I Contracted Myself

【292】Nameless Sea

Waiting is boring.

But neither Wuming nor Dahuang let down their guard. After all, they are both looking for each other.

This is like the dark forest described in "The Three-Body Problem". Anyone who exposes his position first will be fatally attacked by other enemies.

It was extremely quiet in the cave.

While Dahuang was thinking about his new changes after drinking the wine of transformation, he quietly observed Wuming.

Wuming would shift his vision to the little squirrels and hamsters from time to time. Suddenly he thought of something. Since Dahuang had no problem drinking the wine of transformation, he should be able to drink it too.

What would happen if he transformed?

Wuming took out the Dragon Snake Anti-Tian Gendou and immediately poured a glass of wine into it. After shaking it slightly, the wine turned golden.

"Sir, if you want to drink it, then I will protect you!" Dahuang whispered immediately.

Wuming smiled and drank the wine in the Dragon Snake Anti-Tian Gentou in one gulp. He could feel the wine slowly flowing down his throat, and then his body and soul felt like he drank a sip of iced Coke in the scorching desert. , the whole person suddenly became excited.

Then his body twisted and returned directly to Menghe.

The Dream River is like a flood, with endless river water spurting out in an instant.

The sea of ​​flowers on the shore created by Wuming immediately turned into islands that moved crazily outward, drifting into the distance with the river.

The river turned into a sea at this moment, as if it had no boundaries.

When Wuming thought it was over, suddenly two huge vortices appeared in the sea. A large amount of white seawater poured out of one side of the vortex, and black seawater passed through the vortex to the other side.

The sea of ​​yin and yang is formed.

However, the Dream River has not disappeared. It exists in every drop of sea water. Although the sea seems to be neither increasing nor decreasing, Wuming can feel that the water in the sea is actually flowing all the time. They flow to countless tributaries, and then from countless tributaries. return.

Wuming could clearly feel himself getting stronger, and he even felt like he could kill the King of Darkness with one punch.

Of course, he knew very well that this was just an illusion caused by excessive expansion of strength, but an illusion was an illusion. The expansion of strength was a fact, and this illusion could only be created when the strength suddenly increased significantly.

Finally, the sea returned to calm.


Knowing that the transformation was over, this sea evolved from Menghe, but it did not completely annihilate Menghe. Instead, it evolved into a more powerful existence while retaining Menghe.

He instantly appeared on an island covered with flowers and grass, with the Dream Castle standing in the center of the island.

Lin Renmei, Su Jingyao, and Mani all noticed the changes in the outside world. They did not act rashly, but waited for Wuming to return within the protection of Dream Castle.

"Wu Ming, what's going on? I feel like I've become a lot stronger all of a sudden." Lin Renmei saw Wu Ming appear and immediately stepped forward and asked.

Su Jingyao also walked over, nodded and said, "Yes, I have become stronger too."

"Don't worry, I'll explain to you what happened later. All in all, this is a good thing. I'm participating in the competition now, so I'll go back first." Wuming comforted the two of them, and then smiled.

The next moment, his figure quickly disappeared.


Wuming returned to his original position in an instant, and Dahuang immediately said excitedly: "Sir, you are finally back. I was worried about you."

"How long has it been?" Wuming smiled and then asked.

The Meng River transformed into the sea, and his senses were very special. There was a feeling that a moment had passed, but a long, long time had passed. Because he couldn't grasp the time, he didn't know how long it had been here in Shenzang.

"Sir, two hours have passed since you drank the wine of transformation." Dahuang replied.

Wuming nodded and said with a smile: "It doesn't seem like it's been too long. I'll check the situation first."

He immediately saw the scene seen by the little squirrel with one eye, and the scene seen by the little hamster with the other eye. After confirming that no prey had been found on either side, he withdrew his sight.

This time he drank the wine of transformation and got great benefits. Not only did his strength increase dramatically, but the depth of Menghe's transformation in the ocean was unimaginable. He himself had the illusion that he was invincible.

If it were him before, Wuming was confident that he could easily crush countless of them to death now, and sheer quantity could no longer pose a threat to him.

"I don't know what level I am now."

Wuming thought of something and immediately took out the mirror and looked above his head. The next moment he saw the display on his head: Level 220.

Sure enough, much stronger.

At his current level, every time he increases his level, his strength will increase.

Earth-shaking changes will occur, and the Wine of Transformation directly increases his level by 7 levels.

This is too much of an improvement.

He got the Energy Stone from the Xundao Pavilion and ate the Devil Fruit. Although he felt that he had become stronger, his level was as stable as a mountain, and he didn't feel like he was upgrading at all.

In fact, even he himself didn't know how long he would have to practice before he could reach the next level.

Now that he drank the wine of transformation, he was directly promoted to level 7. This was so exaggerated that Wuming himself was a little surprised.

Theoretically, with his current strength, each time he levels up, he will be roughly twice as strong as before. To put it simply, level 214 should be able to fight two level 213s, and level 215 can fight two level 214s.

But sometimes a theory is just a theory and cannot really be calculated that simply.

In fact, a 215-level warrior can easily kill dozens of 213-level warriors. Because the gap is too big, the opponent is often killed in seconds before he can react.

Wuming's level has soared to 220, and he can really kill his previous self with ease. This is not an illusion.

He closed his eyes and felt his power carefully.

He used to be Menghe, and he had as much power as Menghe. Now he is the sea evolved from Menghe, but he cannot use the power of the sea completely.

It's not that the sea is out of his control, but because this power is endless, his mind is a limited mind and cannot bear this infinite sea.

It's like a child holding a big Guandao. Although the big Guandao is in the child's hand, the child's strength is not enough to swing the Guandao to kill the enemy.

Of course, it is still easy for Wuming to use part of the power.

"Since it has become the sea, it should also change its name. Infinite Sea? It's a bit strange. Sea of ​​Dreams? It's a bit wrong. Although the Dream River is still there, the essence of this sea is no longer a pure dream. Yin-Yang Sea? Yin-Yang Sea?"

Wuming manipulated the sea to form waves while feeling the power of this sea, and at the same time he could think about giving the sea a new name.

Three things at once, it was a piece of cake for him with his mental power.

After thinking for most of the day, he simply named the sea 'Nameless Sea', because this sea is his Wuming's body, and he is this sea.

Only 'Nameless Sea' is the most suitable for it!

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