I Contracted Myself

【297】Level 3

clang! ! !

Suddenly, a heavy bell rang.

When Wuming came back to his senses, he found that he was already standing in front of the door of an ancient temple, and there was a man, a woman and a lolita with him.

The four of them looked at each other immediately, and then none of them spoke in a hurry.

Wait for the prompts for this level.

After all, I don’t know what this test is, so it would be unwise to speak hastily.

If it is an enemy, then they will definitely fight later. Nothing you say now is in vain. If it is a cooperation level, then there is no difference in later time. Everyone will definitely cooperate by then.

After about a while, a new light curtain appeared in front of the four people: the fourth level, killing ghosts.

Two words, kill ghosts?

Wuming frowned and looked at the other three people.

"Ahem, it's hard to say what's going on in this level now, but when it comes to killing ghosts, I remember that a similar situation seemed to have happened in Shenzang about a hundred years ago. At that time, ten people entered the level together, and the result was that they had to cooperate. Kill a monster named 'Rakshasa Ghost'. Because the ten trialists were infighting in the early stage, some even mistakenly thought they had found a hidden ghost among these ten people, so they killed each other during the task. The result was that these ten people were hunted down one by one by the Rakshasa ghosts, and by the time the last few people woke up, it was already too late." At this time, another male trialist spoke.

The female trialist said thoughtfully: "So the situation is still unclear now. It is best for the three of us not to rush into internal strife and cooperate first?"

"Okay." Wuming agreed.

The male trialist smiled and said: "Since we want to cooperate, let me introduce myself first. My name is Xu Tao. I am a monk who practices the system of cultivating immortality from outside. I am good at refining alchemy, drawing talismans, and forming formations. I am also somewhat confident in swordsmanship."

"My name is Hikawa Kyouko. I am also a practitioner of the Onmyoji system, and I am also a practitioner of the Onmyoji system. I am good at manipulating shikigami to fight, and I also have some experience in barriers." The female trialist said.

Then the two of them looked at Wuming, who arrived first: "My name is Zhang Shouzhong, a practitioner of the external superpower system. I am good at controlling summoned beasts to fight. I may have some overlap with Miss Xiangzi's position."

"It doesn't matter if they overlap. As long as we unite, we will definitely be able to kill the ghosts and pass the level." Hikawa Kyoko immediately smiled softly.

Wuming looked at Loli at this time and asked, "What about you?"


Xu Tao and Rikawa Xiangzi were both stunned, and then followed Wuming's eyes to look at Loli, and then they realized it belatedly.

To the existence of loli.

Just now they thought there were only three people, but who knew there was one more person present.

Both of them subconsciously stepped back, wondering if this loli was the ghost to be killed in this level.

"Cooperate, Xu Qinqin, seek the Dharma from within, and blind the eyes." Loli said calmly.

Wuming nodded and said: "Okay, so the four of us can unite and cooperate and pass the level together. Before we pass the level, we are teammates instead of competitors!"

"No problem." Xu Tao nodded.

Hikawa Kyoko raised her hands and said, "I have a question. Is she...really a human?"

As she spoke, she pointed at Xu Qinqin. After all, she had just observed her surroundings. There were clearly only three people, so why was there suddenly one more person?

"Miss Xiangzi, I have heard of the blind way. Unless you are stronger than the other party, or someone shouts out the other party's behavior, otherwise the people around you will not be able to see the other party. Fellow Taoist Xu Qinqin should be stronger than us, so we I didn't notice her." Xu Tao explained with a wry smile.

Rikawa Xiangzi looked at Wuming and asked in surprise: "Mr. Shouzhong, is that so? Did you already discover Taoist Xu Qinqin from the beginning?"

"Well, there were four of us in the beginning." Wuming nodded.

Rikawa Xiangzi breathed a sigh of relief, and then apologized to Xu Qinqin, but Xu Qinqin said indifferently that it didn't matter. Obviously she had long been used to this kind of thing.

"Okay, it's getting late. Let's go in first. The ghosts are probably waiting for us inside." Wuming looked at the setting sun and said to the three of them.

Xu Tao posted an evil-proofing talisman on the steps and said with a smile: "Although I don't really want to enter this temple, I guess it will be more dangerous to stay outside the temple at night, and may even become the first target of ghosts, so This time I’m afraid I can only go to Tiger Mountain knowing that there are tigers in the mountains.”

In fact, the location of this ancient temple is very special. It seems to be built in the deep mountains and wild ridges. The surrounding trees are extremely dense. There is only a long staircase winding down, and it is unknown where it will lead.

None of the four had any intention of exploring, but instead entered the ancient temple honestly.

The levels in Kamizo are unreasonable.

There once appeared a very special level. After entering the level, the trialists could not defeat even a single farmer.

And without being suppressed, he was directly punched by a farmer.

If it were a ghost from the outside world, none of the four people present would

Keeping it in his heart, Wuming is completely confident in restraining the existence of the Ghost Emperor.

But the ghost in Shenzang, to be honest, Wuming really didn't know how strong the other party was and how terrifying his abilities were.

This is why he chose to cooperate.

After entering the ancient temple, a monk hurriedly came forward, clasped his hands and said, "Venerable Lord Immeasurable Life, fellow Taoists are finally here."

"Amitabha, the donor has been kept waiting for a long time." Xu Tao said immediately with a smile.

The monk was stunned for a moment, then smiled bitterly and said: "Please come with me."

"What's going on? Is there any hidden plot?" Xu Tao followed the monk and said to Richuan Xiangzi, Wuming and Xu Qinqin.

Wuming frowned and said, "How about the monk's strength?"

"It seems to be a mortal." Xu Tao glanced at the monk in front and continued.

Hikawa Kyouko immediately said: "Could it be that the other party is our employer and invites us to kill ghosts?"

"Maybe this is how the plot is hidden. Let's wait and see what happens." Wuming said with a smile.

Next, the four people met one of the monks in the prison under the leadership of the monk. After a conversation, the four people learned that their identities in the level were indeed the demon subduers invited by the other party.

This ancient temple is called ‘Dayin Temple’.

Because of the great hermitage, the ancient temple did not hang a plaque in front of the door.

Although it is somewhat against the rules of this world, nothing has happened in the past hundreds of years, and the monks have gotten used to it.

But something strange has happened in the past month and a half.

In the west courtyard of the temple, weird laughter can always be heard at night.

Some monks boldly wanted to scare away the ghosts in the west courtyard, but they were retorted by the other party. This ancient temple clearly has no sign, and if it has no name, it has no owner. How can it be said that it belongs to these monks?

But the monk was also sharp-tongued and immediately ridiculed the other woman for living in a temple with many men. She was really wanton and shameless.

It was just a verbal dispute at first, but then the ghost seemed to get angry after being scolded, and in anger it seemed that he invited a more terrifying ghost. So starting from the west courtyard, strange things happened frequently, and even spread to the surrounding courtyards.

There were even a few monks who got up at night to urinate, but disappeared inexplicably, and their bodies were only found in the west courtyard during the day.

The monk in the prison realized that something was wrong, so he wrote a letter asking Abbot Zhiruo from the distant Shaolin Temple for help and hired a magician to conquer the demons.

This is basically the pre-plot.

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