I Contracted Myself

【273】Enough is enough

In the divine space, in an antique store in the blue area, the store manager who was dozing off suddenly opened his eyes.

He took off the glasses hanging on the bridge of his nose and wiped them gently with a cloth. He couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly. His clone in the Resource Tower actually lost. Although he didn't know who the opponent was or what he looked like, he Know you lost.

When the Resource Tower was opened, he was one of the first challengers and the first to reach the 199th floor.

Although he failed in the challenge of the 200th floor in the end, as the first passer, he had several special rewards. One of them was that he could keep a clone with the same strength as himself as the guard of the 199th floor, allowing him to challenge Those who come to challenge.

If the challenger passes, all his rewards for the month will be lost. If the challenger is defeated, his rewards for the month will increase.

However, no one has challenged the 199th floor for a long time. After all, there are many powerful people in the world, but only a few million can enter the Divine Tibetan Space. Those powerful people have already challenged the 199th floor a long time ago. One hundred and ninety-nine levels, moving towards a higher level.

As for the new generation of practitioners, it will only take a few decades to challenge the 199th level, and the passing rate is not high.

"Who is the one?"

Heliopolis put on his glasses again and couldn't help but look at the towering resource tower in the distance.

The evil eye mage is turned on.

The many eyes that were originally flying in the sky all closed instantly, forming a pair of strange and terrifying wings behind him.

The next moment, he flew high into the sky, like an angel announcing the end of the world. The space he passed was directly shattered, and he was approaching the direction of Wuming at an extremely fast speed.

When Wuming saw this scene, he immediately retreated quickly and analyzed how the Evil Eye Mage did it.

He didn't notice any trace of the attack, as if the space was broken by himself, but thinking with his toes, he knew that this was impossible. It was definitely the Evil Eye Mage who was attacking.

Those wings are attacking, but how to attack?

The nameless black water is powerful enough to shatter space, so most substances cannot block his punch. The problem is that black water's attacks are traceable.

Now the Evil Eye Mage's attack seems to be as inexplicable as the Lord of Darkness, with no trace at all.




Wuming guessed in his mind, and then he threw a tentative punch. Black Water instantly blasted towards the Evil Eye Mage in the air, but before he could get close to the Evil Eye Mage, Black Water was bombarded by a mysterious force and was quickly dispersed.


Wuming was about to frown and test again, when he suddenly discovered that a piece of the shattered space had an incorrect shape.

The scene where he had just attacked the Evil Eye Mage flashed through his mind, and the shape of the black water and the shattered space instantly overlapped.

In the lightning, a ray of light flashed through Wuming's mind, and he suddenly realized: "So that's it, Evil Eye Mage's current attack method is sight. Anyone who is seen is equal to being attacked."

Line of sight equals attack.

This is a kind of shameless ability, and when the quality of this ability is raised to a certain height, it is really hard to guard against.

However, the Evil Eye Mage obviously does not have perfect control over this power, because he can only attack below himself, like a bomber, attacking below.

Although it is unclear whether he has other attack modes, once you see through this, it is not difficult to deal with him.

Of course, if it is an opponent with similar strength or weaker than him, there is actually no chance to see through it, because he is very fast, and Wuming is only a few hundred million points faster than him at his full strength.

Next, Wuming gathered the water of the Dream River in his hand. He waved his hand towards the shattered space in the distance. A large amount of black water instantly penetrated the surrounding space and submerged directly into the fragments.

Mage Xieyan naturally discovered this, but before he could figure out what Wuming wanted to do, he suddenly felt a faint tingling sensation on his back.

not good!

Obviously, the Evil Eye Mage is sharper than the Horned Wizard. Although he failed to see through Wuming's tricks immediately, his reaction speed was much faster than that of the Horned Wizard.

In an instant, he suddenly turned sideways, spinning his body and flying in the direction of his right hand. Because his wings changed the direction of observation, the space on the left side suddenly began to collapse, sweeping a large circle around him.

After this sweep, a circle was formed directly.

No, I fell into a trap!

The Evil Eye Mage had just avoided Wuming's blow delivered through the space debris, and the next second he realized that he and Wuming had become a one-way street.

The entire space is cut into a cylindrical shape, the space behind him is shattered, and the space in front of him is empty.


He looked at Wuming, and sure enough, Wuming said with a smile: "It was a pleasure fighting with you, see you next time!"

In an instant, with Wuming as the center, the endless Dream River gushes out. Master Xieyan watches the water coming in, and his whole body suddenly relaxes.

He smiled bitterly: "I'm very happy too!"

The next second, he was submerged in the black river water, and his body instantly disappeared into ashes in the river water.

The battle was over, and the river disappeared instantly, as if it had never appeared before.

Wuming stood there, recalling the battle process, and couldn't help laughing. The surrounding space began to recover and also began to change.

In the blink of an eye, he entered the two hundredth floor.

The surrounding environment turned into a volcanic environment, and a huge magma beast emerged from the volcano. Although its life essence was far more powerful than the Evil Eye Mage, Wuming was a little unmotivated.

"Forget it, delicious food can't be eaten all at once, I give up!" Wuming said at this time.

As he gave up, the surrounding environment froze directly, and a light screen quickly appeared in front of him, with his reward list on it.

"It seems that the reward is not calculated according to the number of levels cleared, but the final level. I got the reward of the 199th level, which is not bad." Wuming looked at the reward list and said with a smile.

The resource tower gave him a total of 199 options for rewards. He can choose any 19 resources from these 199 options, and all rewards are based on the 199th level.

For example, the reward of the first level is pure energy stone, which is a universal energy that anyone can absorb.

If you only beat the first level, then choosing this reward will only reward ten pure energy stones. If Wuming now chooses this reward, it will be rewarded with 1990 pure energy stones, and there will be 199 days in the next year to get the same reward.

However, this reward is not very attractive to Wuming, so he naturally will not choose this reward.

He picked and chose, and finally chose 19 rewards that he felt were of higher value, and these rewards would be issued every day for the next 199 days. He would basically not be short of resources and resource coins in the Shenzang Space.

This is also one of the characteristics of the Shenzang Space. The strong can easily live well in the Shenzang Space, and the weak can also get resources here and slowly catch up with the strong.

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