I Contracted Myself

【296】Everyone gets something

But don't forget.

When Wuming first came in, his level was level 213, not level 220 today.

The level of this loli was not raised in the Divine Treasure. In other words, before entering the Divine Treasure, the opponent could press Wuming to death with one finger.

The reason why Wuming is sure of this is because he actually observed all the testers when he first entered Shenzang, but at that time he was weaker than this lolita, so he was affected by this lolita's ability and directly killed this lolita. ignored.

It was only now that he came out of the snowfield and his level had been raised to level 220 that he noticed that there was such a loli among the trialists.

Among all the testers, she is the only opponent that Wuming cannot be sure to suppress. If she is lucky enough to get a better reward than him later, she may not be able to surpass him in the end.

Now it depends on whether she can get the reward for the second level.

Wuming thought to himself, but at the same time he also paid attention to the trialist who received the reward.

The main reason is that the rewards from Shenzang are really good. The rewards from the first level directly increased his strength. The rewards from the second level not only gave him an extremely powerful tool man, but also once again enhanced the foundation of the Nameless Sea. .

When others receive rewards, they may also achieve a sudden increase in strength, or even obtain some kind of weapon with astonishing lethality, allowing the weak to defeat the strong.

Therefore, although Wuming was certain that he was the strongest among all the testers present, he did not dare to take it lightly.

At this time, another trialist opened the treasure box. He took out a big sword from the treasure box and immediately laughed wildly: "Good baby, good baby, hahahahaha!"

Of course, he didn't show what the sword was used for. After showing off proudly, he put the sword into the storage space.

"open ah!"

As the third person opened the treasure chest, everyone else became anxious.

Someone yelled hysterically, and then vigorously inserted the key into the treasure box and twisted it. Who knew that the key was broken in the keyhole because of excessive force.

He instantly froze in place and found that the key in his other hand had passed through his palm and fell to the ground.

"No, get up, get up!"

The next second he knelt on the ground, frantically trying to pick up the key, but it all slipped through.

Many people see this

Everyone was shocked at the scene, and the next action of opening the lock was much gentler, fearing that he would encounter the same situation.

At the same time, some people took a regretful look at the treasure chest with the keyhole blocked by a broken key. It was obvious that the treasure chest was useless.

To be honest, Wuming didn't expect that this would happen again. He was surprised and realized that there were pitfalls everywhere in Shenzang. Even if he cleared the level, he couldn't take it lightly.

"I'm afraid time is running out."

The trialist who had just received the big sword reward said quietly.

He looked at the many trialists who were still picking up the keys, with a joking smile in his eyes, and continued: "Three minutes have passed now. I remember that the general time for Jinzo to select rewards is five minutes, which means that everyone only There are only two minutes left, and I’m afraid most people won’t get the reward.”

"Yes, the rewards this time are so good, so the threshold for obtaining rewards has also become much higher. People with bad luck may have a very low probability of receiving rewards." The trialist who had received the book reward before agreed.

The two of them were obviously putting pressure on the other testers, with the purpose of making everyone nervous. The more nervous they were, the more anxious they would be, and sometimes the easier it would be to make mistakes.

And if you make a mistake in Shenzang, the result is likely to be loss of rewards, and eventually death in the next level.

However, there are a certain number of keys after all, and many people are able to tell which keys have been tried, so the unlocking rate begins to increase.

In just one minute, seven or eight people successfully opened the lock and received rewards.


Dahuang opened a treasure chest at this time, and he immediately said in surprise: "Great, it's finally opened."

It actually also has the ability to distinguish which keys have been used by others, because any key that has been tried by others will definitely leave the smell of others. It only needs to select those keys that do not have the smell of others to test, and the number of times will increase. There is a chance to open the treasure chest.

Basically, the next people will open the treasure chest for this reason. Those who just grab the key and try it can be said to be hopeless.

As time passed, someone finally lost his temper and simply knelt on the ground and screamed in despair: "I can't open it!!!!"

At this time, Loli, whom Wuming had been paying close attention to, also opened the treasure chest, and basically no one present noticed her.

Because more and more people opened the treasure chest, this loli didn't stand out at all among these people. After receiving the reward, she stood in the blind corner of the crowd. The whole process was silent and no one noticed.

"Boss, I'm going to take off." Dahuang said happily at this time.

Wuming looked back and asked, "What's taking off?"

"Of course it's a reward. I got a very, very, very powerful reward. It depends on me in the next level!" Dahuang said confidently.

At this time, Wuming noticed that there was a collar on Dahuang's neck. This collar was a kind of collar with fangs. Strictly speaking, it should be a neck guard, which could prevent other beasts from directly killing him with a chokehold.

"Is your reward this collar?" Wuming asked.

Dahuang wagged his tail and nodded proudly: "Yes, its function is to give you twelve lives per day, and at the same time, it has the effect of twelve 100% rebound attacks."

"Hiss, it's so scary!" Wuming couldn't help but take a breath after hearing this.

Then he noticed that there were indeed twelve fangs on the collar, and it was obvious that each fang represented a life and a special effect of 100% rebound of attack.

With this collar, Da Huang was indeed safe, at least he was not afraid of dying in the God's Treasure.

Wuming touched Da Huang's dog head, thought about it, and poured cold water on him: "Although your reward is very good, it is better not to be careless, what if you meet an enemy like me?"

As he said, the Deep Sea Apostle appeared next to Da Huang and picked up Da Huang with one hand.

Wuming whispered to Da Huang about the strength and effect of the Deep Sea Apostle, and Da Huang realized that the Deep Sea Apostle really restrained it perfectly.

First of all, its strength is far inferior to that of the Deep Sea Apostle, and it is almost certain to die if it encounters the Deep Sea Apostle.

And it can rebound twelve attacks and revive twelve attacks. The problem is that if the Deep Sea Apostle dies, Wuming can summon it again, and he only needs to summon twelve Deep Sea Apostles to kill it.

The rewards of other trialists may not be worse than its, so it is absolutely impossible to be arrogant and not to take it lightly now.

"Boss, I understand. Even if I am invincible, I will not be careless!" Da Huang knew that Wu Ming was doing this for his own good, so he said it without hesitation.

Wu Ming asked the Deep Sea Apostle to put Da Huang down. Just as he was about to speak, the space around him changed.

The third level is coming!

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