I Contracted Myself

【281】It seems like returning to the past

Everyone has their own way of living.

Su Jingyao likes a quiet life. She had given up her obsession decades ago and just wanted to stay with Wuming forever, so she was not particularly enthusiastic about cultivation.

Lin Renmei is just the opposite. Even though she and Wuming are now one entity, she still has her own pursuits and even wants to punch the King of Darkness hard with her fist.

Therefore, after seeing the new system, she had the idea to give it a try.

Wuming handed over the resources needed for early training to Lin Renmei, and then entered the No. 1 bubble world.

Nowadays, the rescue team is waiting for help. Bubble World No. 1, as the base camp of the rescue team, can be said to be under construction in full swing. Countless towns have been built around the City of Hope. Some awakened people with abilities related to plants use their own Ability to easily produce a large number of rice fields, corn and other crops. The fields are golden and green, and beautiful.

The elderly and children were walking on the paths in the fields. Some showed cheerful smiles, while others had worried looks on their faces because they were worried that their children would fall.

Wuming slowly fell from the sky and landed in the main square of the City of Hope. He entered the rescue team's office building and soon saw the busy Chen Weihua.

"Sister Weihua." Wuming greeted.

Chen Weihua closed the communication, breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Fortunately, the virtual engine has been produced, otherwise we would have been busy to death."

"What's the situation in each world now?" Wuming asked.

Chen Weihua smiled and said: "The first hundred worlds have stabilized, but recently Renmei has saved many planets. Various forces on those planets are in chaos, and the rescue team is busy dealing with them."

In the past, when rescue teams rescued people, they would directly pack them away and then assign the survivors to live in different areas. Because the forces in the past could not communicate with each other, they naturally disappeared over time.

The current rescue method is to pack the entire planet back, and the forces within the planet are intact. If the rescue team appears to rule these planets, the old forces will naturally not easily agree.

"Wu Ming, can't you just parachute the World Lord over? If there is a World Lord, I believe things will be much easier to handle." Chen Weihua continued to complain.

As the world leader of the No. 1 bubble world, she naturally knows how powerful the world leader is. If she wants to

If so, we can even easily change the shape of the planet and transform the terrain of the planet.

In this world, she is a god-like existence.

And because she became the Realm Master, she completely got rid of the shackles of lifespan. As long as the No. 1 Bubble World is not erased by the unknown, she will never die and will stay young forever.

"You have to ask Renmei about this issue." After hearing her question, Wuming simply shirked the responsibility.

Chen Weihua gave Wuming a helpless look, then rubbed her temples and asked, "Then what's the matter with you coming here this time?"

"Good thing!" Wuming smiled.

He took out the "Super Water Suffocation Pose", explained the practice method in detail, and then took out all the required materials.

"You really posed a problem for me. Are there any hidden dangers in the Lord of Darkness's basic rune system? Does it need to be changed?" Chen Weihua asked helplessly after reading it.

Wuming nodded and said: "What if the Lord of Darkness can be resurrected from these people?"

"Is it really possible?" Chen Weihua was stunned for a moment, then asked worriedly.

Wuming smiled and said: "This possibility cannot be ruled out. After all, in the system of awakened people based on basic runes, all awakened people are essentially like the disciples of the King of Darkness. If the King of Darkness has the intention, he may not really do research. Less than.”

"Then we really should change the system." Chen Weihua nodded.

She is already a world lord, and her superpowers have long been integrated into the bubble world, so her current body is a purely human body without any traces of base runes.

But the vast majority of humans in the Lashao universe have basic runes in their bodies, so they have to be on guard.

At this moment, Chen Weihua even began to consider how to remove the basic runes from the human body. After all, the awakened system itself is difficult to reach its peak, and there are many risks in the process of using superpowers. Once you become a lost person or a sinking person, Friends can turn into enemies in a minute.

"Okay, we've finished talking, I'm leaving first." Wuming stood up and said.

Chen Weihua said at this time: "Wait a minute, there is a party tonight. Senior sister, Sisi, Fatty, and Lao Xian will all attend. Are you coming?"

"It seems like we haven't gotten together for a long time, okay, I'll do it!" Wuming immediately laughed after hearing this.

Chen Weihua teased:

"You are a busy person, so you are naturally different from idle people like us."

"Hahahaha, then I'll go get busy." Wuming laughed.

In an instant, Wuming disappeared out of thin air. As the leader of Bubble World No. 1, Chen Weihua naturally knew that Wuming had left this world.

She yawned and said to herself: "That Wuming guy is really getting more and more serious."

Although she had a premonition a long time ago that Wuming's future would be colorful, she never thought it would be so exciting.

The rescue team in the past was exaggerated enough, but the current bubble world system is even more amazing. Wuming has reached the point where she can easily be crowned a god, and she successfully became a god just because she joined early.

Although this divine power can only be used in Bubble World No. 1, who knows the future.


Wuming returned to Dream Castle with a drunken look on his face after attending the party.

In fact, in the past ten years, Liu Sishan and Cheng Xuejie were not willing to see him, because they were much older at that time, even the awakened ones were no longer in their prime. Only Chen Weihua did not care about her appearance, so she kept in touch with him.

But now because they were appointed as the Lord of the Realm, they all became young again, so they were more calm after seeing Wuming. Everyone chatted and bickered like they did when they were young, as if they were back in Guilou.

Wuming drank a lot of wine in joy, and then played rock-paper-scissors with Zhang Shouzhong, and had a lot of fun.

He did not deliberately stay awake, and let the alcohol act on his brain, and he felt pretty good.

When he woke up, it was already noon the next day.

Wuming got up from the bed and wiped his face. In an instant, the whole person was like a version update, and instantly became clean.

When he walked out of the Dream Castle, he saw Lin Renmei practicing on the river in the distance, and Su Jingyao and Mani were shaking a little squirrel by the water.

The spirits of the river are basically all transformed by the aura of animals.

Because animals are pure, the river spirit is, to some extent, like an animal reborn, and still retains many of its previous habits.

For example, squirrels like to eat fruit.

However, Wuming does not allow them to go ashore, so the little squirrel can only stare at the nuts in Su Jingyao's hand by the water.

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