I Contracted Myself

【271】Horned Wizard

Next, Wuming entered the next level, which was the hundredth level.

The opponent's level finally reached 100, but Wuming tested it and then ended the battle with one punch.

Later, he experienced battles from the 150th to the 180th floor, but the battle process was lackluster, not even as interesting as the opponent on the 99th floor.

The main reason is that except for the fact that these opponents are more powerful than the ninety-nine level in terms of life essence, the fighting has no special features. It is purely about flying bricks with great force to overwhelm people.

Wuming himself used great force to fly bricks, while others used the same method as him. Their life essence was not as powerful as his, so naturally they couldn't arouse his interest.

Especially when encountering non-humanoid opponents, he could at most understand the characteristics of such creatures and then kill them directly.

Finally, in the blink of an eye, he reached level 199, which was obviously another big level.

The surrounding space suddenly changed, and the original grassland immediately turned into black mud. At the same time, a high tower appeared in the distance. At the top of the tower was a huge space crack, with countless giant snakes twisting in the crack.

The next moment, a light curtain appeared in front of you: Level 199, Horn Wizard*1, Evil Eye Mage*1, please prepare to fight.

wizard? Mage?

Wuming's eyes lit up slightly, and he was a little curious. What is the difference between a wizard and a mage?

Suddenly the light curtain dispersed, and a man wearing a black robe and a horn mask appeared in front of Wuming. He was holding a spiral cane, with a snake with wings on the top of the cane.

It was obvious that he was the Horned Wizard.

When Wuming saw the horned wizard, the next moment the horned wizard launched an attack without any sense of martial ethics.

Big crack in the sky to solve the problem!

The dense invisible ripples started from behind the horned wizard and slashed toward Wuming instantly.

Wuming raised his hand and punched out, and a large amount of black water formed a vortex in front of him. Invisible ripples mixed with the vortex, and suddenly fine cracks appeared in the surrounding space.

This ox-horn wizard is very powerful. If he encountered Wuming from the past, this move could tear Wuming into pieces in an instant.

"Is there another level?"

Wuming watched the space cracks around him being repaired instantly and said to himself.

The space of the resource tower is naturally not that fragile, and can even be strengthened infinitely if necessary. It is simply impossible to break this space.

The space crack just now was only the first layer of space. After the crack appeared in the space, Wuming was keenly aware that there was another layer of space beyond the space.

It is estimated that the space of the entire resource tower is

Like an onion, even if he peels off one layer, there is still another layer.

As for why it is designed like this, Wuming guesses that it is to take care of some challengers with space abilities. After all, the space is too solid, and some challengers who use space abilities will be greatly reduced in strength.

At this time, the horned wizard inserted his cane into the ground silently, and then dense black energy gushes out from the ground, and in a blink of an eye, four huge black energy snakes formed around Wuming.

The black snake corrodes the energy wave!

The four big snakes lowered their heads at the same time, opened their mouths towards Wuming, and spewed out terrifying black energy.

Wuming raised his hand, and black water immediately gushed out from his palm. In the blink of an eye, it spun around his head to form a shield. Then, the shield suddenly thrust out four black spikes. In an instant, the four black snakes were hit by the spikes. middle.

The form of black water is ever-changing, especially when controlled by Wuming, it can be completely changed according to the heart.

After those spikes hit the black air snake, they bloomed like petals and quickly swallowed the black air snake.

However, the Horn Wizard not only did not immediately stop the supply of black energy, but instead increased the output when he realized that he was absorbing the black energy. The black energy seemed to be endless, constantly emerging from the earth.

These black energies are essentially death energies full of negative emotions. They can only be formed after the death of a person who has suffered extreme abuse and is filled with dissatisfaction, hatred, anger, and unwillingness.

Any creature that absorbs too much of this aura will end badly.

Although the Horned Wizard seems to be a monster in the resource tower, in fact he has a prototype, a complete copy of a strong man in the past, and contains the knowledge and wisdom of that strong man.

Seeing Wuming absorbing this extreme death energy without hesitation, he wished that Wuming could absorb more of it. Only the resource tower would have such endless extreme death energy for him to squander. Anyway, he watched Wuming absorb a little of this death energy. Not even distressed.

Suck it! Suck it! Suck it!

The more you suck now, the more painful it will be when you explode, and the more regret you will have.

The horned wizard looked at Wuming and secretly laughed at Wuming's ignorance and arrogance.

But half an hour later, the expression under his mask became a little weird. Because Wuming was still sucking, he finally couldn't help but said: "The death energy here is not a resource. You will naturally recycle it when you reach the next level. Don't you?" Any benefit will come from it.”

"Ah? You can speak?" Wuming was stunned for a moment, and then said unexpectedly.

The horned wizard gritted his teeth and said, "I'm not a monster, so how could I not be able to speak?"

"But you didn't speak just now. I thought you were mute or mentally disturbed." Wuming shrugged and said very innocently.

The horn wizard's face darkened and he said coldly: "Don't waste time. If you can pass this level, the rewarded resources will naturally be exchanged for death energy!"

After saying that, he waved his hand and the four black energy snakes disappeared immediately.

"Can I ask a question? What is the difference between a wizard and a mage?" Wuming asked curiously.

The horned wizard did not answer, but pulled out the cane on the ground. The next moment, he launched a big move. The ground suddenly exploded, and a huge bone hand rose from the ground and swept directly towards Wuming.

Wherever this hand passed, the space exploded layer by layer, looking like layers of irregular broken glass.

Just looking at the momentum, Wuming knew that this move was definitely powerful.

Generally speaking, if the space can be broken, there are not many things in the material world that are threatening, even black holes, the threat is very low.

At this time, the two sides are competing for the level of power. Whoever is stronger will win. The fancy abilities are useful, but they are not as useful as before.

Wuming has seen the power of the Dark King, so he naturally understands this. When he saw this hand, he actually realized something.

This hand is very complicated, but all the power is actually unified. Any other abilities are to assist the final power and finally push the power to a higher level.

"Interesting, this is a good direction."

Wuming smiled and raised his hand. In an instant, a huge black hand appeared out of thin air and punched out from the front.

The huge bone hand collided with the black hand, and the whole space exploded directly. Then Wuming and the bull-horned wizard fell to the next layer of space, and then the space continued to crack and rotate like a kaleidoscope.

Wuming froze himself in mid-air, looked at the bull-horned wizard in the distance, and smiled: "Before you die, can you tell me what this move is called?"

"The powerful bull demon's palm!"

The bull-horned wizard suddenly opened his eyes wide, then regained his calm and slowly said the name of this move.

The next moment, the space behind him exploded, and his body also had dense cracks.

With a crisp sound, his body completely shattered, and finally turned into a light spot and disappeared.

After Wuming's punch collided with the bone hand, it not only shattered the space, but also transmitted the power to various places. After the space collapsed, each space should essentially become an independent small space, but because there is a space at the next level to back it up, many spaces are connected in series.

Because of this calculation, the aftermath of the nameless attack passed through these connected attacks and finally dealt a fatal blow to the Horned Wizard.

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