I Contracted Myself

【298】Sense of disharmony

Half an hour later, the unknown four people came to the west courtyard.

It was already dark at this time, and the monk who was responsible for leading the way held a torch. After completing the task, he handed the torch to Xu Tao, and then he fled quickly.

"Shall we go in?" Xu Tao held a torch and could vaguely hear the indulgent laughter in the west courtyard, and then asked uncertainly.

Rikawa Xiangzi hesitated and said: "What if the big ghost that the prison master said is stronger than us?"

At this time, Xu Qinqin walked to the wall of the west courtyard and lightly jumped onto the wall. She looked at the situation behind the wall, and then got down from the wall.

She returned to her original position and said to the three of them: "There are many ghosts in there, but they are not strong."


At this moment, Xu Tao and Rikawa Xiangzi were both a little embarrassed.

Xu Tao couldn't help coughing and said: "It seems that we are too cautious. Since it is not very strong, let's just go in. Maybe this mission will end if we cooperate with each other to kill all these ghosts."

After saying that, he looked at Wuming expectantly.

Although no one said how strong they were, everyone present knew that Wuming was the strongest.

The reason is very simple. Xu Tao and Rikawa Xiangzi didn't even discover Xu Qinqin at first, which shows that they are weaker than Xu Qinqin, and Wuming can discover Xu Qinqin, which means Wuming is stronger than Xu Qinqin.

As the strongest person in the team, when deciding to fight, Wuming naturally needs Wuming's consent.

"Then try it first. After all, it's difficult to get more information just by looking here." Wuming thought for a while and then said.

It would be best if the mission was that simple, but if there are other hidden conditions, they won't know about it now.

"Then everyone, get ready, the battle will begin in one minute." Xu Tao's expression relaxed slightly and he immediately smiled at everyone.

Hikawa Xiangzi immediately took out several white talismans. The next moment he muttered a spell in a low voice, and then waved the white talisman in his hand. The talisman turned into various little ghosts in the white light and fell to the ground.

"So weak."

Wuming glanced at the levels of these brats and thought speechlessly.

However, just as he is now aliased as "Zhang Shouzhong" and says that he is a super-type summoner, it is possible that Hikawa Kyouko did not show his real trump card. Now these little ghosts are just used to test the ghosts and their bait.


After all, Hikawa Xiangzi's level is not low, a full 140. Now he summoned a group of imps with only level 100, which is too different.

Wuming's mind was spinning, and then he summoned a young dragon and said with a smile: "I'm ready."

"Kawaii, Mr. Morinaka's summoned beast is so cute." Hikawa Kyouko's eyes flashed when she saw the chubby baby dragon summoned by Wuming and suspended in the air.

Wuming smiled and said, "Its name is Apophis. Even though he looks cute, he is actually a grumpy guy."

"It's great, I'm so envious." Hikawa Kyoko said.

Xu Tao smiled and said, "I'm ready too."

"Then let's do it!" Wuming laughed.

The young dragon immediately flew towards the wall of the west courtyard, and smashed the wall with the end that did not go through the main entrance.

"Naughty boy, come on!" Hikawa Xiangzi immediately ordered.

The group of little ghosts immediately rushed in screaming along the wall that the young dragon had crashed through, and the wall became even more lively for a while.

At this time, everyone could already see the situation in the west courtyard through the blasted wall.

A group of weird-looking and ferocious-looking creatures were drinking, while monsters rose from the ground outside and picked up weapons to attack the young dragons and naughty ghosts who broke into the west courtyard.

A few naughty guys were already suppressing these monsters, and the young dragons were killing the surrounding monsters quickly.

"It's really weak. Come on, everyone." Xu Tao said with a smile.

The four of them entered the west courtyard. Xu Tao immediately stared at a big man with a numb look. A lightning flashed under his long sleeves. In an instant, the big man with a numb look was hit by the lightning from the front, and a big hole appeared in his body.

Wuming walked to a big tree in the west courtyard and frowned at the messy courtyard, feeling a little weird.

Although these monsters are ugly and ferocious in appearance, they do not look like ghosts at all. Instead, they look more like a monster called a mandrill.

Of course, if this ghost is a ghost from the island country, then it is not impossible to look like this.

"It's too weak. It's not as weak as it should be in the third level."

Wuming looked at the one-sided battle situation and couldn't help but think to himself, if the third level could be completed so easily, then the reward from Shenzang would really be like giving it away for free.

Suddenly, he realized something and couldn't help turning his head to look to his right. Sure enough, Xu Qinqin was crouching in the corner, not showing up at all.

hand means.

"Does she know anything?"

Wuming narrowed his eyes, and the next moment he controlled the young dragon to start releasing water, letting Xu Tao and Rikawa Xiangzi be the main force in killing monsters.

This young dragon is actually the spirit of the river. Now because the Dream River has evolved into the Nameless Sea, it has also become a sea spirit young dragon. Its strength is about level 200.

For the monsters here, there is no difference between a baby dragon's attack and a sure kill.

Now that the young dragon has released the water, the pressure is on Xu Tao and Rikawa Xiangzi's side. The two of them are not stupid, so they naturally notice the increase in the number of monsters around them.

Xu Tao looked at the main hall of the west courtyard and immediately shouted: "Capture the thief first, capture the king first, everyone cover me."

After saying that, he took out a jade sword, quickly cut a bloody path, and rushed towards the main hall.

On the long steps of the main hall of the west courtyard, several monsters sat on the ground drinking and eating meat. They had no reaction to the killing in the yard and were very calm, looking like they were watching a show.

When Xu Tao reached the steps, Hikawa Kyoko followed closely behind him. He frowned and looked back to find that the surroundings were in a mess. Wuming and Xu Qinqin didn't know where they were.

"Where are Zhang Shouzhong and Xu Qinqin?" he couldn't help asking.

Hikawa Kyoko shook his head and said, "I don't know. Wait... Over there, I saw the dragon."

"Forget it, let's go first." Xu Tao said helplessly.

After that, he rushed up the steps and slashed at a monster who was drinking.

The monster reacted quickly and immediately raised an arm, but then the arm and the head were chopped off by a sword.


Xu Tao roared and rushed to the main hall door.

On the other side, Wuming approached Xu Qinqin and asked, "Do you know something?"

"What?" Xu Qinqin asked in confusion.

Wuming asked seriously, "Why don't you fight?"

"Because... I'm a scout, I'm not very good at fighting." Xu Qinqin replied.

Wuming frowned and said, "Since you are a scout, what did you see?"

"Too easy, this level is not right." Xu Qinqin's face showed a little doubt, and then she answered.

Wuming nodded, he also felt that this level was not right, but what was wrong?


A flash of lightning suddenly flashed in Wuming's mind.

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