I Contracted Myself

【291】Three monks have no water to drink

Then Dahuang told Wuming about the abilities of the Kiwi Aidi people.

The Kiwi Aidi's ability is called "One Thought of Hell". When it encounters an enemy, its whole body will erupt with some mysterious energy. With the help of the spiral sign, it can instantly hit the target's vital points.

This blow is a bit like fate or a phenomenon like cause and effect, and it is almost guaranteed to hit.

Of course, after this blow, if the enemy is not dead, the Kiwiadi people will basically be unable to resist.

"This ability is a bit disgusting." Wuming said after hearing this.

To be honest, he didn't want to encounter this kind of inexplicable attack, as if one of his many abilities had an effect similar to the first sight kill.

But in fact, he has no use for this type of ability at all, because he can easily kill enemies who are weaker than him, while most of the enemies who are stronger than him are very lucky. Basically, the probability of killing him at the first sight is very high. very small.

The one-thought hell of the Kiwi Aidi people is completely an advanced version of the first sight kill.

Wuming thought for a while and immediately controlled the little squirrel to follow the Kiwi Eddie people. If there was a chance, he wouldn't mind adding the abilities of the Kiwi Eddie people to Menghe.

Although this ability is actually of little help to him, he keeps it in case he needs it someday.

This Kiwiedi man is also very ambitious. He is walking blindly in the snow with a spiral pick in his hand, as if he wants to use this method to search for enemies.

The little squirrel did not dare to follow too closely, and its body gradually changed from a normal squirrel to a snow-white squirrel, making it almost impossible to be spotted in the snow.

An hour later, the Kiwi Aidi man in front suddenly stopped and turned his head to look to the right.

In the snow, a man wearing a vest walked slowly, carrying an exaggeratedly large ax on his shoulder. When he saw the Kiwi Edi people, he immediately smiled and said: "It turns out to be a mantis monster. Come on, Eat your grandfather's axe!"

The next moment he finished speaking, the Kiwi Eddie people in front burst out with a gray aura, and the next moment their bodies almost twisted forward as they rushed forward.


The screw tag was inserted into the chest of the man in the vest. The man in the vest's eyes widened, and he spurted out a mouthful of blood. He said in disbelief: "You are... from Kiwi Eddy!"

After saying that, he rolled his eyes and died.

The biggest difference between the Shenzang and the Resource Tower is that people will die, so the first level is usually single player.

levels, some people who don’t want to participate can eliminate themselves through the first level.

In the past, you could exit the second level, which was equivalent to receiving a guarantee in the first level, but this time it is obviously different. The second level is also life-threatening.

Just when Wuming thought the battle was over, suddenly a red light flashed in the distance, and the Kiwi Eddie man and the man in the vest were cut in half by a sword light at the same time.

The Kiwi Aidi people have a tenacious vitality, and they are still alive. They are crawling with their upper bodies trying to leave, but a small white squirrel appears in front of them.

It was stunned for a moment, and then saw the little white squirrel opening its mouth.

The mouth instantly stretched like rubber, and it was pitch black inside, as if there was endless darkness.

The Kiwi Eddie man immediately wanted to run away, but it was already too late. The little squirrel swallowed it in one gulp, and his head immediately returned to its original size, and he quickly fled the scene.

After a moment, a man holding a red sword and with one third of his face covered in bandages came over. He glanced at the dead man in a vest, and then looked at the Kiwi Eddie man with only half of his body left, and then gently held his hand. With a wave of , the man in the vest stood up like a puppet, and the wound on his chest slowly healed.

This turned out to be a puppet.

In the distance, the little squirrel saw this scene, and the picture was immediately transmitted back to Wuming's side. Wuming's eyes suddenly widened. He really thought that the man in the vest was a trialist, but he didn't expect that it was actually someone else's bait for fishing.

Sure enough, the world is dangerous, and a pure person like him is not suitable for intrigues.

After the man in the bandage disposed of half of the corpses of the Kiwi Eddie people, he hid in the wind and snow again, while the man in the vest walked forward arrogantly carrying his ax.

The little squirrel immediately followed the man in the vest cautiously.

There are a total of twenty trialists in this snowfield, and ten of them need to be eliminated to pass the level. Now one of them has died. Wuming cannot be sure whether there are dead people in other places, so he just pretends that there is no calculation.

In other words, nine people have to die to end this game.

If he could pass the level without killing anyone, Wuming didn't want to do it himself. The purpose of letting the little squirrel follow the man in the vest was actually to determine how many people had died.

Of course, if he could make some money from dead people, he wouldn't mind taking action.

"Okay, let's stop here."

Deep underground, Wuming stopped digging and said to Dahuang next to him


"Thank you for your hard work, sir." Dahuang said, wagging his tail.

Wuming sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes, and ordered: "Unless there are enemies approaching, don't disturb me."

"Okay, sir." Da Huang agreed.

Wuming's consciousness was transferred directly to the little squirrel. It must be said that because the man in the vest was just a bait, it walked without any scruples, almost moving forward at a fast pace.

In this case, it walked for half an hour before encountering the enemy again.

However, the situation this time was completely different from that of the Kiwi Aidi. Before it even noticed the enemy, its head was penetrated by a golden beam of light.

Its eyes widened, and it fell down, looking dead.

The snow was falling heavily, and the body was gradually buried by the wind and snow.

The enemy did not appear, nor did the bandaged man. Everything was so harmonious and peaceful.

Wuming looked at the location where the beam came from. There was nothing there. Then he looked at the location where the snowstorm was the most violent. The bandaged man was not in the snowstorm either.

Did the bandaged man give up the vest man as a puppet bait?

In fact, it is normal to give up. After all, the enemy's location is unknown, and it is not clear whether he has left. If you approach the vest man rashly, you may be sniped by the opponent.

If it were Wuming, Wuming would not appear either.

Of course, if this bait is very important, Wuming himself would definitely not leave easily.

Now it depends on how important this vest man is to the bandaged man.

Wuming told the little squirrel to stay where he is. The next moment, his consciousness returned to his body. He released another little hamster and let the little hamster go to the ground and go in a different direction from the little squirrel.

The little hamster quickly went up to the snow, and its hair turned white in an instant. It quickly moved in another direction.

Now Wuming can only wait for them to pass back the message. It is estimated that except for the Kiwiedi people, most people are hiding and ambushing the enemy. It is not so easy to meet a trial participant.

Although the vest flow has been eliminated, it is obvious that the cultivation world is still full of fishermen and old cunning people.

In fact, many people may have the same idea as Wuming, letting others fight and enjoying the fruits of their labor. When there are only ten people left, they will pass the level directly.

The problem is that everyone thinks this way, and the result is: three monks have no water to drink!

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