I Contracted Myself

【283】The three slacking off group

Although the two masterminds behind the scenes did not know their true identities, Zunmeng issued sky-high arrest warrants for them.

Master Afu, if he is captured alive and has enough evidence to prove his identity, he can directly receive 10 million resource coins from the Zunmeng. If the Sweet Potato God is captured alive and has enough evidence to prove his identity, he can directly receive fifteen million resource coins from the Zunmeng.

Of course, dead people can also receive bonuses, but the amount of bonuses will be halved.

The main reason is that they all possess information about a large amount of space crystals. If captured alive, it is possible to pry open their mouths and obtain those space crystals.

Even if you are lucky, Zunmeng will not only avoid losses, but also make a lot of money.

And the dead ones are just corpses, and their value is not that high, so naturally the bonus will be halved.

Although Wuming is not short of resources, he doesn't mind that he has too few resource coins. Anyway, this is just a small side task for him. It's best if he can fish it out. It doesn't matter if he can't fish it out.

Watching the man leave, Wuming summoned a little squirrel and asked the little squirrel to follow him.

Wuming then turned around and left the law enforcement bureau, with no intention of going in.

He came to the Akita hut, said hello to Dahuang, and then summoned Zhang Shouzhong and Cheng Xuejie.

Both of them are world masters, and like Lin Renmei, Su Jingyao, and even the river spirit, they are part of Wuming's power. Wuming can summon the river spirit, and naturally he can also summon them.

"This is the divine space? It feels very ordinary. This house is so bad. It's not as big as my toilet." Zhang Shouzhong looked at the Akita hut and then commented.

The next moment, his hand was bitten by Rhubarb. His face was grim with pain, and he kept shaking his hand and shouting: "Let go, dead dog, if you bite again, I will eat meat dog hot pot tonight!"

"Hmph, do you know how expensive this shop is? I can't even afford a place to stay after selling all your fat, you damn fat man!" Dahuang let go of his mouth, did a backflip and landed on the counter, saying with a look of contempt on his face. .

Zhang Shouzhong said disdainfully: "That means there is a problem with land distribution here. The ruler..."

"Don't talk nonsense."

A dog paw immediately fell on Zhang Shouzhong's mouth, stopping Zhang Shouzhong from talking about the big bosses in the alliance.

Wuming smiled and said, "Okay, let's go for a walk outside and continue trading when we come back."

"grown ups

Walk slowly, I will always be here waiting for you! "Dahuang immediately changed his face in the next second and said with a flattering smile.

Wuming led the two of them out of the Akita hut and walked slowly around the Shenzang space. Zhang Shouzhong and Cheng Xuejie also immediately entered the state, keeping the surrounding environment in their hearts.

"Look, there's a banana man there." Zhang Shouzhong saw a man with a face completely shaped like a banana, and immediately sent a message to Wuming and Cheng Xuejie through Menghe.

Wuming glanced at it, nodded and said, "It's indeed very similar."

At this time, the banana man fell down and hit his head on the ground. His face split instantly, and there was actually a banana inside.


The three Wuming people were stunned, and it took them a while to come back to their senses.

"What are you looking at? I've never seen a handsome guy wrestling before!" The banana man got up from the ground, his split face quickly closed together, and noticed the gazes of the nameless three people. He was very uncomfortable but forced himself to stare at them , cursed angrily.

Zhang Shouzhong shook his head and said, "No, this is my first time seeing a handsome guy like you."


Banana Man didn't hear the meaning in Zhang Shouzhong's words, so he snorted a little arrogantly, quickened his pace and left.

"The world is so big and full of wonders. It's a great experience." Zhang Shouzhong couldn't help but sigh as he watched the banana man leave.

Wuming also nodded and said with a smile: "Compared to those people with octopus tentacles or half-animal forms, this person is really eye-catching."

"It's just a blur in front of my eyes." Cheng Xuejie complained.

Then, the three of them continued walking forward, with pedestrians coming and going, including crocodile men, minotaurs, and even angels walking by them.

But the majority are still humans. After all, the area where Wuming is now is one of the landing points for humans.

At this time, the little squirrel came back. It jumped from the top of the house and landed on Wuming's shoulder. Wuming soon knew its experience.

"Well done!"

Wuming touched the little squirrel's head and praised it with a smile.

Then he took out a small card that could directly contact Guan Ling and reported a hideout of the Afu Cult to the Law Enforcement Bureau.

After disconnecting, there happened to be a store selling weapons nearby, so he took two people and one squirrel into the store.


The owner of this shop

The person is a female dwarf.

She has the same rough appearance as the male dwarves, and has a beard. If it weren't for her breasts, it would be impossible to tell the difference between male and female.

However, her voice is very recognizable, a bit like a duck's voice, but with a strong smell of smoke.

"Let's take a look." Wuming smiled at the female dwarf.

The female dwarf smoked a cigarette, nodded and continued to do her own thing, without any intention of greeting the guests.

She was repairing a pocket watch, and all the 'guts' of the pocket watch were taken out. She pieced it together carefully, and at the same time, she sprinkled some strange red powder on the gears.

"A pocket watch is also a weapon?" Zhang Shouzhong asked in a lower tone when he saw it.

The female dwarf took a puff of smoke and said calmly: "Don't make any noise, let's go."


Zhang Shouzhong shrugged, turned and walked into the store.

Shields, spears, fist blades, cannons...

The style of this weapon shop is a bit like the weapon shop in Mingzhu City. Many weapons are made in an exaggerated size and have a dark and solid feeling.

Finally, the price. Because Zhang Shouzhong does not have the currency of the Shenzang Space, it is difficult to tell whether it is sold at a high price or a low price.

He caught up with Wuming and asked, "These weapons feel very ordinary."

"That's because you don't know the goods." Wuming smiled.

Every weapon here is a top-notch good thing, but it is sealed by some kind of power. It is estimated that the seal can only be unsealed after purchase.

Unfortunately, the female dwarf obviously did not have the habit of marking weapons. All weapons only have a price and a name, and the detailed abilities are not mentioned at all, so Wuming did not know what abilities these weapons were sealed with.

At this time, Wuming saw a knife not far away. He stepped forward and looked at the pattern on the scabbard and asked, "Boss, can I use it?"

"If you can lift it, it's up to you." The female dwarf said calmly.

Wuming immediately reached out to hold the handle of the knife, and the next moment he tried to draw the knife out of the sheath, but he soon found that the weight of the knife was very surprising, and he had to use one tenth of his strength to pull the knife out.

"Good knife!"

Wuming drew out the knife, and immediately an indescribable breath spread in the store.

It was a bit like the wind but with a sharp feeling. Both Zhang Shouzhong and Cheng Xuejie felt an illusion of being cut by the wind.

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