I Contracted Myself

【265】Super Dimension·God's Hidden Space

Have you ever seen bubbles on glass?

The birth of the world is itself a miracle, and under the big miracles, there are always some small miracles.

If most of the world is pure and flawless glass, then this world has small bubbles in the birth process.

The small bubble went through countless years, and finally formed the space where Wuming is now.

Wuming looked at the hexahedral crystal and somehow understood the origin of this space, and at the same time he also understood what the hexahedral crystal was.

This is a space crystal that contains huge energy. Once it is integrated with this crystal, it is equivalent to controlling this space.

But not everyone can handle this energy.

The big metal crab that was killed by Wuming was actually the first creature to enter this space. After it came in, it came into contact with the crystal. As a result, it was directly stretched by the huge energy. At the same time, because this force was too powerful, Its own soul or willpower was too weak, so it went crazy.

Under the influence of the space crystal, its body was severely deformed, and its appetite also underwent earth-shaking changes, from eating gold and other metals to eating only the flesh and blood of its own species.

It's like the human zombies in some science fiction works that only respond to humans.

The next story is actually not important anymore. Wuming has already guessed what happened. The pile of metal crab shells is enough to explain everything.

"Special space?"

Wuming walked to the space crystal and carefully observed the space crystal.

Perhaps because it was contaminated by the metal crab, there was a wisp of blood hidden under the blue surface. The blood strand was like a burning flame, shaking intermittently.

Something is wrong.

Wuming squinted his eyes and used analysis on the space crystal.

Then he summoned a ball of Dream River water out of thin air with one hand to cover the spar.

The moment he saw the space crystal, he got the information about its origin. Although that information was indeed self-explanatory, how did that big metal crab produce gold and know how to fish?

And the blood streaks definitely didn’t appear due to contamination from metal crabs!


When you notice bloodshot eyes, you will naturally have a strange sense of enlightenment, like 'ah, that's it.'

But if you think about it carefully, you will know that this is abnormal. Unless this space crystal has self-awareness, how could it follow his thoughts and give such a detailed explanation?

Covered by the water of the Meng River, the power of the Meng River instantly invaded the space crystal, and the original blue crystal was immediately covered with black.

When Meng He's power was about to approach the blood thread in the center of the spar, a scream of fear finally sounded from the surrounding space.

"Spare your life, spare your life, spare your life, I surrender!"

The voice was somewhat neither male nor female, very shrill and harsh, and it felt like the voice of a eunuch.

Wuming looked at the space crystal and said with a smile: "Don't keep pretending? Do you think I am that stupid crab and can be deceived by you so easily? Tell me, what are you?"

"Sir, my name is Moji, and I am also a human being. We are the same race." The bloodshot in the space crystal replied immediately.

Wuming smiled and said: "You are full of lies. I can't believe it. If you are really a human, why are you here?"

"Because I lost my body, and now I only have this space left." Moji replied.

Wuming continued to ask: "Then what is going on in this space?"

"Actually, it's my superpower." Moji replied.

Wuming suddenly stopped smiling and said calmly: "Sure enough, he is full of lies. If ordinary people are true, they will be deceived by you."

In fact, Mo Ji’s first story was written quite well, and Wu Ming almost got deceived, because Mo Ji’s story is 70% true and 30% false. If it was Wuming two years ago, he would have been 100% deceived. cheat.

"Sir, what I told is the truth, how dare I lie to you?" Moji said in horror.

Wuming looked up at the top of the space and smiled: "Do you know? Is there any difference between a naturally formed space and a space formed by superpowers?"

"What's the difference?" Mo Ji was stunned and then asked.

Wuming explained: "Generally speaking, the naturally born space comes from the same source as the main space, so the breath will be more coordinated. Also, the space created by superpowers is often uniform in thickness, while the naturally born space has a uniform thickness. space barrier

The thickness is not uniform so there tend to be some weak spots, which is why I was initially fooled. "

"It seems that you won't answer honestly even if I ask you, so I will have to use some tricks next." Wuming then smiled lightly and controlled the water of the Dream River to penetrate faster into the center of the space crystal.

When Moji realized that Wuming was serious, he immediately screamed, and the surrounding space immediately compressed like a ball of paper being crumpled.

However, Wuming didn't care about the space around him at all. A large amount of Dream River water immediately appeared around his body, and the river water instantly formed a black ball. The space and the black ball collided, forming a stalemate.

"You can't kill me. I belong to Laojun. If you kill me, Laojun will chase you to the ends of the earth." Moji screamed hysterically.

Wuming just smiled lightly, and instantly the river water submerged the blood thread, and the will in the blood thread was directly drawn out by the river water.

Menghe itself has absolute suppressive power over souls, consciousness, etc. Moji's soul is actually hidden in this space crystal. As long as the river water touches Moji's soul, Moji basically cannot have any The ability to resist.

"I see!"

Wuming closed his eyes and instantly obtained all the useful information in Moji's soul.

This Moji really didn't lie. He was indeed a human being, and he was indeed a native of this world, the planet that was taken away by Wuming before.

His superpower is very similar to the King Blood Body that Wuming used before. In the later stage, through the control of blood, he can even achieve internal circulation of oxygen.

It has to be said that this guy was born a bad guy. Because he did too many evil things in the city and accidentally got pregnant with the daughters of several strong men, he was hunted down by a large number of awakened people.

In the end, he was cornered and had no choice but to run into space.

As a result, there was a strong man who could survive in space, so the two sides escaped and chased each other, gradually moving away from the planet. By the time they realized the problem, they had lost their way in the vast space.

Later, another strong man was secretly killed by Moji while he was looking for a way home. Moji, who got a lot of 'food', survived for a while.

But the 'food' was quickly exhausted again, and just when he thought he was about to die, he discovered that this planet had air!

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