I Contracted Myself

【272】Seeking outside is witchcraft, seeking inside is the law

Once the horn wizard was defeated, the surrounding space rotated like flowers, quickly pieced together, and the shattered space was repaired in the blink of an eye.

Wuming also landed on the black earth again. He looked at the tower in the distance, curious about what the next mage would do.

Evil Eye Mage.

The name alone doesn't sound like a serious character.

However, the Evil Eye Mage who appeared next was beyond Wuming's expectations.

The surrounding space wavered slightly, and an old man with a white beard wearing a white suit appeared opposite Wuming. He also wore a hat with a golden eye painted on it.

"Little friend, please give me some advice!" Evil Eye Mage also narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.

Wuming quickly said: "Please give me more advice."

Then he was hit by a ray of light, and his whole body instantly flew backwards. After landing, he rolled several times before stopping.

Before he could react, dense beams of light were blasted from different angles, and he was hit everywhere like a ball, with tiny cracks everywhere on his body.

There is no doubt that the evil eye mage's fighting style is to never stop once he starts, and to kill the target with a continuous offensive.

This move is very scary for most people who are not as strong as him, or even a little stronger than him, but for Wuming, this move is a bit painful.

The evil eye mage's level is level 199, while his level is level 213. There is a full 14 levels difference between the two. The higher the level, the bigger the gap becomes at each level.

Although the difference between the two seems to be 14 levels, which is not very much, the actual situation is that one is in the sky and the other is on the ground.

As Wuming's body was continuously bombarded by the beams, the cracks were gradually filled with black river water. After his whole body was attacked all over, his body had turned black.

The beam of light falling on him only caused ripples in the black river water, but he didn't even move.

He got up from the ground, looked at the eyes in the sky, and sighed: "It was really a terrible attack. If it were me in the past, I might have been bombarded to death like this."

"It's a pity that it's just a show effect for today's kids." Evil Eye Mage said with a helpless smile.

Wuming instantly appeared in front of Master Xieyan and said with a smile: "Then it's your turn

Me! "

He punched out, and the Evil Eye Mage suddenly retreated. A terrifying force continued to pass forward through the space. His abdomen twisted into a ball, and his suit exploded.

"The scapegoat!"

The evil eye mage gritted his teeth, and suddenly raised a hand to hold it in the air. An eye flying in the sky suddenly exploded, and a large amount of black water gushes out.

The nameless attack was actually neutralized.

"It's really scary."

Master Xieyan looked at his abdomen, and there was a sunken fist mark on the strong muscles.

Although he is a mage, he is not the physically weak mage in the game. In fact, his physique is very powerful, otherwise he would not be able to accommodate his huge soul and terrifying mental power.

Wuming's punch almost blew his body alive. Although he could still continue to fight in his soul form, he was definitely not as powerful as when he had a body.

"What an interesting battle!" Wuming laughed at this time.

He was very satisfied with this battle, because the Evil Eye Mage was not only powerful in strength, but also combined his own uniqueness to form an interesting fighting style.

Although the Dark King's fighting style is purely powerful, it is not suitable for Wuming. Now the Evil Eye Mage's fighting style is more suitable for him, but he has not yet figured out how to fight in the future.

Now when he fights, he actually relies purely on Meng He's strength. It's like flying bricks with great force. It's better against people who are weaker than him, but it's hard to say the effect against opponents who are similar in strength to him.

"Can I ask a question?"

Wuming looked at the Evil Eye Mage at this moment and slowly spoke.

The muscles in Master Xieyan's abdomen twisted for a while, and the sunken area quickly returned to its original full state. He touched his white beard and said with a smile: "My friend, please ask."

"What's the difference between a wizard and a mage?" Wuming asked.

He just asked the horned wizard, but unfortunately the horned wizard didn't like to talk, so he didn't answer him.

Although this old man with a white beard is an old man, he can tell at a glance that he understands people and the world, and he may not be willing to answer.

"Haha, it seems that my friend is not from the cultivation world, otherwise I wouldn't ask this question." Master Xieyan said with a smile after hearing Wuming's words.


Wuming suddenly said: "It seems that this is common sense to people outside?"

"Yes, the difference between wizards and mages is that wizards seek from the outside, while mages seek from within. Their wizards seek rules and truth from all the worlds, and then arm themselves with rules and truth to strive for strength. And we The mage digs power from the depths of his own heart and soul, pursues his true self through meditation, and constantly improves his own essence, thereby strengthening himself," Mage Xieyan said with a smile.

One seeks from outside and the other seeks from within.

After hearing this, Wuming suddenly realized that because they were two completely different paths, although the wizard's fighting style was very similar to that of the mage, their names were completely different.

"It's really interesting. It's really great to be here." Wuming couldn't help laughing for a while.

He likes the divine hidden space so much. It not only allows him to see a wider world, but also allows him to see countless interesting systems.

These systems may not have high potential, and may have various drawbacks.

But compared to the deadness of the Lashao Universe, he still prefers the vigorous vitality of the flowers blooming here.

"As long as you are satisfied, let's fight it out next. I will also use my strongest form." The evil eye wizard smiled.

He saw Wuming's happiness, and he had such happy times before.

When he stood out from his own small world and came into contact with the vast world outside, he was also obsessed with the beauty of the world and its infinite tolerance.

It seems that any system can find a home in the infinite world, and any ability can shine its own light.

Creatures that have never been seen, food that has never been eaten, sounds that have never been heard, colors that have never been seen, rules that have never been encountered, planets that have never been set foot on...

If you are trapped in a cage, what's the point of immortality?

You may not feel disgusted if you live for a thousand years, but what about ten thousand years, ten million years? Even imagine that infinite time is locked in a cage.

So he understands the happiness of being out of the cage.

But even though he understood it, the battle had to continue. After all, all that was left here was just a thought of his. If it hadn't been so long since anyone challenged this level, he would have almost forgotten that he had such an identity.

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