I Contracted Myself


Wuming and Su Jingyao accompanied Lin Renmei to select suitable candidates by the river. Suddenly, Wuming and Su Jingyao both sensed something and looked at each other.

Wuming stood up and smiled, "Okay, the little guy has woken up. Jingyao, you go take care of her. I have to go and collect gold quickly, otherwise the little guy will definitely rebel."

"Okay!" Su Jingyao nodded, and the next moment she returned to Dream Castle.

Wuming looked at Lin Renmei and comforted her, "Don't worry, take your time. The world master is not something that can be decided in a day or two. I'm leaving first."

"Well, go ahead, I'll take a look." Lin Renmei nodded.

Wuming did not disturb Lin Renmei, but instantly appeared on a farther river. A water mirror slowly protruded from the river, reflecting the pictures of different worlds.

"Xiaoxi, see which world has more ownerless gold." Wuming said.

After a moment, a world was locked. Wuming looked at it and nodded, "Then let's go with this one!"

He passed through the water mirror and instantly appeared on a mountain. At the foot of the mountain was an ancient village. Many houses had smoke rising slowly, and some early-rising villagers were feeding cows and chickens.

"It's a nice world. Let's take it back first!"

Wuming took a deep breath and said to himself with a smile.

In fact, Wuming didn't have the habit of talking to himself a long time ago. This habit was gradually developed when he was trapped in the space fragments, and then he could never change it.

At this time, all the lives living on this planet did not realize that the whole planet had been caught by the illusory palm in the next second, and then it was pulled into the dream river by the palm.

After collecting the planet, Wuming slowly walked in the sky. He walked slowly like taking a walk. The gold contained in the planet was transferred from the ground to his hands, from a small piece at the beginning to the size of a basketball, and then to the size of a water tank.

The gold grew bigger and bigger under Wuming's control and turned into various shapes. Finally, because it was too huge, Wuming took out a small bubble and put all the gold directly into the bubble.

He tossed the bubble like a ball, and gold flew into the bubble automatically from time to time.

Half an hour later, he stopped and frowned at the bubble in his hand.

Eighty percent of the gold on this planet was already in this bubble, but the amount was less than the last time.

"It's strange, it's obviously the same planet, why is there such a huge difference in gold content?" Wuming was puzzled.

Theoretically, the countless worlds in the Lashao universe have the same planet with life, it's just that the history is different, or there is a small problem in the timeline.

Why is there such a big difference in gold?

It feels like there are two earths, one with more gold reserves and the other with less gold reserves.

I don't know what went wrong.

Wuming knew that all planets were theoretically the same, so he asked Xiaoxi which world had more unowned gold. After all, not every world had a golden clan who acted as bad guys and thoughtfully collected all the gold for him to take.

Wuming had no psychological burden to rob the bad guys of their gold, but he would definitely not rob the gold of good people or ordinary people.

Wuming thought for a long time but couldn't figure out why the gold was getting less, so he simply left this world and conducted a comprehensive investigation of the planets in the bubble world.

Ten minutes later, he suddenly realized.

It turned out that a powerful gold-eating mutant beast appeared on this planet hundreds of years ago.

This guy's ability is to eat gold and convert it into other energy, but the price is that a part of the gold is permanently consumed.

In the end, the gold-eating mutant beast probably couldn't find more gold buried underground, so it simply left the planet.

In the final analysis, the gold content of this planet is not actually that high. There are many planets in the vast universe that have more gold than this planet.

Wuming sat by the river, looking at the conclusion of Xiaoxi's investigation and couldn't help thinking deeply. There is no doubt that if you only focus on this planet, no matter how much gold you have, you can't hide much.

Sure enough, if you want to get more gold, you should still look to the sea of ​​stars.

After thinking it through, Wuming simply returned to Dream Castle. He first gave the gold to Xiao Mani, but this time it was just for accounting and did not exchange anything.

After the transaction was completed, Wuming went directly to Bubble World No. 1 and commissioned the rescue team to develop a device that can find gold in space.

This kind of equipment is not difficult for the scientific researchers of the rescue team to make, but there was no need for it in the past. Now Wuming commissioned several scientific researchers to get together and it only took three hours to make the first version of the gold searcher.

Because of Wuming's bad taste, the appearance of this gold searcher is very similar to the Dragon Ball Radar in Dragon Ball. Just press the fool button, and the gold searcher will automatically search for gold in the universe, and then display the location and size of the gold.

After preparing the tools, Wuming appeared in space the next moment.

He pressed the button, and the searcher showed that there were gold in several locations in a moment.

"The closest one is the planet over there, and the farthest one is... well, I have reached the search limit of the searcher." He looked at the picture displayed on the searcher and thought to himself.

The maximum search distance of the gold searcher is one light year. Beyond one light year, the searcher is powerless.

Wuming was not very interested in planets with low gold reserves, so he simply jumped in space and instantly appeared above a planet larger than Jupiter.

In fact, there is no distinction between up, down, left, and right, but Wuming himself thinks he is on the planet.

He looked at the planet, raised one hand, and the whole planet shook instantly. Countless gold drilled out from the ground, like dense golden sands gathered together, and finally formed a violent golden tornado on the surface of the planet.

The huge gold turned into a giant dragon in the tornado, and was finally collected by Wuming into the Dream River.

Although he collected the gold of the entire planet, it was obvious that this did not have much impact on the planet itself. After the movement caused by Wuming recovered, it still rotated quietly without any change.

"Next place!"

Wuming glanced at the gold searcher, selected a direction, and disappeared again.

Not long after he left, the Dark King suddenly appeared on the planet, but after observing the planet, the Dark King did not choose to chase, but left quietly again.

Obviously, the Dark King did not want to kill Wuming again. After all, he did not kill him the first time, which did not mean that he could not kill him this time.

If he really killed Wuming by accident, he would really kneel down and beg Wuming not to die.

Wuming didn't realize that the Dark King had discovered him. He appeared on the surface of a red planet and used his ability to control gold again to collect all the gold on the planet.

But just when he collected one-tenth of the gold, beams of light shot towards him from the surface.

Is there an enemy?

Wuming waved his hand to block the attack of the beams of light, and looked surprised when he lowered his head.

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