I Contracted Myself


It seems that on the first level, the designer should have let things go.

If all the enemies on the first level are level 1, it is really impossible for those who have just come into contact with the Shenzang Space to clear the level in a short time.

And not being able to clear the level in a short time means there will be many variables.

This is obviously not the result that the designer wanted to see, so all the mobs on the first level are level 0, and only the elites are level 1.

Many people may ask, in this case, the designer is letting loose on the 60th floor. After all, the mobs are level 60 and the BOSS is also level 60. The BOSS is obviously easier to defeat.

But in fact, the mobs on this level are not weak, and the Demon Wolf King is stronger.

If the mob has just reached level 60, then this demon wolf king has reached the peak of level 60. Although the two appear to be of the same level, in fact the gap is not small.

If a real level 60 challenger comes to fight the 60th floor, it is naturally impossible to harvest all the mobs instantly like Wuming. The mobs alone will consume a lot of their physical strength and energy. By the time they defeat the Demon Wolf King, they are no longer in their prime. , it’s hard to say whether he can defeat the intact Demon Wolf King.

This level is actually quite difficult.

Of course, the above is only for people at level 60, and for Wuming, it is just a matter of waving a hand.

He waved his hand, and the Demon Wolf King was immediately torn into pieces by black threads, and the battle ended before the attack even started.

"How many floors will be next?"

Wuming felt a little curious, and the space around him changed again.

This time it was a huge arena, surrounded by spectators like a gladiatorial arena.

Obviously, the resource tower not only tests the combat effectiveness, but also tests the challenger's character. Some people have very strong combat effectiveness, but when faced with a large number of melon-eating people watching, they will not be able to let go, so that their combat effectiveness plummets.

Such is the case with this level.

Wuming looked at the audience around him, and the next moment a light curtain appeared in front of him: Level 99, Fighter*1, Grandmaster*1, please prepare to fight.

Ninety-ninth floor?

Maybe it’s because there is a qualitative change on the 100th floor, so first block the challenger on the 99th floor to prevent the challenger from being defeated?

Wuming secretly wondered about the designer's design ideas, and then looked at his opponent.

This time there are only two opponents, but these two people are obviously stronger than the beasts. After all, the beasts can only use their bodies to fight, but humans are different. Humans can learn various fighting skills and develop various magical abilities, which are far more powerful than beasts. More troublesome.

The light curtain dispersed, and a middle-aged man wearing a training suit immediately appeared on the opposite side of the ring.

Wuming looked at the opponent's head, and sure enough, the level was exactly 99.

A martial artist?

I don’t know what the fighting style is like.

Although Wuming had seen various superpowers in the Lashao Universe in the past, everyone was in the same system, so he was already used to them.

But the power in the divine treasure space included all kinds of systems in the world, and he really didn't know how the martial artist would fight.

Suddenly, two air balls appeared in the hands of the martial artist. He roared and immediately threw the two air balls towards Wuming. Wuming avoided one of the air balls and then caught the other air ball with his palms.

His hands were unprotected, and when they touched the air mass, he immediately felt a sensation similar to needle pricks.

The dense spikes rubbed against his palm, and it even felt like an electric shock.

The attack power of this air mass is very strong and its destructive power is extremely high.

Wuming made a judgment in his mind, and then crushed the air ball into pieces. In an instant, the air suddenly dispersed and seemed to merge with the air.

so amazing!

Wuming tried to find the dissipated Qi, and found that the Qi had really assimilated with the air.

In this case, if it were a superpower, there would definitely be some residual energy left behind, and it would even disperse and wander in the space in the form of special energy.

"Qigong Cannon!"

The middle-aged martial artist straddled his legs, put his hands together and fired a light cannon at Wuming.

Obviously, he saw that his temptation was completely ineffective, so he simply chose to take action with all his strength.

Instead of being slowly consumed, it is better to give it all and give the strongest blow in the best condition. If he still loses, then he has nothing to say.

"I see."

Wuming looked at the familiar light cannons and had a vague understanding in his heart, guessing the martial artist's system.

He avoided the attack of the light cannon, appeared directly behind the martial artist, and knocked the martial artist unconscious with a hand knife. But he didn't want to kill anyone. The problem was that the martial artist was not a human being at all. After falling unconscious, the martial artist's body quickly turned into points of light and dispersed.

So who will be the next Grandmaster?

Wuming returned to his original seat with some anticipation, and the next moment an old man with gray hair and a childish face appeared opposite him.

"My dear Wuming, I wonder who you are?" Wuming asked tentatively.

The old man smiled and said: "Old Taoist Zhang Sanfeng, please teach me!"

"That's offending!"

Nameless response

Said, the next moment he appeared in front of the old man and punched quickly.

He did not attack with all his strength, but suppressed 99% of his own strength. After all, the old man in front of him may be far inferior to him, but he may be stronger than him in other aspects.

Sure enough, Zhang Sanfeng's hands also moved at an extremely fast speed. The surrounding space seemed to be stirred up by his hands. All the power from the nameless fist was directed into the air, gradually forming a rapidly rotating wind wall centered on the two of them.

Is Zhang Sanfeng from the extraordinary world so arrogant?

Wuming was a little surprised, and then he increased the speed of punching, but gradually he found that Zhang Sanfeng's power had begun to overwhelm him, and every time he punched, the recoil force offset 30%.

"The wind wall around!"

Wuming immediately realized that this wind wall was not a superfluous existence caused by Zhang Sanfeng's force unloading, but a part of Zhang Sanfeng's power.

Now he was not fighting Zhang Sanfeng, but he was competing with the wind wall, and Zhang Sanfeng was just guiding his power and the wind wall together.

This ability is too damn.

Wuming gritted his teeth and increased his strength, gradually releasing his own strength, but the wind wall was also getting stronger. After his power was offset by the wind wall, Zhang Sanfeng could already guide the remaining power, so he strengthened another wave of wind wall, and then used the wind wall to block his more powerful attack.

Theoretically, as long as Wuming could not launch an attack far beyond what Zhang Sanfeng and the wind wall could withstand in an instant, Zhang Sanfeng would be 100% invincible.


If that's the case, then when Zhang Sanfeng fights on a planet, can't he also use the power of the planet's rotation, or even gravity to fight?

Wuming looked at the smiling Zhang Sanfeng, and for a moment he felt that Zhang Sanfeng was a little unfathomable.

But at this moment, Zhang Sanfeng's arm suddenly made a slight crisp sound, so that his hand trembled for a moment.

Wuming's fist had just been thrown, so this punch hit Zhang Sanfeng's elbow.

Because of his shaking hand, Zhang Sanfeng was unable to unload the force and was knocked back by this punch, and then he hit the high-speed rotating wind wall behind him.

The speed of this wind wall is very fast. His collision is more serious than hitting a high-speed subway. His body was deformed immediately, and after a mouthful of blood spurted out, his body was twisted into a ball by the huge force.

Wuming just wanted to save people, but they had already turned into light spots and scattered.


Wuming looked at the light spots with a little regret. He wanted to ask the other party how he did it, but it was a pity.

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