I Contracted Myself

【269】Resource Tower

"Miss Guan Ling, the question is, do people really believe in things like the Great God Ah Fu and the Sweet Potato God?" Wuming looked at Guan Ling in disbelief, and the only feeling in his heart was that it was ridiculous.

Guan Ling smiled bitterly and said: "Don't you think it's ridiculous? The problem is that the world is full of wonders. Some people who just come in by chance may still be confused. Once they really join these forces and are mastered of their own spatial coordinates, then follow There’s no difference in the fish on the chopping board.”

"Sure enough, the urban routine is still too deep." Wuming sighed.

Obviously, whether it is God Afu or God of Sweet Potato, those are names given randomly by people, but they can trick people. People who have just gained access to the Internet in their entire village are particularly vulnerable to this trap.

"Okay, I'm going to escort him back for interrogation. This is your bonus!" Guan Ling said sternly when she saw that the young man with yellow hair and the middle-aged sweet potato were handcuffed.

Anonymous reporting is naturally not free.

At the Law Enforcement Bureau, he accepted Guan Ling's commission. If he discovered such evil forces, he could report them to her, and he would be rewarded with 200 resource coins for each one found.

Resource coins are the special currency of Shenzang Space. They can be directly exchanged for resources and then used to purchase some special services of Shenzang Space.

However, it is generally not recommended to directly exchange resources for resource coins, because there are many shops in Shenzang Space that specialize in purchasing various cultivation resources, and the exchange rate is much higher than exchanging them directly from Shenzang Space.

Wuming's subordinate gave him 400 resource coins and said with a smile: "Happy cooperation!"

"Be careful, some believers are not weak. If they find you contacting the law enforcement bureau, they may take risks and kill you and log off immediately." Guan Ling saw Wuming smiling so brightly and her smile was so clear, she couldn't help but feel soft. , a word of caution.

After all, young people with such a pure temperament are rare. The last time Guan Ling saw such a young man was tens of thousands of years ago.

Wuming glanced at the rank above Guan Ling's head, smiled and nodded, "Well, thank you."

He watched Guan Ling leave, then turned and walked towards the resource tower.

The resource tower has no door, and the space inside is an independent space. Even if countless people enter the resource tower at the same time, they will be transported to different spaces in the end.

Wuming entered the resource tower and appeared in a very Japanese-style room in an instant. The floor was covered with tatami mats, and there was even very classic Japanese music coming from all around.

At this time, in front of Wuming

A translucent light curtain appeared, with the words: Welcome new challenger, first level, Wind-Slaying Samurai*20, Elite Wind Samurai*1, please prepare to fight.

"That is to say, the first level is 20 Wind-Destroying Warriors and 1 Gale Wind Warrior." Wuming took a look and thought to himself.

The next moment, the light curtain dissipated, and masked samurai began to appear around the tatami. They held swords in their hands and watched Wuming eagerly.


Wuming glanced at these wind-cutting warriors and felt speechless.

The levels displayed on the heads of these wind-cutting warriors are all 0. To put it simply, they are not even extraordinary, they are just ordinary humans.

Wuming waved his hand lightly, without even using his abilities. The wind pressure instantly crushed the surrounding warriors into pulp.

Then a more burly warrior appeared. The level displayed above his head was 1, which meant that this elite had been exposed to extraordinary abilities, but it was hard to say how strong they were.

Wuming did not rush to kill these gale warriors, but waved to the gale warriors and said with a smile: "Come, let me see your strength!"

The first level is obviously a level prepared for ordinary people who are lucky enough to have no experience with the extraordinary.

Because it was his first time to break through the level, he also started from the first level.

Theoretically, this level should be a very standard level for the peak mortals and those who have just entered the extraordinary level. Those lucky people who work for a period of time and get some resources to practice can easily break through this level.

The Gale Warrior looked at Wuming solemnly, suddenly he accelerated sharply, ran in front of Wuming and drew his sword to kill him.

His running speed has exceeded the limit of ordinary people, and the distance of 100 meters only takes a few seconds.

Wuming blocked the katana with one finger and said suddenly: "So this is the standard entry-level level for extraordinary beings. If you put it this way, there are many people among the Awakened who cannot be considered extraordinary at all, even if they have superpowers."

At this time, the Gale Warrior retreated sharply, sheathed the sword, then drew the sword and swung it at Wuming, and an invisible sword energy immediately slashed towards Wuming.

"There are also long-range attacks!"

Wuming looked at the sword attack in surprise.

However, the sword energy was too weak, and it felt like a gentle breeze caressing his face when it fell on him, without even cutting off his clothes.

Next, the Gale Warrior continued to attack from different angles, with just a few moves back and forth. His sword skills were extremely impressive.

It's actually not bad, but the problem is that it can't break through Wuming's defense, and the long-range weapon only has one move of sword energy, but the sword energy is too weak and it's useless.

"Okay, it's time to end."

After Wuming fully understood what the true extraordinary strength was, he smiled and said to the Gale Warrior.

Sure enough, the Gale Warrior clearly felt the murderous intent. He immediately stepped back quickly, and was then sneezed to death by Wuming.

The next moment, Wuming felt the space around him change rapidly, and in the blink of an eye he appeared in a wilderness.

The light curtain appears again: Level 60, Wild Demon Wolf*20, Demon Wolf King*1, please prepare to fight.

Wuming looked at it and suddenly understood. Obviously the resource tower will also screen the strength of the challengers, and then arrange higher levels based on their performance.

I just don’t know if there will be rewards for the following levels.

That's right.

How are the rewards of the resource tower calculated?

Is it calculated based on how many levels you have passed, or based on the level you are in?

Wuming scratched the back of his head. He had not thought of this level just now. If he had thought of it, he would have simply asked Guan Ling.

Now he can only continue to fight upwards. He will know the answer after the fight.

At this time, the light curtain disappeared, and a large number of giant wolves with a body size of nearly five meters appeared in the wilderness.

Wuming looked around and found that the level of these giant wolves was exactly level 60, which means that the number of floors of the resource tower actually corresponds to the level of the monsters.

His current level is 213, and theoretically he should be able to reach the 213th floor.

"Then let's give it a try!"

After Wuming understood the general rules, he smiled and said to himself.

In an instant, the surrounding giant wolves approached at a very fast speed. They seemed to be very good at group combat. When they approached Wuming, they would continue to shuttle among the wolves, making it difficult for each wolf to be locked.

Unfortunately, their opponent Wuming was too high in level, and they were not capable of hunting him at all. In an instant, a thin black line swept across, and all the giant wolves were split in two in the blink of an eye.

The giant wolves fell one after another, and their bodies quickly turned into particles and dissipated.

Then a giant wolf nearly six meters tall appeared. This was probably the boss of this floor, the Demon Wolf King.

Wuming looked at the top of the Demon Wolf King's head and found that the Demon Wolf King's level was also 60.

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