I Contracted Myself

【275】Oracle Network

Dahuang took a sneak peek and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the light curtain was indeed closed.

After it was ready again, it said: "Sir, I actually know that my bloodline is not pure, but I have no choice but to do this."

"What's the reason?" Wuming asked curiously.

All right.

In fact, he didn't care what kind of dog Dahuang was.

The grievances of human beings have nothing to do with Gouzi, not to mention that this Gouzi may not be from the earth. Maybe the country it used to be in did not even exist in Japan.

Next, Rhubarb tells a very Versailles story.

To put it simply, its parents are too powerful. There are acquaintances of its parents in all the worlds, so no matter what it does, it will be considered as the credit of its parents.

Obviously its parents are just a pair of bastard dogs who like to spread dog food all over the world. Why is all its efforts attributed to that irresponsible couple?

It was very unwilling, so it made many acts of resistance, but the result was of no use.

Even if it steals the elixir that a certain boss has worked so hard to cultivate, the other person will just slap it for the sake of its parents, making it unable to get out of bed for three to four hundred years.

Finally, one day it broke out. Could it be that without the aura of this powerful second generation, Rhubarb is nothing?

It decided to run away from home and go to a small world where no one knew it. Who knew it was so lucky that it happened to encounter a small world with a special space.

Finally, it came to Shenzang Space and quietly opened such a shop.


After Dahuang finished telling the story, Wuming looked at Dahuang with an almost indifferent look.

"The story is over, sir, do you have any questions?" Da Huang asked uneasily, wagging his tail.

Wuming nodded and said, "I have a problem. After listening to your story, I really want to beat you up. What should I do?"

"Sir, you are not me, how can you understand my pain." Dahuang immediately said with a sad face.

I have to say that because the name of its store is Akita House, it has indeed been hidden from many acquaintances. It has not been recognized for hundreds of years, and its parents have not found it.

Although Wuming thinks its parents may have forgotten it, that's not necessarily the case.

Wuming smiled and said: "I don't understand. If I meet your parents later, I will tell them about you."

Right here, by the way, you just said that your mother’s name is Haha and your father’s name is Roaring Dog, right? "

"Sir, no!" Dahuang lay on Wuming's body and cried immediately.

Wuming made a gesture of rubbing money and said with a smile: "Then it depends on whether you are on the right track or not."

"Five percent, no more!" Dahuang gritted his teeth and said in pain.

The highest discount for Akita Cabin is 5%. If it is higher, you will not make any profit, and you may even suffer a small loss if you are unlucky.

As a dog, it is also an ideal dog. Although it does not want to see its parents, it still hopes that when it sees its parents again in the future, it will have wealth and strength that will surprise them.

"Deal!" Wuming narrowed his eyes and smiled.

In fact, they were just joking. Dahuang originally wanted to give him a discount, but he was simply curious about why Dahuang called himself an Akita when he was clearly not an Akita.

After satisfying their curiosity, the two parties had a little tacit understanding, so Wuming conjured up a chair and sat down, asking: "Dahuang, how long have you been in the Shenzang Space?"

"Almost nine hundred years, probably less than nine hundred years." Dahuang couldn't remember exactly when he came to the Divine Tibetan Space.

Wuming smiled and said, "Then you must be very familiar with the Divine Tibetan Space."

"Of course, even though I don't like to go out, I never miss the information in the hidden space." Dahuang immediately replied confidently.

As he spoke, he used his mind power to control a square transparent crystal placed on the table to float up. The crystal instantly expanded into an extremely thin screen, and dense information appeared at the same time.

"What is this?" Wuming looked at the screen and asked immediately.

Dahuang said proudly: "This is the oracle stone of the Shenzang Space. It can link to the entire oracle network. You can see all the big and small news in the Shenzang Space here. There will be the latest information every day, and if you are well-informed, You can also apply to become a fast runner, specialize in collecting information and publish it on it, and you can get resource coins based on the number of clicks.”

"How much does an oracle stone cost?" Wuming asked.

Dahuang used his telekinesis to take out a piece from a nearby container and presented it to Wuming. He said with a flattering smile: "An oracle stone costs 5,000 resource coins. It's your first time here, so a small gift is not a sign of respect."

"How to use it?" Wuming tried to use his mind power to control the oracle stone to float, but he couldn't open it.


Huang immediately taught Wuming how to use the Oracle Stone, and a screen immediately unfolded in front of Wuming.

However, the Oracle Network is not actually like the Internet on Earth. It is more like a well-organized forum with many sections and no messy websites.

Wuming once again felt like every village was connected to the Internet.

All right.

This time it’s Chengtong.com.

He opened the news page, and news of all sizes appeared in front of him immediately.

There are several options for news in Shenzang Space. Now it is the default option, which is to arrange the news according to the popularity of the entire Shenzang Space.

The first news is that a strong man with an ‘honorable name’ has decided to open a new area.

The name of this strong man has not been written. His honorary name is the ‘God of Fertility’. He will challenge an ownerless area and establish his own kingdom of God in the hidden space.

Under the post were numerous comments from netizens.

Wuming roughly browsed through them and found that many people were not optimistic about this God of Fertility.

Some people even revealed that the reason why this God of Fertility made such an unwise choice was because he promised a goddess that he would build a love nest for her.

"It seems that it is difficult to open up new areas." Wuming said, touching his chin.

Da Huang nodded and said, "It is indeed difficult. The monsters in those ownerless areas are too strong, much stronger than the monsters in the resource tower. Moreover, if you die in the resource tower, you can be resurrected, but if you die in the wild, you will be completely dead."


Wuming nodded and continued to browse the news.

Under the news about the God of Fertility was the news about the Goddess Empire. A man was sentenced to death for accidentally crushing a female mosquito that was sucking blood from him.


Wuming wiped his eyes and read the news again. Finally, he confirmed that he was not mistaken.

"Da Huang, what are these Goddess Empires?" Wuming asked curiously.

Da Huang replied: "That is a very scary area. My lord, please don't go there. I heard from a male bear who escaped from the Goddess Empire that in that area, male creatures are at the same level as beasts, and even among beasts, females are more noble than males. Any male creature who commits a crime by touching a female creature is guilty."


The world is so big that there are so many wonders. Such a country exists. Wuming can only say it is amazing, so amazing.

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