I Contracted Myself

【282】Fishermen per capita

Wuming stepped forward and said with a smile: "Little guy, come up!"

The little squirrel got Wuming's consent and immediately came ashore from the water. It jumped up and chased the nuts in Su Jingyao's hand. However, Su Jingyao reacted quickly and raised and lowered the nuts. For a moment, the little squirrel couldn't grab the nuts.

After playing for a while, the little squirrel looked at Su Jingyao pitifully, with a heartbroken look on his face.

"Okay, okay, I'll give it to you." Su Jingyao couldn't stand the look and said with a helpless smile.

Wuming sat next to Su Jingyao and said with a smile: "If you like it, you can bring it to Dream Castle to raise it."

"Forget it, it belongs here." Su Jingyao shook her head.

After the little squirrel got the nut, it immediately ran to Wuming's feet, lifted the nut as if offering a treasure, and looked at Wuming expectantly.

In the cognition of all river spirits, Wuming is their monarch, and they can sacrifice everything for Wuming at any time, even if they die again.

"You can eat it yourself." Wuming smiled.

Seeing that Wuming didn't want it, the little squirrel returned to the river carrying the nuts and disappeared in the dark river water in an instant.

Nowadays, there are more and more river spirits in Menghe River, and Wuming has already made settings to use approximately one billionth of the spiritual light to generate river spirits.

Except for the first time being an accident, the river spirits born now generally have something special.

For example, those with special bloodlines, not to mention Xuanwu, Suzaku, White Tiger, Azure Dragon, etc., are all spiritual beasts. Ordinary animals such as squirrels can no longer become river spirits.

"Aren't you going to the Divine Tibetan Space today?" Su Jingyao asked.

Wuming smiled and said: "Have a day off, and it's not too late to go back tomorrow. Anyway, the resources will be distributed to the storage space, and my share will not be missing."

Speaking of which, he actually still has a lot of hesitations about the divine hidden space.

The main reason is that the transcendent one is too mysterious and terrifying. He is like accidentally scalding a nest of ants to death. After regretting it, he found that some ants survived, so he took out a piece of candy as compensation.

And that piece of candy is the divine hidden space.

The problem is that Wuming doesn't understand the character of the detached person, and he doesn't know whether the detached person will suddenly change his mind.

For example, if a person who puts down candy as compensation sees more and more ants surrounding the piece of candy, will he suddenly change his mind?

Nameless as long as

When I think of this possibility, I feel that the Divine Tibetan Space is not that safe.

For such a superior being who could easily control his life and death, he believed that he could not be too cautious. After all, he was not alone, and there were thousands of creatures behind him.

Once he dies completely, Menghe, as a part of him, will inevitably collapse, and everyone in Menghe will die.

Of course, no matter what he has concerns about, he still has to continue going. After all, the resources of the Divine Tibetan Space are indeed very important to him. This is one of his important bargaining chips against the King of Darkness.

"By the way, are you the only one who can enter the divine hidden space?" Su Jingyao asked.

Wuming was stunned for a moment, then replied: "Should... maybe you can go in, after all, I brought the spirit of the river to the sacred space before. You are all part of Menghe, and I am Menghe. Rounding it all off, you You can indeed be summoned by me after I enter."

"Then I'm going too." Marnie immediately raised her head and said.

Wuming said helplessly: "You probably can't get in."

If it were so easy to bring people in, the Shenzang Space would already be overcrowded.

He was able to bring Su Jingyao in because Su Jingyao was the mistress of Dream Castle, and the male master of Dream Castle was Wuming himself. Rounding things off, he and Su Jingyao were actually one entity.

"Tch, I don't care." Marnie pouted as soon as she heard that she couldn't go.

Su Jingyao rubbed Marnie's head and said with a smile: "Okay, since you can't get in, I won't go either."

"Actually, I can only look at the scenery. I probably won't be able to enter the resource tower to obtain resources." Wuming added with a smile.

When he enters the Divine Treasure Space, it is not his body that enters it, but his consciousness that enters it. When he enters the Divine Tibetan Space, he can use his identity as the Lord of the Dream River to summon the water of the Dream River to the Divine Tibetan Space. Therefore, the River Spirit, Su Jingyao, Lin Renmei, and even the Realm Master are actually his power. As a part of the body, he should be able to pull the bodies of these people into the divine hidden space.

However, this approach can only be regarded as smuggling, and it cannot obtain the identity of the divine hidden space, so the resource tower is definitely unable to challenge.

Otherwise, with the wisdom of countless practitioners in the world, this trick must have been used long ago.

However, Wuming decided to bring some people to the Shenzang space to open their eyes after entering the Shenzang space tomorrow, just in case he is lucky in the future.

After obtaining a space crystal again, he can arrange for people to come in and do business.

after one day.

Wuming entered the divine space again. This time, no message from the transcendent person appeared. In the blink of an eye, he appeared on the square.

He looked at the people around him, and then walked in the direction of Akita's hut.

A man wearing a blue cloak and a red hat immediately followed behind him.

One after the other, the two quickly left the square and entered the street.

Wuming suddenly turned into an alley. The man wanted to chase him, but suddenly realized something and stopped. Instead, he walked to the side of the alley and leaned against the wall to wait.

After about a minute, Wuming walked out helplessly.

"Why are you following me?" Wuming looked at the man and asked.

The man looked up at the sky, seemingly unaware that Wuming was talking to him.

Wuming narrowed his eyes and suddenly laughed. He turned around and continued to walk forward. Sure enough, the man followed him immediately.

After a while, Wuming came to the Law Enforcement Bureau. He looked at the man at the door, smiled, and walked into the Law Enforcement Bureau. The man's face changed slightly and he immediately turned around and left.

"Sure enough, it is related to my previous report." Wuming saw this scene and thought to himself.

He reported Afu and Sweet Potato God, so it was impossible that there would be no follow-up. It was just that it was quite sudden that day, and he left after defeating the resource tower, and the other party had not had time to cause trouble for him.

Now two days have passed, and even if the other party is slow to react, they should have come to their senses. It would be strange if they didn't cause trouble for him.

However, when Wuming reported, he actually anticipated that there might be follow-up trouble.

According to the intelligence of the Law Enforcement Bureau, no matter whether it is the Great God Afu or the Sweet Potato God, the mastermind behind them dare not expose themselves easily, otherwise they will surely face the thunder strikes of several great gods and celestial masters of the Zunmeng. In addition to the mastermind behind the scenes, Wuming really doesn't care about the rest of the rotten fish and shrimp.

So this matter is just a "fun" level in Wuming's eyes.

He was not afraid when he didn't know about the Shenzang Space. Now that he knows that the strong people in the Shenzang Space are about the same as him, he is even less afraid.

However, he doesn't plan to do it himself. It's better to create an illusion that he is very weak and let the people of the Law Enforcement Bureau catch these people.

What if one day he hooks out the people behind the Great God Afu or the Sweet Potato God?

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