I Contracted Myself

【264】Enter and kill

He walked to the wall, reached out, picked off a piece of gold, and pinched the gold. It was real!

"No response?"

Wuming put the gold away and continued to pick gold. After he picked off the gold from the entire wall, the special space that the big crab said was still not triggered.

But one thing is really interesting. After the gold was taken off, the wall was not damaged at all, and the fracture of the gold was as smooth as a mirror.

Big Crab should be no nonsense, there is indeed something weird here.

The problem is that this 'weird' doesn't seem to respond to Wuming. Wuming stood there and thought, is it because he is of a different race from the big crab, so that special space doesn't accept him?

Wuming thought for a while, and his body was gradually covered with metal coating, turning into a golden man in an instant.

He stood there and waited. According to the information provided by the big crab, the gold here was always growing, and it would pop up again after a while.

Sure enough, in less than ten minutes, another piece of gold appeared out of thin air, growing slowly like bamboo shoots.

Wuming stretched out his hand to pick off the gold, but still did not trigger any special space. After he had picked all the gold, he looked back at the big crab, and the big crab's one eye also stared at him blankly.

"Why no response?" Wuming asked.

The big crab replied: "I don't know."

"Wait, let me try another method." Wuming suddenly thought of a good idea.

He walked to the big crab's feet and asked, "Can you give me some of your body tissue?"

"Okay!" Big Crab agreed.

Then it hit its other long leg with one forelimb, knocking off some metal fragments and giving them to Wuming.

Dark river water instantly surged out of the unknown palm. After swallowing the metal fragments, his body immediately changed from a gold metal coating to a metal coating made of a big crab.

From the outside, he now looks like a bronze statue.

"I'll try again!"

Wuming said to the big crab, and then walked to the wall. When gold appeared on the wall again, he immediately picked the gold.

Suddenly, there was a ripple in space, and before he could react, he had entered a dark space, with a large number of metal crab shells not far away.

Is this coming in?

Wuming looked around,

But the visibility is not high, but it feels like a small independent space. The ground is gray, not like dirt, but like a hard-shell floor with only a layer of cement. It feels hard but brittle.

He put away the metal coating and walked leisurely to the body of the metal crab. As expected, these metal crabs only had a shell left, and everything inside was hollowed out.

This isn't right.

Wuming pinched the edge of the metal crab's body and lifted it up, feeling a little confused.

If the owner of this special space only hunts metal crabs, what did the hunters in the special space eat before metal crabs came to this planet in the past?

This is just like animals on earth, why invasive alien animals cannot be released because they have no natural enemies.

Animals everywhere have already formed a food chain. If a new animal suddenly appears, no predator will eat them because they are not in the diet of predators. This can easily lead to the proliferation of invasive animals and even lead to Local animals became extinct.

Unless this special space came with a big crab and had always used metal crabs as food, what did it eat in the past?

Wuming thought for a while, and a huge ball of light instantly appeared in his palm.

He pushed the light ball upwards. In an instant, the light ball flew upwards rapidly. At the same time, the light became more and more intense. Even though this space seemed to be able to block the spread of light, the light ball still formed a huge aperture above Wuming's head, and the progress could be greatly accelerated in an instant. Amplitude increase.

In fact, Wuming has night vision. The problem is that the darkness in this space is not the darkness of the night.

This kind of darkness is more like a curtain, blocking the sight of living things.

Suddenly, Wuming felt that something was looking at him. He suddenly raised his head and looked up. A red eye emitting scarlet light was observing him condescendingly.

In an instant, the nameless eye saw the level of this eye: level 158!

Very strong!

However, as Wuming observed, Wuming gradually showed surprise.

This is another big crab, but it is different from the big crab outside. This big crab is even bigger, and its surface is covered with golden spikes.

Wuming recognized those golden spikes when he saw them. The spikes he just picked off on the wall were actually the spikes on this big crab.


Wuming raised his hand and smiled at the big man.

Crab greeted.

In fact, from the time he discovered the big crab to the complete observation, the whole process only took a blink of an eye.

At this time, the big crab suddenly raised its forelimbs and hit Wuming from top to bottom. Obviously, it was not as smart as the big crab outside and knew to verify the enemy's strength before making a decision.

Wuming flashed to avoid the attack, and a shock wave immediately swept from the ground where the big crab was bombarded. This shock wave was very flat and spread out very fast. It was like a round knife energy that could easily cut through all kinds of things. Hard obstacles.

The remaining shells of the metal crabs were cut into various fragments after the shock wave swept over them, and then they collapsed.

"Does it not want to communicate with me, or is it simply irrational?" Wuming looked at the big crab and thought to himself.

The next moment, the big crab lowered its head sharply, the huge turbine on its back was already rotating at high speed, and the plasma cannon immediately shot towards Wuming from the muzzle.

Black river water appeared in Wuming's palm, instantly blocking the plasma cannon. Then he waved his hand, and the river water turned into silk threads that streaked through the space. The crab's forelimbs were immediately broken, and its huge body fell to the ground with a bang.

Very strong, but very weak.

Wuming's evaluation of the crab was a bit contradictory. Its strength lies in its strong attack power. With this space, it is easy to kill it at first sight. Enemies with similar strength are easily caught by it.

Weakness is in defense. Because it is too heavy, once it encounters a flexible player or an opponent with much higher attack power than it, it has almost no ability to dodge.

Wuming walked in front of the crab, and the crab immediately kicked its hind legs, leaned forward, opened its mouth and wanted to bite Wuming, but before it touched Wuming, it collided with invisible telekinesis.

"Let me see, what's wrong with you." Wuming stretched out his hand and said with a smile.

A stream of black water immediately gushed out from his palm, and in a blink of an eye, the big crab was covered by the black water. After a while, the black water gradually faded away, and Wuming also showed a look of understanding.

"Sure enough, you have to go out more to see how big the world is." Wuming looked at the big crab with a little sympathy and couldn't help talking to himself.

The next moment, he waved his hand lightly, and the big crab was directly cut in half by a thin thread of water.

As its body fell to both sides, a blue hexahedral crystal appeared in front of Wuming.

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