I Contracted Myself

【266】Sharpening the knife does not delay the chopping of wood

Originally, he thought that if there was air, there must be food, and even if the air was thin, there should be life.

As a result, when he entered this planet, he did not find any living creatures. Disappointed, he had to transform himself into blood to maintain his life.

When the awakened person transforms into an elemental form, he does not need to eat. If the environment is suitable, he can even achieve immortality.

In the past, Ye Changchun and Su Qingbo used this method, and Mo Ji was also prepared to use this method to prolong his life.

The problem is that the environment of this planet is not ideal. The high temperature and wind and sand constantly weaken the blood that Mo Ji has transformed into. He can only move and hide in places such as cracks in the ground and caves.

After persisting for a few days, he accidentally discovered this naturally formed space.

He occupied this space and found that the space crystal was actually linked to a super-dimensional space. It was an unimaginable magnificent world. Countless strong people entered that world through the same means, and occupied resources and divided the land in that world.

There is the super-dimensional Shenzang space!

After understanding this world, Moji was like a bumpkin who suddenly entered a big city, and his horizons were broadened.

He was determined to make a name for himself in this space, but as soon as he came into contact with people, his body was deceived and he was left with only a trace of blood.

"How miserable!"

Wuming couldn't help but complain after reading all of Moji's memories.

As for the Laojun that Moji just mentioned, it was actually just a name that Moji heard in the Shenzang space. It was said that he was a big shot, so he wanted to use the power of the tiger to see if he could scare Wuming.

After understanding all the situations, Wuming's eyes fell on the space crystal that had no owner.

In his eyes, this crystal was actually a login device, a medium that allowed him to log in to the Shenzang space.

Speaking of which, the Shenzang space is indeed magical. It is obviously the consciousness that enters that space, but in that space, a body exactly the same as the original body will be formed. If that body is injured, the self will also be injured.

Fortunately, the logger can log off at any time, and the body will disappear after logging off.

According to Moji's brief understanding, Shenzang Space is indeed worth exploring, because any small space that is naturally born will condense a space crystal.

This space crystal itself actually has nothing to do with the super-dimensional Shenzang Space. On the contrary, it is consistent with the information provided by Moji before, and can be used to control this small space.

But after Shenzang Space was created, this space crystal naturally has the function of connecting to Shenzang Space.

This is like a computer. Originally, there was no network, and the user could only operate and modify the computer itself. After the birth of Shenzang Space, it was equivalent to connecting the computer to the Internet.

Now Wuming can also surf the Internet through this space crystal.

Wuming thought about it, and the next moment a large amount of river water instantly flooded the entire space, and also swallowed the space crystal.

A moment later, he appeared in front of the wall, and the big metal crab was still waiting for him.

"Okay, the problem has been solved." Wuming said to the big metal crab.

The big crab nodded, and then his one eye flickered, and he was about to say something but stopped.

"All your compatriots have been killed." Wuming explained immediately.

The light in the crab's eyes dimmed a little, and then he said, "Did the guest get the gold?"

"No, but I found something more interesting, and I am very satisfied." Wuming smiled.

The small space that was born naturally with the world is very, very rare. So far, he has been to many worlds, but he has not found this type of space.

If Moji had not been deceived into taking away his body, he might have become a super strong man based on the small space.

After all, as the owner of that space, Moji is at least equivalent to a god in terms of status. He is almost the same as a god in the space.

Unfortunately, his mind is also not enough to carry this power.

He did not lie about this. If the metal crab can't hold it, he can't hold it either.

So he needs a scapegoat.

After the metal crab died, he wanted to confuse Wuming to replace the metal crab and become his puppet.

Because his mind or will is not strong enough, it is difficult for him to exert the real effect of space. He can only perform some very low-level operations. For example, his own superpowers do not have the effect of confusing others. He can provide various information to mislead the metal crab and Wuming, which is completely dependent on the small space.

But he is limited to this.

If he fully exerts the full power of the space, Wuming really needs to be more serious to blow him up.

Through this incident, Wuming learned two lessons, one is not to believe in inexplicable information casually, and the other is that no matter what conspiracy, as long as the power is strong enough, one punch can solve it.

Half an hour later, Wuming said goodbye to the metal crabs and left the planet.

Before he left, he invited the metal crabs to take refuge in his world. Perhaps because they did not trust each other enough, the metal crabs refused his invitation.

"I hope they can live well!"

Wuming was not too persistent. After all, the metal crabs were not human beings. If they did not accept rescue, then forget it.

Originally, he might have persuaded them a little more, after all, it was a rare 'alien creature', but through Moji's memory, he learned that there were not only humans in the Shenzang space, but also various alien races. All of a sudden, the status of the metal crab in his heart dropped from a rare endangered animal to a wild cat and dog that could be seen at any time.

Next, he was not in a hurry to explore the Shenzang space. After all, the entire small space had been integrated into the Dream River by him. He could enter the Shenzang space at any time, so he wanted to prepare more trump cards before going to such a place where dragons and snakes mixed.

Although he was not afraid of being cheated of his body like Moji, what if there was a way to steal his Dream River in the Shenzang space?

Even if this possibility was very, very, very low, he had to be on guard.

It took him a month to collect a large amount of gold in space before he returned to the Dream Castle.

In the courtyard outside the Dream Castle, Lin Renmei, Su Jingyao, and Mani were drinking afternoon tea. On their right was the magnificent Dream Castle, and on their left was the endless sea of ​​flowers outside the courtyard. The scenery was beautiful and pleasant.

"I'm back!" Wuming walked forward, asked for a chair to sit down, and greeted with a smile.

Mani's eyes lit up, put down the cake in her hand, and asked: "Brother Wuming, how much gold did you find?"

"I guarantee you'll be satisfied!" Wuming raised his thumb and wiped the cake off the corner of Mani's mouth, smiling confidently.

He went to many places this time, collected a lot of gold, and even found a planet with a gold content of more than 50%.

Although the planet was a little small, the amount of gold was absolutely amazing.

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