I Contracted Myself

【280】Go home

At this time, the clerk also discovered that Wuming seemed to prefer exercises with special abilities, and unlike most customers, Wuming really had no taboos.

In fact, basically not many practitioners will choose the power stone system and the devil fruit system, because these types of abilities are of the "knowing what they are doing but not knowing why."

For example, you can gain superpowers by eating energy stones. In the eyes of many practitioners, they are a potential threat. They believe more in the spells, magic, witchcraft, and immortality they have cultivated.

They know how to acquire these abilities that they have cultivated themselves, so that they can use them with peace of mind.

The super power of Neng Shi seems to be something inexplicable in the eyes of this kind of people.

It just so happens that this type of people occupies the majority of the spiritual world.

The clerk brought Wuming to a cabinet and introduced: "I believe that customers will be interested in this practice. It is one of the few top-level practices in the super power system and has been popular in many worlds."

Then he saw Wuming's expression of interest and immediately struck while the iron was hot and continued the introduction.

The name of this practice is simple and crude. It is called "Super Water Suffocation Style". The practice method is also very simple. That is to soak the whole body with the prepared potion and get infinitely close to death while suffocating, so as to achieve spiritual healing. limit, thus awakening superpowers.

It is worth mentioning that in this practice method, ordinary water is of no use. You must use the prepared potion to soak the whole body to be effective.

Otherwise, with so many people falling into the water in all the worlds, wouldn't it mean that a lot of people with super powers would appear every minute?

"The problem is that I can breathe underwater. Is this technique useful?" Wuming couldn't help but ask after listening to the clerk's detailed introduction.

The clerk was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "As long as the customer takes your breath, that's fine."

"The problem is that I won't suffocate even if I don't breathe." Wuming said distressedly.

The clerk was silent for a second and then replied: "Then this practice may not be relevant to customers."

"Is there any other way to practice?" Wuming asked.

The clerk then went on to recommend other cultivation methods, but Wuming was not very interested after listening to them, especially some physical training methods, he was not interested at all.

"Okay, okay, that's all for today.

Stop it. "Wu Ming couldn't help but say after listening to the fifteenth practice method introduced by the clerk.

Mainly because it's not interesting. Maybe for many practitioners, being able to practice to the point of breaking a planet with one punch is already quite remarkable, but for Wuming, breaking a planet is just a matter of waving his hand.

"Okay, welcome customers back!" After hearing Wuming's words, the clerk was stunned for a moment and then immediately smiled.

Wuming took a few steps, thought for a while and said, "By the way, bring the water choke style too, I bought it!"

Although he can't use it himself, he still has a large number of awakened people under his command, so letting them use it is also a good choice.

And in this way, the rescue team can also change to a system and no longer rely on the base runes of the Dark Lord.

Wuming walked out of the Xundao Pavilion, and after checking the materials needed for the water suffocation style, he returned to the Akita hut again.

"Sir, welcome back." Dahuang immediately said with a smile, wagging his tail.

Wuming conjured up a chair and sat down, smiling: "I came here to buy some materials. The quantity is a bit large, so remember to give me a bigger discount."

"It seems that your Excellency has found a satisfactory practice method in Xundao Pavilion." Dahuang complimented.

Wuming was noncommittal and just handed a list of materials to Dahuang. After reading it, Dahuang immediately confirmed that it was no problem. These materials were relatively common and Wuming could provide them as much as he wanted.

In fact, there is no shortage of resources in the Divine Tibetan Space. Any cultivation resources can be found in the Divine Tibetan Space. Even resources that are not provided by the Resource Tower can be easily traded back from all the worlds with the terrifying wealth of the Divine Tibetan Space.

Therefore, the Divine Treasure Space is essentially a huge trading center for cultivation resources.

After the transaction, Wuming left the Shenzang space with a large amount of materials, and his consciousness returned to Menghe in an instant.

In the sea of ​​flowers, Wuming slowly opened his eyes. He couldn't help but yawned and found that he actually felt like he had slept.

He sat up from the sea of ​​flowers and found that Lin Renmei, Su Jingyao, and Marnie were not far away. They were sitting on the tablecloth and drinking tea. Marnie still had cream on the corner of her mouth.

"I'm back!" Wuming couldn't help but raise his hand to say hello.

Lin Renmei smiled and said, "Is the Divine Tibetan Space fun?"


,beyond imagination. "Wu Ming smiled.

He walked to the tablecloth and sat down, then told everyone his experience.

"I didn't expect that the outside world would be so incredible, but it also seems extremely dangerous." Su Jingyao sighed after hearing this.

Lin Renmei smiled and said: "No wonder there are many little troublemakers in the river, although I have already guessed that it is related to you."

The little troublemakers she was talking about were various river spirits. Although the river spirits blended into the water were almost the same as the river water, they were real creatures, creatures that relied on the Dream River for their existence.

"Wu Ming, did you bring back gold? Gold should be a resource, right?" Marnie couldn't help but ask.

Wuming looked at Marnie, wiped the cream from the corner of her mouth, and said with a smile: "Gold is indeed worthless in the Shenzang space, but because the demand is very low, there is relatively little."

The main reason is that practitioners want gold. It is really too simple. No practitioner will bring gold to the divine treasure space.

Of course, if Wuming is willing to exchange resources for gold, countless practitioners will come to trade with him, and he can get as much gold as he wants.

"Those people really don't know the value of things." Mani said unhappily after hearing Wuming's words.

Gold. It is so beautiful and precious, but it is considered worthless by those who don't know the value of things. She is very unhappy now.

Wuming did not refute. After all, gold can indeed be exchanged for many good things from Mani. In fact, if there is enough gold, Mani is like an omnipotent wishing machine, and its value is no less than that of the God's Hidden Space.

Next, Wuming shared the "Swallowing Stars" with Su Jingyao and Lin Renmei, and the three of them studied together.

As for little Mani, she had no interest in cultivation at all. Seeing that Wuming did not find more gold, she ignored the three people and began to concentrate on competing with food.

"Wuming, are you going to practice this technique?" Su Jingyao asked after reading the Swallowing Stars.

Wuming shook his head and said, "I'm not going to practice it, I'm just using it for reference. If you're interested, you can practice it."

"Forget it, this method is not suitable for me." Su Jingyao refused.

Lin Renmei was a little interested and smiled, "Then I'll give it a try. I'm free anyway."

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