I Contracted Myself


On the ground, a large number of red, metallic creatures were looking up at Wuming. These creatures looked a bit like a combination of crabs and spiders. They had six legs but only one eye. On their slightly raised backs, there was a glowing turbine rotating.

There was a cannon-like hole in the center of the turbine, and smoke was constantly floating out of the hole.

Obviously, the creatures below were the ones that had just shot Wuming with a beam of light.

"Metal creatures?"

Wuming immediately appeared on the ground. He walked to a large metal crab and couldn't help but knock on its leg with his hand.

Sure enough, after the knock, the leg made a metallic sound.

The large metal crab obviously didn't expect the enemy to suddenly disappear and then suddenly appear next to it. After being startled, it immediately bent its six legs and kicked, and its body immediately jumped from the ground to the back of a large metal crab next to it, and its eyes quickly locked onto Wuming.

"Ding da da, ding da da, ding da da!" At this time, the large metal crab made a strange sound.

In an instant, all the large metal crabs seemed to get the signal and turned their bodies to stare at Wuming.

"So it's an intelligent life. Hello, I'm an alien, my name is Wuming!" Wuming understood the words of the metal crab and said with a smile.

As soon as he finished speaking, all the metal crabs quickly retreated, and the ground shook for a moment, and a huge metal creature slowly walked out from behind the distant mountain.

This guy is about 150 meters tall, and its shape is similar to that of a spider crab, but the end of each long leg has a structure similar to a sledgehammer, so that every step it takes is earth-shaking.

After a moment, it walked in front of Wuming and said, "Visitors from outside the earth, why do you rob our Fakre tribe of food?"

"Food? Gold?" Wuming asked unexpectedly.

The big crab replied, "Yes, gold is our food."

"Sorry, I didn't realize that there was life on this planet at first, so I'll go to another planet." Wuming apologized immediately.

For him, there are many planets with high gold content in the universe, and there are even planets where the whole planet is gold, so he doesn't need to compete with these alien creatures for resources.

"Wait, there is actually a place with a lot of gold. If the guests from outside the earth really want gold, it would be a good choice." The big crab quickly called Wuming who was about to leave.

Wuming frowned and said, "But isn't gold your food? Since you know where there is enough gold, why don't you develop it yourself?"

"It's dangerous there, but you are very powerful. With your strength, you can definitely get more gold through there!" The big crab replied.

Wuming looked at the big crab and asked suspiciously, "How do you know I'm powerful? Look at the difference in size between you and me."

"Because of this." The big crab replied.

While it answered, it used its long legs to take a green crystal from the one-eyed one and slowly handed it to Wuming.

This crystal was small for it, but it was quite large for Wuming. However, Wuming still took the crystal with one hand, and then found that there were a lot of silver lines similar to electronic circuits inside the crystal. Finally, these silver lines formed a circle in the middle of the crystal, and there were a lot of triangles in the circle to form the shape of Bagua.

Wuming held the crystal and looked at the big crab through the crystal. Instantly, he saw a group of strange runes appear on the top of the big crab's head. Through his ability, Wuming quickly knew the meaning of this group of runes.

Level: 65.

This is a crystal that can observe the level of other creatures.

Wuming used the crystal to look at other metal crabs. Sure enough, level symbols appeared on their heads. Most metal crabs were only between 20-35 levels. If converted, they were roughly the same as high-level awakeners and top awakeners.

And the level 60 of the big crab was roughly equivalent to a high-level transcendent.

In fact, the runes displayed by the crystal were not levels, but Wuming's ability allowed these runes to be presented in a way that he could understand.

It happened that Wuming was very familiar with the awakener's system, so the runes were finally translated into the corresponding level of the awakener.

A large amount of river water appeared in Wuming's palm, and the river water instantly covered the crystal, and the river water returned to Wuming's palm in a moment.

He returned the crystal to the big crab and asked, "Can you attack me once with all your strength?"

"Yes!" the big crab agreed.

If it were a human, hearing such a strange request, he would definitely shirk responsibility or even suspect that Wuming wanted to kill someone.

But the big crab obviously didn't think of this. It murmured, and the small metal crabs around it scattered one after another. Then it locked onto Wuming, and the turbo cannon behind it instantly rotated at high speed, while plasma continued to form in the barrel.

After charging for about a second, the plasma cannon with a diameter of about five meters blasted towards Wuming.

It was very powerful, enough to easily destroy the city!

Wuming looked at the plasma cannon and judged in his heart, then he raised one hand, and the river water quickly gushed out from his palm. The plasma cannon collided with the river water and was instantly absorbed by the river water.

"It is indeed an attack at the level of a transcendent." Wuming took back the river water and said to himself.

Except for special individuals like the Moon King, the king of the Tianchang Fox clan, and super-standard individuals like Wuming, Lin Renmei, and Dugu Xingwai, most creatures that have advanced to the transcendent level can destroy a city with their full-strength attacks.

That is to say, the crystal's judgment was not wrong.

However, Wuming verified this because he found that this crystal was not simple, and it seemed to be able to put all the power of different systems into one frame.

These metal crabs are not alien beasts. Their abilities are strictly speaking the abilities of their race, which are no different from the canine teeth of dogs and the claws of cats.

If Wuming uses his ability to identify them, the conclusion he gets will definitely be different from the information given by the crystal.

This is the value of the crystal!

Wuming's eyes flickered slightly at this time. He had just copied the lines inside the crystal and now directly loaded them into his eyes.

He took out the mirror and looked at the top of his head in the mirror. Sure enough, runes appeared. After a moment, the runes twisted into: Level 213.


Wuming narrowed his eyes, put down the mirror, and said to himself.

His own appraisal of himself was level 207, but the appraisal with the ability of the crystal was level 213.

The higher the level, the harder it is to upgrade, and the gap between one level and another is often greater.

Theoretically, at his level, a difference of one level means a world of difference.

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