact, Wuming has many superpowers that can change luck. Those superpowers can not only increase luck, but also consume very little.

At first, Wuming didn't understand why Menghe's luck modification was so expensive. He felt that the price-performance ratio between the two was simply incomparable. But when he added luck to a little baby, he found that the baby's luck remained stable for the whole afternoon. constant.

Wuming and Lin Renmei realized at that moment that Menghe's ability to increase luck was incredibly long-lasting. Maybe the baby's luck had not been exhausted even after he had lived his whole life.

Therefore, Wuming simply sent blessings to the babies in the bubble world. For any baby with relatively low luck, he would raise the other's luck to the same level.

From now on, there will be no unlucky creatures in the Meng River!

"Wu Ming, what are your plans next?"

After a busy afternoon, Lin Renmei and Su Jingyao sat together. Su Jingyao looked at Wuming and asked.

While eating dinner, Wuming replied: "Find more gold, find a suitable Lord of the Yin River, and become stronger, defeat the King of Darkness, and solve the problems of the Lashao Universe."

"Gold?" Su Jingyao said a little surprised.

Lin Renmei smiled and said: "Leave the task of saving the world to me. I can also bring back those planets."

She is the Lord of the Yang River, and she can also use Wuming's method of harvesting planets.

"I recently met a magical little sister. She has a very special ability. She can exchange gold for everything." Wuming answered Su Jingyao's question first, then nodded to Lin Renmei and said: "Thank you for your hard work, Lashao Universe." There’s a lot of world out there, and I’m afraid you’ll have to be busy for a long time.”

"This is exactly what I want to do." Lin Renmei smiled.

After everyone finished dinner, Su Jingyao got up and packed her things.

Wuming looked at Su Jingyao and asked, "Jingyao, are you interested in becoming the mistress of Dream Castle?"

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