I Contracted Myself


When Wuming walked into Xundao Pavilion, a clerk walked up and said with a gentle smile: "Welcome, what do you want?"

"Let me take a look first." Wuming nodded slightly to the clerk, then smiled.

The clerk also smiled and said, "Please come inside."

Wuming walked in front, and the clerk followed behind. The structure inside Xundao Pavilion was a bit like the library in Hope Outpost, which was also a spiral structure.

But there were no books, instead there were pieces of jade, and the cabinet where the jade was stored had a translucent light curtain, which played the effects of practicing this technique.

"If you are someone who has never been involved in spiritual practice, how should you choose?" Wuming asked the clerk behind him.

The clerk replied: "Then you must first test the customer's physique to see if the customer is more suitable for the internal or external method, and then make a choice based on the detailed situation."

“Seeking the Dharma within or seeking the Dharma from the outside?”

Wuming immediately thought of Master Xieyan's previous explanation. Wizards seek from the outside, while mages seek from within.

He asked: "So all abilities in the spiritual world are currently divided into external seeking and internal seeking?"

"There are also internal and external requirements, but this system is practiced by relatively few people." The clerk replied with a smile, without showing any look of contempt or impatience.

Wuming asked: "Then where should I go for the test?"

"Please follow me." the clerk smiled.

The two walked around and returned to a small stall next to the entrance.

"Guest, you can test here whether you are suitable for external seeking or internal seeking." The clerk introduced.

Wuming nodded and purchased the test service under the guidance of another clerk. The clerk took out a hat and said with a smile: "Guest, please put on your hat."

This hat looks a bit like a straw hat, but there are a lot of eyes around it, which looks very weird.

Wuming took the hat and put it on after confirming that it posed no threat to him. A moment later, a crisp voice came from the hat: "Seeking the law from outside - perfection, seeking the law from within - perfection, seeking the law both inside and outside - perfection."

"What does this mean?" Wuming looked at the two clerks and asked in confusion.

The two clerks looked at Wuming with surprised expressions. After a while, one of them realized what he was doing and quickly replied: "Guest, are you my guest?"

The most talented genius I have seen in so many years, you are suitable for all cultivation techniques, and any cultivation system is a perfect fit for you! "

"What should it look like under normal circumstances?" Wuming took off his hat and asked curiously.

Then the two clerks explained to Wuming in detail that under normal circumstances, people will divide the suitable system according to their character, constitution, soul, etc. Generally, those that are suitable for seeking from within are definitely not suitable for seeking from the outside, and those that are suitable for seeking from the outside are not suitable for seeking from the inside. , and both internal and external are the exceptions among exceptions, belonging to a very small number.

After the suitable systems are divided, the qualifications of each system are divided into: extremely poor, slightly poor, passing, excellent, amazing, and perfect.

If one's qualifications are judged to be extremely poor, then without the opportunity, even if one has god-level skills, one will not be able to practice them.

On the other hand, if it is slightly worse, there may be something suitable for him in this system, and he can already start his own path of practice.

Passing, although it doesn't sound like much, after all, it is just passing, but in fact it shows that the other person is already very good in a certain practice.

For example, if you practice seeking magic from outside, you may not be suitable for the system of cultivating immortals based on absorbing spiritual energy, but it is extremely suitable for the system of wizards who strengthen themselves with external objects.

To put it simply, in a certain system, this kind of person is already considered a genius.

Then there is excellence, there are several systems that are suitable, and you can even practice different systems together to form a more magical career.

It’s amazing. Not only can they practice together, but most of them have excellent qualifications. Many strong people in the Shenzang space are of this level.

For example, each of the several great gods of Zunmeng has amazing qualifications.

The last one is perfection, which is suitable for all kinds of exercises. It is already an unimaginable qualification for ordinary people. And Wuming, who seeks the Dharma internally, seeks the Dharma externally, and seeks the Dharma both internally and externally, is perfect. The two clerks have never seen him in thousands of years of work, so The two of them just lost their composure.

"Oh oh oh, that's it. It seems that my qualifications are not bad." Wuming nodded calmly after listening to the two clerks' excited explanations.

His essence is the River of Dreams, and the River of Dreams connects all living beings. Almost every second, countless souls enter the River of Dreams, and countless spiritual lights are absorbed by the River of Dreams.

To put it in a more pretentious way, that is: He is the end of all living things.

Therefore, it is not surprising that he has good qualifications, but it is quite strange that he has poor qualifications.

"Since everything is suitable, let's go and see the exercises." He smiled at the clerk.

The clerk was really convinced at this moment. If it were him, knowing that all his qualifications were perfect, he would have been ecstatic, how could he be as calm as Wuming.

Sure enough, there must be something extraordinary about extraordinary people.

Next, under the leadership of the clerk, Wuming returned to the exercise area again. In the spiral tower, four areas were divided, namely the inner seeking area, the outer seeking area, the inner and outer area, and the forbidden area.

The forbidden area does not mean that the exercises cannot be practiced. In fact, most of them are outdated exercises. For example, the exercises of the Majia style must have been magical in the past, but they are useless now, so they are naturally included in the forbidden exercises. District, most people will not waste time and effort to practice this thankless technique.

Especially everyone who has entered the Shenzang space knows that there is a big boss who doesn't like the Ma Jia style and practices the Ma Jia style by himself. If he meets that big boss in the future, wouldn't he just make him hate him for nothing?

Therefore, the practitioners who still practice the Majia style are generally evil demons and heretics.

Under the clerk's attentive explanation, Wuming learned a lot of information that he had not yet had time to understand.

After listening to the clerk's explanation, Wuming asked, "How should we define evil heretics?"

"Guests, rest assured that the Shenzang space is very safe, especially the area under the rule of the Zunmeng. Evil heretics will die if they come in. Guests can practice well here without worrying about evil heretics." The clerk did not answer the definition of evil heretics, but smiled. Change the subject.

Wuming was thoughtful.

He did not inquire further, but smiled and said: "Okay, let's go to the outer seeking area first."

"Please follow me." the clerk smiled.

Both of them understood each other tacitly and did not continue the topic.

When they arrived at the Waiqiu District, Wuming asked curiously: "What are the exercises in the Waiqiu District?"

"It's almost all-encompassing. For example, the energy stone super energy system can be said to be the simplest and crudest, but has endless potential." The clerk led Wuming to a golden stone.

The stone is placed in the cabinet, separated by layers of energy, and the effect of the stone is played on the screen.

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