I Contracted Myself

【301】The whole story

Next, both Wuming and Xu Qinqin had to join the battle.

The main reason is that Hikawa Kyoko alone will definitely not be able to stop the monster's impact. Once the monster extinguishes the flames on the door, they will have to start all over again.

The mountain ghost itself is very weak. Although it is immortal, it will not participate in the battle after death. Instead, it will kneel on the ground and provide strength for those heads flying in the sky.

Once a large number of mountain ghosts die, the heads flying in the sky will inevitably increase in strength, and Wuming and the others will usher in the real end.

Wuming and Xu Qinqin were not targeting the mountain ghosts, but the human heads flying in the sky. They would stop any human heads that came close.

At this time, Hikawa Kyouko also realized that killing mountain ghosts in large numbers would cause trouble. They basically focused on defense and would only kill monsters if they were too threatening.

"Why didn't you take action on that big head in the sky?" Wuming kicked a flying head far away, looked up at the big head at the same level as himself, and asked.

Xu Qinqin held a pocket-sized long sword in her hand, and struck out a stream of sword energy with one strike. She said without looking back, "I don't know, I have never seen such a mountain ghost."

"What the hell is a mountain ghost?" Wuming asked in confusion as he looked at the densely packed mountain ghosts in the yard.

Xu Qinqin replied: "There are many mountain ghosts in the world. Different mountain ghosts have different causes. I am not sure what this kind of mountain ghost is."


Wu Ming did not continue to ask, and he probably still had no idea if he continued to ask Xu Qinqin.

In his heart, he actually doubted whether Xu Qinqin really didn't know. Maybe the other party also regarded him as a rival and concealed certain information just to trick him after the mission was over.

At this time, the flames on the door finally burned to the plaque.

As the plaque was burned, the mountain ghosts who were kneeling on the ground as if praying to heaven fell down one after another, and a large amount of black smoke came out of their bodies.

"The plaque has been broken, the rules of this world have been weakened, let's kill with all our strength!" Xu Qinqin said immediately.

Wuming nodded and said, "Okay!"

On the other side, Hikawa Kyoko also immediately ordered a few naughty guys to take action with all their strength.

The naughty ghost's fighting method is very strange. It seems that it can move behind the enemy through its shadow, so they will suddenly appear behind the mountain ghost and break the mountain ghost's neck while laughing.

Wuming saw Xu Qinqin quickly killing the mountain ghost with his sword.

So some of the sea spirits were replaced and started killing mountain ghosts.

"If I were a big-headed ghost in the sky, I would definitely not allow this kind of thing to happen, but why doesn't it stop me?" Wuming did not participate in the battle, but stood on the top of the wall, looking up at the dark sky, thinking all the time Some doubts.

In fact, there are currently three questions. One is why the Dayin Temple has never put up a plaque. They are still persisting even though something has happened.

What are those monks insisting on?

Second, why did the female ghost focus on the west courtyard, and after the quarrel, instead of immediately killing the monk with whom she had the quarrel, she invited the mountain ghost to occupy the west courtyard.

The problem is that after the mountain ghosts took over, they didn't go on a killing spree. They just killed a few monks, which was very strange.

Third, why are these mountain ghosts gathering here, especially the huge mountain ghost head in the sky? Why haven't they taken action yet?

Maybe the answer lies in the main hall.

Wuming thought for a while, then stepped on the mountain ghost's head and quickly approached the main hall. The stairs where a large number of mountain ghosts originally gathered were now empty of mountain ghosts, and Wuming easily arrived at the entrance of the main hall.


Wuming immediately spotted the conch on the ground.

He stepped forward to pick up the conch, and when he looked up, he saw a terrifying scene in the hall.

Headless female corpses sat cross-legged on both sides of the hall like Arhats, and in the middle of the hall was a huge headless statue.

"So that's it, the bodies of those flying heads are right here." Wuming suddenly realized.

The next moment, he suddenly felt something. A thin water curtain appeared in front of him. Countless arms in the main hall stretched out, but they were all blocked by the water curtain.

"I understand. The other party is cultivating the mountain demon. No wonder there are so many mountain ghosts gathered." Xu Qinqin fell behind Wuming at this time, looked at the situation in the main hall, and said lightly.

The great demon of the mountain?

Wuming immediately asked: "Where is the female ghost?"

"If I'm not wrong, I'm afraid it's in that body, and those monks lied to us. I'm afraid they just want to use us to release the mountain demon." Xu Qinqin said with an ugly face.

Wuming quickly said: "Wait, what on earth is going on?"

"Yes, fellow Taoist, please make it clear." Xu Tao's voice came from the conch.

Wuming was stunned for a moment, then looked

He held the conch and asked, "Xu Tao, so you're not dead yet?"

"Of course, how could I die so easily? Leave me alone now and get down to business." Xu Tao said.

Wuming nodded and looked at Xu Qinqin. Xu Qinqin then said: "I don't know much, but the mountain demon is usually a hermaphrodite, and it must use the body of the mountain ghost and a man and a woman as materials, but because of the production method Very vicious, so easily punished by God.

However, the rules of this world are very interesting. The plaque seems to be able to protect the residence to a certain extent, and these rules originate from the world, so the mountain ghost in the main hall has not been punished by God so far. "

"A man and a woman? And a male ghost?" Xu Tao asked immediately.

Xu Qinqin nodded and said, "Yes, it should be the monk who had an argument with the female ghost. Maybe they didn't have an argument..."

"But they fell in love with each other?" Xu Tao guessed.

Wuming scratched the back of his head and asked, "What should we do now? I always skip the plot when playing games. You just need to tell me where the BOSS is."

"One is in the sky and the other is there!" Xu Qinqin replied.

As she spoke, she pointed to the huge headless corpse in the main hall.

In fact, Wuming guessed it, and he even guessed the correct way to play this level.

"I have a question. What role does Dayin Temple play here?" Xu Tao asked at this time.

Xu Qinqin replied, "Dayin Temple should have known it a long time ago, and even communicated with the other party, and got some kind of promise, and then the temple found four scapegoats through the relationship of the abbot monk."

"This also explains why the other party didn't leave us breakfast at all. Once the mountain ghost demon is released, this Dayin Temple will probably be abandoned." Xu Qinqin then added.

Xu Tao continued to ask: "We are scapegoats? How?"

"It's still the plaque. If I'm not mistaken, in the rules of this world, the plaque is a kind of protection for the honest people, but it is a seal for the evil people." Xu Qinqin said.

Xu Tao suddenly realized: "So we who broke the seal will definitely be punished by heaven. If the Great Demon of the Mountain has other means, he can even transfer all the punishment to us and escape safely."

"Yes, that's it, but I don't know what their back-up is." Xu Qinqin nodded.

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