I Contracted Myself


After selecting the reward, the space around him blurred for a while, and the next moment he was already standing outside the door of the resource tower.

He blinked and realized that he had an additional space. He didn't know where this space came from, but his consciousness could clearly sense this space. All the rewards he chose were placed in this space. With just a thought he could withdraw the reward.

"Okay, it also comes with a storage space!" Wuming came back to his senses and couldn't help laughing.

He slowly walked down the stairs of the resource tower. After a moment, a passerby came up to him, holding a leaflet in his hand to distribute. Wuming took the leaflet and found that the leaflet came from a shop called 'Akita House'. .

Akita Hut specializes in recycling resources from various resource towers. The price is 1% to 3% higher than the recycling price in Shenzang Space. If you become a VIP, the price can go up even further, and the maximum recycling price can reach 1%. five.

Wuming looked at the leaflets as he walked. In a moment, several staff members who were distributing leaflets came forward and handed them to him.

"It seems that competition in the resource recycling industry is also fierce."

Wuming took a look at all the flyers. They were basically flyers for resource recycling shops.

However, when he thought about it carefully, he understood that maybe these resources were nothing to people who could enter the divine treasure space at will, but they were actually still hot commodities for all the worlds.

If there are many resources transported to those closed worlds that have not even been touched by the heavens and the world, it is really possible to exchange them for some better treasures.

By exchanging small for big, and then extending the timeline, you can basically make a huge profit without any possibility of losing money.

Wuming thought for a while and went directly to the nearest Akita hut.

Of course, apart from being close, there was another thing about the Akita hut that made him curious. Why did a dog that looked like a husky and a black native dog call itself an Akita dog, and its name turned out to be the most clichéd thing... Rhubarb.


The owner of the Akita hut is not a human, but a dog, or a mixed-breed dog that is immediately recognizable as a string.

Wuming followed the route on the flyer and soon arrived at the Akita hut. When he walked into the hut, he saw a skewered puppy wrestling with a bone.

Suddenly, Gouzi noticed Wuming's gaze, loosened his bones, sat down solemnly, and said: "Welcome guests,

I don’t know if I want to buy or sell spiritual resources. Whether I’m buying or selling, Akita Lodge is the most affordable store. "

"Hello, if I want to sell supplies, are there any discounts? The quantity is a bit large." Wuming said with a smile.

His eyes fell on Dahuang's head. This guy didn't look like much, but his level was not low. He was considered a relatively advanced being among the creatures he encountered.

"How strong will the owner of a level 166 dog be?"

Wuming guessed in his mind while waiting for Dahuang's answer.

"The amount is a bit big? How big is it?" Dahuang asked with a straight face, maintaining his remaining dignity.

Wuming replied: "The resource tower is on the 190th floor!"

"One hundred and ninety floors!"

Dahuang's eyes suddenly widened, his tail stood up, and his ears also stood up.

It is only level 166, but in fact it can only reach level 165 when it fights resource towers, and opponents at level 166 are almost the same as it. After defeating the first one, it is basically useless. Might beat the second one.

By analogy, wouldn't the human in front of me be level 191?


Dahuang's tone immediately became flattering and he replied: "Sir, can you show me the resources on the 190th floor of the resource tower?"


Wuming immediately took out a piece of metal that exuded a terrifying aura.

One hundred and ninety levels of exchangeable resources, Emperor’s Hatred and Resentment Gold!

This metal can only be obtained from a kind of monster called 'Emperor Demon'. Each of them was an emperor when they were alive. Before death, their bones were injected with gold, and finally formed the emperor's golden bones.

In many worlds, when dynasties change, if the emperor is captured, he will be injected with gold by the new ruler, and then suppressed on the dragon vein of the old dynasty, completely destroying the dragon vein of the old dynasty with the resentment of the subjugated king. .

But there are always exceptions to everything.

Some subjugated kings who were suppressed on the dragon veins of the old dynasty would combine with the dragon veins of the old dynasty and eventually become emperors.

This monster is born powerful, and its initial level is as high as 120. If it successfully swallows the dragon veins of the New Dynasty, its level will soar to 190, becoming a terrifying natural disaster.

Of course, this kind of thing only happens with a very small probability.

Many dynasties that did this may not know this method of suppression.

It is possible to give birth to a terrifying monster like Emperor Ba, otherwise no one would take the risk of doing this.

"Sure enough, it's the Emperor's Hate and Resentment Gold!" Dahuang sniffed it and then showed excitement.

Although the Shenzang Space claims to have no shortage of resources, in fact high-end resources are still scarce, because the weak cannot reach such a high level even if they play resource towers, while the strong have easy access to wealth and do not need to sell these high-end resources. resource.

If some weaklings need a certain resource that can only be obtained by the top of the resource tower, then they can only buy it at a huge price.

This is actually equivalent to a disguised monopoly, and the right to choose is in the hands of the strong, and the weak are not even qualified to protest.

Next, Wuming sold some resources to Dahuang after some bargaining. The resource coins suddenly increased. After the money and goods were settled, Wuming looked at Dahuang curiously and asked, "Can I ask a question?"

"Sir, please ask." Dahuang shook his tail and agreed happily.

Wuming looked straight at Dahuang. Dahuang gradually felt something was wrong and had a hairy feeling. He laughed dryly and said, "Sir? What do you want to ask?"

"You are not an Akita dog, right?" Wuming asked seriously.

Dahuang was stunned, then grinned and said, "Sir, you can insult my dog ​​character, but you can't insult my bloodline. I am an Akita dog!"

"But shouldn't Akita dogs look like this?" Wuming immediately stretched out a finger, and a light screen appeared at the tip of his finger. On the light screen was a standard photo of an Akita dog.

Da Huang's eyes were filled with tears, and he said stubbornly: "No, I am the Akita dog."

"But from your appearance, you should be a cross between a Husky and a native dog!" Wuming said very seriously, and then the light screen at his fingertips showed the appearance of a Husky and a Chinese native dog.

Sure enough, Da Huang suddenly whimpered, as if he had suffered great harm. He covered his eyes and said painfully: "Why do you want me to see these, sir, turn it off, turn it off."

"No, you obviously have half the bloodline of a Chinese native dog, how can you degenerate yourself, do you know what country the Akita dog is from?" Wuming said seriously.

Da Huang surrendered, he covered his eyes and said: "Sir, I know I was wrong, I will never call myself an Akita dog again, can you turn off the photo?"


Wuming closed the light screen at his fingertips.

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