I Contracted Myself

【260】World Master

Although the main subjects of Menghe are Yinhe and Yanghe, the dream world of Wuming's past is also a part of Menghe, but it is far less important than Yinhe and Yanghe.

The ‘Dream Castle’ that Wuming mentioned was actually an advanced version of Dream City.

"Can I?" Su Jingyao was stunned and then asked.

In fact, she had long accepted the fact that she was not as powerful as Lin Renmei. Lin Renmei was brave, good at fighting, and a woman as good as any other woman. After experiencing life and death and countless vicissitudes of life, she hoped that she could become the woman who supported Wuming behind Wuming.

"Of course, although Dream Castle is not as powerful as Yang River, it is essentially a part of Dream River. When you become the mistress of Dream Castle, you can also use some of Meng River's abilities!" Wuming said with a smile.

After hearing this, Su Jingyao smiled and refused: "Being able to share part of Menghe's abilities means becoming the mistress of Dream Castle, and can also provide Wuming with stronger potential or strength. I'm too weak, why not let Chen Come on, stars, she should be able to help you, she is more suitable to be the master of Dream Castle than me."

"No, only you are qualified to be the mistress of Dream Castle. If you don't believe me, ask Renmei." Wuming said seriously.

Lin Renmei nodded and said: "Menghe is everything to Wuming and me. If he is not someone I can absolutely trust, I will never agree to share Menghe's power. Jingyao, just agree to Wuming."

"Okay then!" Su Jingyao looked at the two of them and finally nodded.

Wuming looked at Lin Renmei and said, "I'll take Jingyao to Fusion Dream Castle. You can see what else needs to be improved in the Bubble World. By the way, the Bubble World can also grant Realm Lords. You can decide on the appointment yourself. , but the world owner of Bubble No. 1 must be Sister Weihua!”

In the eyes of Wuming and Lin Renmei, the bubble world is just one of countless bubbles in the river, but in fact every bubble is a world.

If Lin Renmei is Wuming's subordinate, then every Realm Master is Lin Renmei's subordinate.

The World Lord can control everything in the bubble world, whether it is time or space, and can control it at will. For the World Lord, he is no different from a god in the bubble world.

Therefore, Lin Renmei's appointment of the Realm Master was definitely not done casually, and no one who was trustworthy would be able to obtain the power of the Realm Master from her.

And in addition to character and trust, strength is also

is a very important indicator.

Because becoming a Realm Lord is equivalent to joining the Menghe system. Just as after Lin Renmei became the Lord of Yanghe, Wuming also became stronger. After Lin Renmei appointed a Realm Master, these Realm Masters will also provide their own power to Menghe.

Every world master is very important. If they cultivate their own world well, they can feed more power to Menghe, and Lin Renmei and Wuming will also become stronger.

This is a win-win choice, so each realm owner must be carefully arranged.

Dream Castle.

Wuming looked at Su Jingyao who was sleeping soundly and said with a smile: "Have a good sleep. When you wake up, you will be the only mistress of Dream Castle!"

He stood up and walked out of the room, closing the door gently.

After he walked out of the Dream Castle, the Dream Castle immediately became illusory, and Su Jingyao also turned into an illusory existence. In an instant, the Dream Castle crossed Yin and Yang, reversed from the world of Yang River to the world of Yin River, and then shuttled back again, in In the process of constant travel, Su Jingyao gradually became completely integrated with Mengbao.

After one day and one night, Mengbao and Su Jingyao no longer know each other.

In the many oil paintings hanging on the walls of Dream Castle, the characters in them all turned into Su Jingyao, and the goddess statue in the lobby also changed into Su Jingyao's appearance.

When Su Jingyao woke up, there was no strange feeling at all, because she had completely controlled the Dream Castle in her dream. Apart from her, only Wuming could perfectly control everything in the Dream Castle.

In an instant, she appeared outside Dream Castle, saw Wuming smiling and waving to her, and couldn't help but step forward to hug Wuming.

Dream Castle is obviously more important than Wuming said.

Wuming made her dream of being the mistress of the Dream Castle, which was more important than any promise.

"Thank you." She said gratefully.

Wuming smiled and said: "Do we still need to say thank you? Let's go and see how Renmei's arrangements are going. I guess she must be having a headache now about the appointment of the world leader."

"Yeah!" Su Jingyao responded.

The two of them appeared at the Yanghe River in an instant. Sure enough, Lin Renmei was sitting by the river, looking at the bubble world in the water, with a sad face.

She spent the whole night, except for appointing Chen Weihua as the world leader of World No. 1, but did not arrange any other worlds.

At this time, No. 1

The world is undergoing earth-shaking changes. Under Chen Weihua's control, the space of the planet has been divided. The land where humans live and the territory where alien beasts live have space walls. Humans can enter the realm of alien beasts, but alien beasts cannot enter humans. Area.

"Sister Weihua did a good job." Wuming sat next to Lin Renmei and said with a smile as he watched the changes in World No. 1.

Lin Renmei glanced at Wuming and said helplessly: "I feel that many people are suitable to be world leaders, but if I really need to arrange it, I will always ask myself if there is a more suitable candidate, ah ah ah ah , as expected, I am not suitable to be a leader.”

"That's why this task must be completed by you. You are the Lord of Yanghe, you can't just be a hands-off shopkeeper." Wuming said with a smile.

Lin Renmei rolled her eyes and complained: "Then you are still the Lord of Menghe. How about you make the arrangements, and I will just be a waste."

"You, since it's hard to choose, why don't you ask Sister Weihua for her opinion?" Wuming said with a smile.

Lin Renmei said confidently: "Of course I also have my own considerations. The Realm Master is so important, how can I let Sister Weihua arrange everything? If in the future the Realm Master only listens to her and not mine, I won't be embarrassed. "

"Then take your time and make your choice, remember it's better to be less than reckless!" Wuming said in a funny tone.

In fact, if Chen Weihua is asked to arrange and recommend, many people Chen Weihua is familiar with will indeed be arranged. Lin Renmei's worries are somewhat justified.

After all, the Realm Lord is also a very powerful force. If the people below have thoughts that they shouldn't have, Lin Renmei can only tearfully deprive them of their position as Realm Lord.

This does no harm to Meng He, but the person who is deprived of the position of World Lord will undoubtedly die, and it is a great harm to the bubble world itself.

If a bubble world is repeatedly appointed as a world leader, it will become more and more fragile, and may even eventually burst and disappear.

Wuming was not prepared to interfere too much in the management of Yanghe. Since Lin Renmei was the master of Yanghe, he would definitely respect Lin Renmei's choice.

Even though Lin Renmei feels troubled and has a headache now, Wuming knows that she has actually become serious and has the consciousness to become a superior.

Otherwise, she would not leave Chen Weihua alone and spend her time here reviewing the people in the bubble world, insisting on choosing the world leader herself.

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