I Contracted Myself

【267】Village Network

A week later.

Wuming was lying in the sea of ​​flowers beside the Dream River, his consciousness connected to the superdimensional and divine space.

In an instant, he got a message:

[My dear gentlemen, because there are too many Lao Yin comparisons in the world and all the worlds, and they prefer to use substitutes, clones, and vests, which has led to the deterioration of the world and the decline of morals, so this detached person is very unhappy.

Next, this transcendent master will release a series of props and techniques specifically for the vest style as version patches. Killing one vest will kill all the vests, and you will die as well. If you don't want to die, don't use vests indiscriminately.

Ahem, I regret it!

The so-called easy break, I reset it so that if the number of vests exceeds three, this effect will be triggered. If you don't want to die, don't use too many vests.

As for this sacred space, it is a compensation for you. You can get endless cultivation resources here, and you can also get the best experience here. I wish you all can realize the great path in your heart as soon as possible. 】

A transcendent person?

What realm is this? Is there a strong master?

And what the hell is the vest style?


The Divine Treasure Space turned out to be just a compensation, so what happened?

Wuming always felt that this piece of information contained a huge amount of information, but he couldn't understand it at all.

It is true that every village is connected to the Internet, and the world outside seems to be too exciting.

Before he could continue thinking, his thoughts were suddenly stretched like noodles, and then they seemed to be crushed by huge pressure and turned into a ball.

After about thirty seconds, he felt something in his body.

He opened his eyes and saw that he was standing in a large square. From time to time, people appeared in the square, some in groups, and some people appeared and immediately greeted the people waiting on the chairs next to them.

"Cat-eared girl, kobold, holy shit... giant!"

Wuming was dazzled and realized that there were really all kinds of creatures here. He even saw a guy covered in mosaics walking on the edge of the square.

"Brother, please come here and let me introduce you to our Heavenly Father, Savior, and Cthulhu." At this time, an alien with an octopus head and a girl body came over and hugged Wuming with both hands. hand and whispered.

Wuming frowned and said, "Why did you only come to me?"

"Brother, you looked around as soon as you came in, with a curious look on your face. It must be your first time here.

Divine hidden space, right? "The octopus girl said with a smile.

If it weren't for the tentacles above her mouth that look like beards, the octopus girl would actually be quite cute.

However, Wuming calmly broke away from Octopus Girl's hand and refused: "I'm sorry, I have my own beliefs, you'd better find someone else."

After saying that, he turned around and left. Within two steps, he was attracted by the strange sight in the distance.

There is a giant black dragon entrenched in the mountains in the distance. Most of its scales are cracked, and green and fluorescent blood flows out.

Dark clouds formed a huge vortex above the black dragon's head, and thunder and lightning roared from time to time.

"Is this the legendary tribulation?"

Wuming couldn't help but think to himself, and then he remembered something, and a faint black light flashed across his eyes, and the level of the black head immediately appeared on the top of his head: level 163.

So weak!

Wuming was a little surprised. Just looking at the shape of the black dragon, he thought it was above level 200.

Then he scanned the people around him and found that everyone's levels were ups and downs. The lowest level was only more than ten levels, and the highest level was an old man with a crown on his head, level 197.

"Brother, are you feeling confused? If you are willing to get to know our Heavenly Father, Savior, and Cthulhu, I will guide you. How about it?" The octopus girl came over like chewing gum at this time. , said proudly.

Wuming looked at the top of Octopus Girl's head, she was level 33, and couldn't help but ask: "What are you talking about? Can I meet her?"

"Of course. When you see our Heavenly Father and Savior, you will definitely be impressed by His greatness!" Little Octopus nodded immediately.

After a while, Wuming followed Little Octopus to a dirty street. After walking around, they came to a basement.

The octopus girl immediately knelt in front of a statue and muttered something, looking like she was mentally ill.

Suddenly, a crack opened above the statue. Inside the crack was a green chaotic space. One eye looked through the crack at Wuming behind Octopus Girl.

Wuming also looked at the eye in the crack, and for a moment he saw the level of this eye: level 160.

So weak!

Wuming couldn't help complaining in his heart, he thought it was some kind of evil god.

When he was about to kill the big eye, suddenly the big eye seemed to realize something, the crack closed suddenly, and the octopus girl was even more...

Some kind of stimulation, after screaming, his body went limp, and he fell directly to the ground paralyzed.


Wuming looked at the octopus girl on the ground and couldn't help but take two steps back. Then the octopus girl began to leak out a large amount of transparent liquid, which gradually turned into a pool of white substance.

There is no doubt that Octopus Girl is dead.

Wuming sighed and complained: "Didn't you agree to take me with you?"

He was about to leave the basement when suddenly the door of the basement was kicked open. Several men and women wearing the same uniforms rushed in, holding prongs with lightning, and shouted: "Don't move, we respect the law of the alliance. Anyone who dares to touch will be shot to death." !”


Wuming stared blankly at these men and women who were obviously law enforcers, not knowing what to say for a moment.

From his last life to this life, he has always been a decent person. When has he ever encountered such a thing?

Fifteen minutes later.

Wuming sat in an independent cell, with a man and a woman sitting in front of him.



"How could there be no name? Resistance is strictly enforced!"

"My name is Wuming!"

"Who are you kidding? I can tell it's a fake name as soon as I hear it. I tell you, this is called obstruction of law enforcement!"

"Boss, his real name is Wuming, and the seal of truth has passed."

"Ahem, gender?"

"Male, sometimes female."



"Do you know why you came in?"

"I don't know. This is my first time in the Shenzang space. I'm a rookie."

The male and female law enforcers immediately showed an expression of "I knew it" after hearing Wuming's words.

The female law enforcer said, "In the area ruled by the Zunmeng, you cannot spread beliefs that distort the will of others or violate the hearts of others. Fortunately, the evil god did not appear, otherwise you would have become a madman."

"I see, then I should have done nothing wrong, right?" Wuming nodded.

The male law enforcer said calmly, "It is not certain whether you are an accomplice yet. Let's wait until the investigation is clear."

"Don't worry, in this case, you can leave after staying here for 24 hours." The female law enforcer comforted.

Next, Wuming continued to ask various questions. The male law enforcer kept a straight face, while the female law enforcer was easier to talk to. She answered some of the more common questions one by one.

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