I Contracted Myself

【263】Special Space

At the level of awakeners, there is almost no difference between four or five levels. Some infinite-level ability users can even ignore the gap in level and fight directly at a higher level.

At the level of transcendents, a difference of three or four levels is not a big deal, and infinite-level ability users can still fight at a higher level.

But starting from the realm, the level difference will become more and more obvious, because it is really difficult to upgrade. Even Lin Renmei can only climb up step by step over decades.

Wuming was stuck for a long time at the beginning, and finally he took a different approach and became the Lord of Menghe to achieve a level leap from the original level of more than 80, directly upgrading to level 200.

Later, Menghe was continuously strengthened, especially with the addition of Lin Renmei, which made Menghe stronger, and his level was also raised to level 207.

However, judging from the results of the crystal stone ability appraisal, Lin Renmei's joining actually improved it far more than Wuming knew.

If the level of this crystal stone is really accurate, then Wuming can rely on this ability to accurately judge which enemies can be fought and which enemies cannot be provoked for the time being.

However, the premise of all this is that the information provided by the crystal is accurate enough.

"Guest, are you satisfied with my attack?" At this time, the big crab interrupted Wuming's thoughts and asked.

Wuming smiled and said, "It's a very good attack. Now let's talk about 'that' place. If it is suitable, I will consider going to see it."

"Okay, guest!" The big crab agreed immediately.

Next, the big crab told the situation of 'that place'.

That place really doesn't have a formal name. The big crab and its tribesmen directly call it 'that place'. It can also be said that the name of the place is 'that place'.

In fact, 'that place' is a super-large cave, even the big crab can walk in it.

The cave leads all the way to the center of the earth. Near the center of the earth, gold will occasionally gush out. At first, the big crab's tribesmen thought they had found a treasure, but later when the metal crabs gathered to eat gold, they were hunted.

After almost fifty metal crabs died, the big crab realized the problem. It tried to attack there, but there seemed to be a special space under the cave. Its attack had no effect on that space, so it could only warn its people to stay away from "that place".

"Special space?" Wuming was a little skeptical after listening to the big crab's story.

Could it be that this world was also affected by the great destruction, and the so-called special space was actually a fragment of another world?

If that was the case, Wuming had to think about whether to rescue these crabs.

He was not being sanctimonious, but through observation, he could determine that these big crabs were natural alien life, which could be silicon-based life or some other life, but not carbon-based life.

This is so precious!

Aliens, aliens that humans on the other side of the earth have not yet discovered!

Wuming felt that he had an obligation to preserve this race so that future generations could see what aliens looked like, and these metal crabs were very low in danger, so they could be kept in a bubble world as ornamental pets.


In fact, he just wanted to collect these rare alien creatures, and his mentality was probably similar to that of people who raise goldfish in ecological fish tanks and lizards in ecological boxes.

Finally, Wuming decided to go to that place to see the special space before making a decision.

Under the guidance of the big crab, Wuming soon came to "that place". Looking from the hole to the inside, the cave was like a big open mouth, and a long tongue extended all the way down.

"Did this cave look like this before?" Wuming couldn't help asking.

Judging from the appearance of the cave, this place is not normal.

The big crab replied: "I don't know, our tribe often migrates to find places with gold."

"In other words, you haven't been here for long?" Wuming was surprised.

The big crab nodded, and then raised a long leg, and flames could be sprayed from the bottom.


Wuming's eyes widened suddenly, and he realized that he had misunderstood the big crab's meaning.

Just now the big crab said that they often migrate. He thought that they were constantly moving around on this planet like elephants looking for water sources, but the big crab meant that they also came to this planet from other planets.

Wuming wanted to complain. What visitors from outside the earth? You all came from other planets. Why are you pretending to be the master!

But maybe it's because of different concepts.

Maybe the big crabs think that first come first served.

They came to this planet first, so now they are the masters of this planet, and Wuming is a latecomer, so he became a guest.

In any case, this planet has obviously been occupied by them.

Wuming was worried that he was thinking too much, so he asked: "How often do you migrate?"

"It depends on how much gold there is. If there is a lot, it may be once every 500 years, and if there is less, it may be once every 50 years." The big crab replied.

That's it.

It's confirmed.

Wuming thought to himself, and then followed the big crab to continue moving forward.

After entering the cave, the temperature dropped significantly. Wuming found that the red shell of the big crab gradually changed color, from red to blue.

This is really very crab-like!

Wuming complained in his heart and then asked: "How long do you live? Will you die?"

"I don't know, they haven't died, but some of their people have been killed or stoned to death." The big crab replied.

It is the oldest in the entire race. Its survival means that the entire race has a long lifespan limit. Only when it dies of old age can we determine how long its race can live.

Next, Wuming and the big crab asked and answered each other, and gradually moved deeper into the cave.

Through the questions and answers, Wuming knew that the food of the big crabs was not only gold, but other metals were also food for them, but gold was very important, just like humans need to drink water.

If they don't eat gold for a long time, they will become dull and stiff, and eventually become a pile of scrap metal.

"We're here!"

Half an hour later, the big crab stopped and said to Wuming.

Wuming looked forward, and sure enough, there were a lot of gold protruding on the wall, but the shape of these gold was too regular, and each one looked like a hexagonal bamboo shoot, which didn't look like natural gold at all.

However, Wuming didn't find the special space mentioned by the big crab.

He looked at the big crab and asked, "Where is the special space?"

The big crab pointed to the wall and replied, "It's on the wall. If you take the gold, there is a certain chance that it will be captured by the creatures in the special space."

"So magical, then I'll try it first!" Wuming said in amazement.

A special space that he couldn't detect with his strength, it was really special.

This aroused his interest.

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