I Contracted Myself


However, because the ability was sealed, Wuming still couldn't understand what the knife was capable of even if he pulled it out and held it in his hand.

He swung it a few times and then put the knife back into the scabbard.

"Hiss, it's so scary, this knife is not simple!" Zhang Shouzhong touched the goose bumps on his arm and said exaggeratedly.

Wuming walked to the counter with a smile and asked, "I want this knife, can the price be more affordable?"

"10% off." The female dwarf looked at Wuming and replied.

Zhang Shouzhong also hurried over with a huge two-handled long-handled war hammer and asked, "What about this one, is there a discount?"

"No." The female dwarf looked at Zhang Shouzhong and said indifferently.

Zhang Shouzhong was immediately angry and asked, "Why don't I have a discount?"

"Are you as handsome as him?" The female dwarf asked calmly, while closing the back of the pocket watch in her hand.

Zhang Shouzhong looked at Wuming and helplessly put the war hammer back to its original position.

After the payment and goods were settled, Wuming asked, "How do I remove the seal?"

"When you walk out of the store, the seal will naturally be removed. This knife is called Mingfeng. All the materials come from the world of hell. After killing the enemy, you can absorb the enemy's soul into the blade and be enslaved by this knife forever. I didn't want to sell this knife, but its killing intent is getting stronger and stronger. If I keep it like this, it may become a magic knife, so I have to leave it there and wait for the right person to buy it." The female dwarf smoked a cigarette, as if she was lost in memories, and said slowly.

Wuming's eyes lit up slightly, and after thanking him, he took the knife and walked out of the store. In an instant, a terrifying killing intent came out from the blade, but the next moment Wuming put it into the Dream River, and the water of the Dream River directly decomposed the knife.

The water of the Dream River can decompose most of the substances in the world, but this decomposition does not completely destroy these substances, but records them.

If Wuming wants, all substances decomposed by the Dream River can be reproduced in the form of the Dream River.

For example, now that Wuming has decomposed the Dark Wind Blade, if Wuming wants, he can use the water of the Dream River to condense a Dark Wind Blade at any time. The effect will be no different from the Dark Wind Blade, and with the properties of the Dream River, it will be even more powerful.

At the same time, the Dark Wind Blade itself has already produced a similar existence to the Blade Spirit. If Wuming subdues it with

ordinary methods, it will take a long time, and there is a possibility that the blade will devour its master in the process. Now that Wuming has decomposed it directly, all the troubles are gone.

While Wuming continued to stroll on the street, a well-equipped law enforcement team was quickly surrounding a house.

Guan Ling held the weapon and said, "According to the intelligence, the followers of the Afu God Cult are hiding in this house. Don't be careless. If they are formal followers, they may take risks and fight us to the death."

"Do it!" The captain next to Guan Ling gave the order.

Several burly law enforcers immediately knocked open the door. They didn't expect that the house was abnormal. There was a deep pit inside the door. Several law enforcers fell into the pit as soon as they entered. Fortunately, they all had the ability to fly. They used their magical powers and froze in mid-air.

However, the next second, a terrifying gravity suddenly took effect, and the no-fly formation was also activated. These people screamed and fell into the deep pit.

"No, save people!" Guan Ling reacted very quickly and shouted at this time.

The law enforcers took action one after another, and the house was directly blown up. A force of Yuan magnetic force burst out from the captain Chen He's hand. Several law enforcers who had fallen into the deep pit were immediately sucked by the Yuan magnetic force and quickly flew out of the deep pit. They were caught by Chen He one by one.

After the house was blown up, there was only a deep pit left on the ground.

"It is estimated that the followers of the Afu cult have been offline. Damn it." Guan Ling said helplessly.

Their cautious actions were actually to prevent the people of the Afu cult from going offline, but who would have thought that there was a deep pit in this house.

This directly led to the failure of their assault plan.

"Let's go down and investigate first to see if there are any valuable clues." Chen He said calmly.

The followers of the Afu cult hurriedly left the line, and there might be many things that they didn't have time to collect. Maybe they can dig out valuable information from the things left behind.

Next, he took the lead and jumped into the deep pit from the ground. Guan Ling immediately followed, and several skilled and courageous law enforcers also followed.

In the process of falling quickly, everyone used different methods to fall to the ground.

Chen He relied on the power of the Yuan magnetism, while Guan Ling roughly inserted a fork into the wall to stop her potential energy of falling, and then easily

jumped to the ground.

Under the deep pit, it was indeed the hideout of the Afu cult. Everyone passed through a passage and entered the secret room. The statue of the great god Afu was placed in the middle of the secret room.

The name of the great god Afu sounds a bit funny, but the statue is very solemn and charming.

It only has half of its body, and the lower half is a planet-shaped model. In the model, the planet has a star ring, and the appearance alone is very good.

And it has four arms, all of which are open, as if hugging, but also as if flying high.

Without saying anything, Chen He immediately took out a golden sealing spell and pasted it on the statue of the great god Afu, and then ordered the law enforcers to search the entire secret room to see if there was anything hidden.

Ten minutes later, Chen He and Guan Ling's faces were a little bad. The other party left and left, and the things were packed too cleanly.

The law enforcement team dug three feet deep but didn't find anything. This means that this is either a temporary base or there are important people here. They packed up everything in an instant and left calmly.

Although their law enforcement team made mistakes, because of Chen He, the delay was no more than three seconds, and then she and Chen He jumped into the deep pit.

The whole process took only five to six seconds at most.

"Collect the team."

Chen He rubbed his eyes and continued.

This time he was really careless.


Above the deep pit, the law enforcement team still surrounded the deep pit.

A rat man wearing a gray cloak approached silently from the surrounding roofs, staring at the law enforcers with red eyes indifferently.

The next moment, it suddenly jumped from the top of the house and waved its hands at the law enforcers.

"Damn law enforcers, all of you die!"

It screamed, landed and approached a law enforcer, and its sharp claws instantly wiped the law enforcer's neck, and blood spurted out immediately.

It wasn't that these law enforcers didn't want to resist, but they were affected by some force, their reaction ability was greatly reduced, and they couldn't keep up with the speed of the ratmen.

In just a few seconds, the surrounding law enforcers were slaughtered.

The ratmen didn't stop, but used their super high jumping ability to bounce on each other on the walls of the deep pit and quickly moved downwards.

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