I Contracted Myself

【268】Afu Great God and Sweet Potato God

In fact, Zunmeng is just the abbreviation, the full name is Tianzun Alliance.

This is a force formed by the joint efforts of four great gods. It rules four areas in the Shenzang space. These four areas are named by the great gods respectively: red area, blue area, golden area and black area.

Generally, humans, demi-humans, and humanoid creatures will enter the sacred space for the first time in the blue area.

The area where Wuming is currently located is the novice city in the blue area, Xinding City.

Because new people often come into Xinding City, the city is very dynamic, but at the same time there are many hidden dangers. Some evil forces will try to spread beliefs and distort the hearts of new people.

This kind of evil force is the target that the Xinding City law enforcement team has been sparing no effort to combat.

24 hours later, Wuming had a happy chat with the female law enforcer and was reluctantly released.

After bidding farewell to the female law enforcer, Wuming said to himself as he walked: "According to Guan Ling's suggestion, I'd better go to the resource tower now."

Guan Ling is the name of the female law enforcer.

She just told Wuming that the most important thing for newbies who enter the Shenzang Space is to have starting capital. If you are confident in your own strength, then go to the resource tower first and buy some resources in the resource tower in exchange for starting capital. funds.

If you don't have enough confidence in your own abilities, you can try your luck in some stores and work as a waiter first to make some money.

Resource Tower is actually just a nickname given to the tower by people in the Shenzang Space. Its name is actually Endless Tower. The resources inside are truly unlimited. As long as the strength reaches the standard, you can obtain the resources.

Of course, the resource tower also has rules, that is, every one hundred years, the challenger must make progress, otherwise in the next hundred years, he can only get a guarantee. Only practitioners who have improved their strength can get more resources. .

There is a saying in all the worlds that "wealth couples are bound to the earth". The so-called wealth is actually resources.

Precisely because resources are readily available in the Divine Treasure Space, for practitioners, the remaining ‘Land of Companion’ has become a must-have for everyone.

Couple does not just refer to lovers, but can also be comrades who can trust each other behind the scenes, or people who share the same goals.

Dharma, in the smallest sense, can be spells and magic; in the middle sense, it can be exercises and meditation methods; in the greater sense, it can be physical exercise.

Department, road.

Land, this is best understood, that is the territory, the blessed land.

Although the sacred space is vast and has countless unclaimed lands, those unowned lands are often inhabited by various terrifying monsters. Only by killing those terrifying monsters can those areas be purified and creatures can live and practice. territory.

The area under the rule of the Zunmeng will provide a large amount of resources to the great gods and deities every day. Even if they do not go to the resource tower, these resources alone are completely sufficient for cultivation.

However, these are too far away for Wuming. The most important thing for him now is to gather resources first, and then slowly understand the Divine Tibetan Space to see if he can find a way to continue to improve his strength in the Divine Tibetan Space.

After all, he is too weak now and can only hold out for one second in front of the King of Darkness at full combat power.

And the King of Darkness is only tyrannical in the Lashao Universe. In the wider world, it is probably nothing. After all, the world is so big, there must be many people, and there is no telling how many images there are in the Divine Tibetan Space. A strong man like the King of Darkness.

Wuming felt that it would be better for him to keep a low profile. When he matured and solved the King of Darkness, he could then slowly manage everything related to the Divine Tibetan Space and win over all the wealthy couples.

Half an hour later, Wuming came to the resource tower.

The Resource Tower is a bit like a Buddhist pagoda, but it is very majestic. It is almost nine thousand meters high. Standing in front of the Resource Tower, you feel extremely oppressive.

"Brother, is this your first time here?" At this time, a young man with yellow hair saw Wuming looking up at the resource tower, as if he wanted to see the top of the tower, so he stepped forward and asked.

Wuming nodded and said, "Well, it's really majestic."

"Haha, the resource tower is a gift from the gods, so it is naturally unimaginable. But are you interested in knowing a little bit about the power that is right in front of you?" The yellow-haired young man said with a hearty smile.

Wuming looked away from the resource tower, looked at the yellow-haired young man, and asked, "What power?"

"Of course it is the final judgment of the gods, God Afu!" The yellow-haired young man said in a low and deep voice. He stared at Wuming and continued: "Understand that God Afu is the eternal savior of weak people like us. Only Only by believing in God Afu can you have the opportunity to be as transcendent as that great being!”

Wuming suddenly realized that he was another pyramid schemer.

He calmly moved the small card in his pocket and continued to ask: "Ah

Can God Fu really give us strength? "

"Brother, don't be deceived by him. We, the Sweet Potato God, are the only gods who show mercy to all living beings, and we believe in the Sweet Potato God. As long as you eat sweet potatoes, you will gain strength!" A character who looked very much like the Big Sweet Potato in Old Master At this time He came over and said seriously.

Wuming looked at the two of them. He originally planned to continue to induce them to reveal more information, but finally he couldn't bear it anymore. He complained: "Afu, Fanshu... Do you think I look like an idiot?"

Forget about Cthulhu, at least it sounds like the same thing. What kind of genius named Afu and Sweet Potato God?

"Boy, how dare you speak rudely to Master Afu!!!"

"Boy, you actually blasphemed the Sweet Potato God. You will die miserably, miserably!"

The yellow-haired young man and the middle-aged sweet potato man were furious when they heard Wuming's complaints. They looked at Wuming unkindly and shouted angrily.

However, just when the two were about to take action, a team of law enforcers rushed out from the crowd in the distance. The two of them suddenly changed their faces and turned to run in different directions.

"Don't rush to leave. At most, I will apologize and talk about the matter of Afu God and Sweet Potato God." Wuming said with a smile at this time.

The yellow-haired young man and the middle-aged sweet potato man realized that no matter how they ran, they were standing still. The two looked at each other and realized that they had hit a wall.

"See you again, Miss Guan Ling!" Wuming turned to look at Guan Ling who led the team and greeted her with a smile.

Guan Ling smiled and said, "I knew that you must be attracting bees and butterflies now. I didn't expect to catch two of them. Tell me about their situation."


Wuming smiled and told Guan Ling about the yellow-haired young man's 'Afu God' and the middle-aged sweet potato 'Sweet Potato God'. Unexpectedly, Guan Ling immediately became serious.

"It turned out to be people from the Ahfu Cult and the Sweet Potato Cult, damn it!" Guan Ling said with a straight face.

Then she told Wuming that these two sects were the ones that the Zunmeng had been attacking. The problem was that these people were actually cannon fodder. The people behind them controlled a lot of space crystals. When these people died, they would replace them with a new batch, and they kept killing new people like this.

The purpose of the people behind these two sects was to cheat more space crystals and slowly develop their power in the real world. When there were enough space crystals, they would directly teleport a large number of people at once to launch an offensive against the Zunmeng.

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