I Contracted Myself

【299】Headless and Headless

He immediately got up and walked outside the West Courtyard, and then he saw a plaque hanging on the door of the West Courtyard, which read: "Shannu West Courtyard."

When they came just now, there was no sign posted anywhere else in the Dayin Temple, only the west courtyard had a sign posted.

According to the information just provided by the monk in the prison, the listing seems to have a special meaning to this world, which is a bit similar to declaring sovereignty.

The main reason why Dayin Temple was invaded by ghosts was that there was no sign.

Although Wuming had a lot of things to complain about about this setting, the setting was like this, and he could only continue to think according to this setting.

"We broke the rules."

Wuming narrowed his eyes, and immediately walked to the gate of the west courtyard and punched the gate hard. As expected, he couldn't blow the gate open with all his strength.

I'm afraid that's not how this level works.

You should first find a way to remove this plaque, and then kill the ghost.

They skipped this step without knowing what would happen next.

"Safety first, make some preparations first."

Wuming thought for a moment, and then quickly walked to the corner. A large amount of materials appeared in his hands. He simply built a hut next to the corridor, and then hung a plaque to declare his sovereignty.

He didn't know if it was useful, but he still hid his body inside the house and transferred his mind to the young dragon.

The young dragon is making soy sauce. As long as those monsters are not looking for it, it will not kill monsters. Many monsters flock to the main hall, wanting to kill Xu Tao and Rikawa Xiangzi who break into the main hall.

Because the baby dragon can fly at low altitude, Wuming controlled it to fly a little higher and saw a sign hanging on the main hall, which read: "Nu Tian Temple."

"The cross seems to mean something is not going well, that means... Nitian Palace?" Wuming thought to himself.

I don't know what the situation of Xu Tao and Rikawa Xiangzi is now. There are too many monsters around. There are at least fifty monsters rushing towards the stairs. They are crowded together and form a monster wall.

If the nameless body were here, he would be able to see the situation clearly, but the young dragon did not have that many abilities except flying bricks with great force. His consciousness was attached to the young dragon, so he could not see clearly either.

Suddenly, the killed monster on the ground emitted black energy. Wuming noticed the strange movement of the monster's corpse through the corner of the baby dragon's eyes, and immediately controlled the baby dragon to turn.

The ground, and then he saw the monsters that had just been killed rising from the ground.

Thick black energy gushes out from their wounds, and they all kneel on the ground, opening their hands as if praying to heaven.

Not far away, Xu Qinqin saw this scene and turned around without saying a word, quickly escaping from the west courtyard.

Wuming thought for a while and controlled the young dragon to fly to the edge of the west courtyard wall, shouting: "Xu Tao, Xiangzi, come out quickly, there is a problem in the west courtyard!!!"

Now we are teammates. Although he hides his strength, he has no intention of harming others. It just felt wrong to release the water just now, but Xu Tao and Rikawa Xiangzi are strong enough. Even if he releases the water, it will not cause harm to the two of them, so He can observe the situation with peace of mind.

Sensing the danger at this time, of course he had to remind Xu Tao and Hikawa Kyoko, this is what he must do as a teammate.

In front of the main hall, Xu Tao and Richuan Xiangzi were surrounded by a large number of monsters. The corpses on the ground made it difficult for them to move. If Richuan Xiangzi hadn't held up the barrier, they would have been squeezed and unable to move.

"These monsters are obviously so weak, why are their corpses so hard?" Xu Tao took out a fire talisman and threw it. A large amount of flames immediately formed a fire ring outside the barrier. Many monsters were burned to death on the spot, but the corpses could not be burned. Lose.

Suddenly, their ears twitched slightly and their expressions changed at the same time.

"Mr. Moruzhong said there is a problem here, evacuate quickly!" Hikawa Xiangzi said immediately.

Xu Tao hesitated and said: "But the main hall..."

"Retreat, if you don't leave, I'll leave!" Hikawa Kyoko said immediately.

She also felt something was wrong, something seemed to be brewing in the sky, but unfortunately because it was already dark, she couldn't see clearly what it was.

It is worth mentioning that the four people present actually have night vision, but something is wrong with this world. After entering the night, the sky becomes pitch black, and even the stars cannot be seen.

Even with night vision, they couldn't see anything in the sky, only darkness.

Rikawa Xiangzi felt more and more uneasy. Seeing that Xu Tao was still hesitating, he simply took out a talisman and stuck it on Xu Tao's body. The next moment, he turned into a white fox and quickly shuttled among the monsters. Many of them were clearly unable to survive. She can also get through the gaps.

In the blink of an eye, she disappeared into the vast crowd of monsters.

Xu Tao did not expect that Rikawa Xiangzi would be so decisive and leave as soon as he said he would leave. He looked at

Taking a look at the charm attached to his sleeve by Hikawa Kyouko, he realized that it was a barrier charm that could temporarily prevent him from being attacked by monsters.

He took a deep breath and decided to break into the main hall. After all, he had already come here and he would not give up if he stood at the door and refused to go in.

Of course, he is not a fool. The reason why he made this decision is because the reward he received for the second level is very strong in life-saving ability, and he is confident that he will not die.

"Let me see what's inside!"

Xu Tao didn't blame Wu Ming and the others, nor did he blame Hikawa Xiangzi. The other party had done everything they could to be kind and righteous. They were originally temporary teammates. It was enough to do this.

He killed a monster with one sword and walked forward simply by stepping on the monster's body. The door of the hall was closed. He kicked open the door of the hall with force. The next moment, charming laughter came from the hall.

A headless female corpse sat on both sides of the hall, posing in different shapes like Arhats, and in the middle of the hall was a huge corpse.

Because the corpse was too fat, it was impossible to tell whether it was a man or a woman.

When Xu Tao saw the corpse, it seemed to be smiling. Although there was no head, Xu Tao could see the other person's face. This was an extremely inconsistent feeling.

"So the ghost is here."

Xu Tao thought to himself, and the next moment there was a bang in the sky, and it actually thundered.

In the lightning, Xu Tao turned back suddenly and saw densely packed heads floating in the sky, and at the same time a huge head was emitting a weird smile.

All the heads were looking at Xu Tao, and Xu Tao felt his scalp tingling in an instant.

Not good!

Xu Tao's heart beat violently in the next second, and he directly activated the reward of the second level.

In an instant, his body twisted, and then there was a conch in the air, and then countless arms stretched out from the hall. After a while of groping, they didn't catch anyone, and then slowly retracted back to the hall.

The conch fell to the ground, shook for a moment and then stopped moving.

On the other side, Wuming also saw the human head in the air. Even if it was only for a moment, he could see many things clearly.

The black air emitted by the monster corpses kneeling on the ground all floated into the sky, and the level of the human heads in the sky was still rising, from the original level 200. The largest head had even reached level 219, which was only a little bit away from him.

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