I Contracted Myself

【278】River Spirit

Energy stone super energy system.

Wuming looked at the picture on the screen and was a little speechless in the end.

This system is too simple and crude. As long as you swallow a power stone and don't self-destruct, you will get a random super power, and this super power can be enhanced through continuous use.

Wuming feels that this is a bit like the awakened system in the Lashao universe. The only difference is the foundation for acquiring superpowers.

The superpowers in the Lashao universe are derived from the base runes of the Lord of Darkness, and this superpower system is derived from the magical energy stone. This energy stone can be digested by living creatures, and finally forms special energy to transform the human soul. Finally, various superpowers were born.

These superpowers also consume different amounts of energy.

The awakened person will have different prices according to different abilities, and the energy consumed is also varied. The superpower of the energy stone system consumes mental power, which is very single and pure.

Wuming already knew it after a little comparison.

The energy stone acts on the soul, and naturally consumes a single mental power. The Awakener system relies entirely on its own basic runes to develop superpowers, and naturally consumes all kinds of messy elements it has.

"Interesting, very interesting. I bought this energy stone." Wuming looked at the price and then smiled.

As a strong man who could clear the 199th floor, he was not short of money. After selling supplies at the Akita hut, he gained control of money that many weaklings in the Divine Tibetan Space could not earn for hundreds of years.

"Okay, customer." The clerk immediately smiled.

After clearing the money and goods, Wuming took the energy stone and scanned it carefully. He found that the energy of the energy stone was very special, completely between energy and soul power, and seemed to be able to transform between the two at any time.

"Guest, a person can eat nine energy stones in his life. After you have exercised the energy of the first energy stone to the limit, you can return to our store to buy the second energy stone to strengthen your own energy margin. Then there will be 10% off discount." Seeing Wu Ming looking at Neng Shi, the clerk reminded him.

Wuming asked curiously: "So the system of energy stones depends on who eats more energy stones?"

"No, it depends on the awakened ability, the number of energy stones eaten, and finally the development of the ability." The clerk replied.

He then explained in detail that the energy stone came from a relatively fringe

In the world, the extraordinary system of that world revolves around the energy stone.

Those who have eaten one energy stone without self-destructing are called one-energy warlocks, those who have eaten two energy stones are called dual energy magicians, and those who have eaten three energy stones are called three-elephant spiritual beings... until finally they have eaten nine. The Nine Heavens Supreme.

Although this system does not have any training methods such as exercises, the potential is indeed not small, especially in terms of the soul. It has unique advantages. If you can practice to the level of the Nine Heavens Supreme, even if the body eventually ages and dies, the soul can still stay in the world for a long time. , like a resident immortal.

A system that can be included in the Xundao Pavilion will not be any worse no matter how bad it is. After all, the Xundao Pavilion also represents the faces of the great gods of the Zun Alliance.

If Xundao Pavilion is all defective, it's not a slap in the face to those big bosses.

After listening to the clerk's explanation, Wuming smiled and said, "I understand. When I develop my abilities to the extreme, I will go back and buy a second energy stone."

After saying that, he swallowed the energy stone in one gulp. The clerk's eyes suddenly widened and he quickly stepped back.

Although the Power Stone can give living creatures superpowers, there is also a risk of explosion if the creature cannot withstand the energy of the Power Stone.

In the past thousands of years, this clerk has seen several customers eat the power stone, then turn red in the face after a while, and then self-destruct.

"Hahahaha, interesting, very cute ability!"

Suddenly, Wuming opened his eyes and let out a hearty laugh. In a moment, dark river water appeared around him. The river water formed the shapes of various animals. There was even a small unicorn made purely of river water squatting on his shoulder.

"Congratulations to the customer for gaining superpowers!" The clerk immediately stepped forward and complimented him. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart. He was worthy of being a genius with perfect qualifications. He digested the power stone so quickly.

Wuming smiled and said: "Is there any other system similar to the energy stone?"

"Guest, if you bite off more than you can chew, I still recommend that you fully understand this ability before considering other abilities." The clerk kindly advised.

If it were any other store, they would definitely be eager to sell as many exercises as possible, but Xundao Pavilion is the face of several great gods in the Zunmeng, so reputation is more important than revenue.

And with word-of-mouth, the income will naturally not be bad.

Wuming smiled and said: "Thank you, but I know better, take me there."

He just swallowed can

After the stone, the energy stone was directly decomposed, but it was not integrated into his soul, because his soul was no longer in this body at all, but was with Meng He.

So when this energy was transferred to Menghe, Menghe derived a new ability based on this energy: River Spirit.

To put it simply, the auras of various beasts and animals are integrated into the river water to form various river spirits that are loyal to the nameless river spirits. They have instincts in life and even some abilities in life.

With the blessing of Menghe, the strength of these river spirits is very terrifying. Even a squirrel has the strength to kill members of the Disaster Team, and the top river spirits among them may even be able to survive in front of the King of Darkness. For a second or two, it was a little stronger than Wuming.

Therefore, Wuming thinks this function is great and he is very satisfied.

The clerk saw Wuming insisted, and finally took Wuming to a fruit tree helplessly. He introduced: "This is a terrible plant that takes root in the planet and will devour all the vitality and nutrients of the planet. However, after absorbing a planet, it will grow a fruit. Any creature that eats the fruit will gain powerful superpowers."

"Oh, what's its name? The sacred tree?" Wuming immediately thought of the ninja who couldn't burn in the later period, and then thought of a fruit tree in Dragon Ball.

The clerk replied: "It is called the Devil Tree. Because of its existence, many planets have been destroyed, but it has also created many strong people. Now it is sealed here by Lan Tianzun. It only needs to be irrigated with the water of life to produce devil fruits."

"Devil fruit, this name doesn't sound very auspicious. Will there be any side effects if you eat the fruit to gain abilities? For example, fear of sea water?" Wuming touched his chin and asked with a strange look on his face.

The clerk shook his head and said: "Of course not. If there is such a major defect, we will definitely not sell it in Xundao Pavilion."

"Then give me one!" Wuming immediately made a decision.

The clerk wanted to persuade Wuming, but in the end, seeing Wuming's determined eyes, he could only sigh and start the transaction.

After Wuming paid, the clerk operated, and a large amount of water of life was irrigated on the roots of the devil tree. In a moment, the whole tree seemed to come alive again, absorbing the water of life crazily.

When all the water of life was absorbed, a devil fruit emitting light green light and shaped like an avocado grew out.

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