I Contracted Myself

[302] Kill the big head

Now the truth came to light.

From the beginning, there were many pitfalls in this mission, even the NPCs in the Great Hidden Temple were actually pitfalls.

Dayin Temple reached an agreement with the Mountain Demon and found four unlucky guys who were not weak in strength to catch ghosts.

In the process of catching ghosts, the four unlucky guys will inevitably burn the plaque according to the rules of this world. The first plaque is not bad, and nothing will happen if it is burned.

According to normal people's logic, if the first one was fine, he would definitely burn the second one, so he released the body sealed in the main hall.

The female ghost is hidden in the head, and the male ghost is hidden in the body. The two ghosts are ready to control the body and head to merge into one, and finally evolve into the Great Demon of the Mountain.

Then the Heavenly Punishment came, and the Mountain Demon transferred the Heavenly Punishment from himself to Wuming and the others, because destroying the plaque originally meant that they had to bear part of the Heavenly Punishment, and coupled with the Mountain Demon's Heavenly Punishment, the four of them would definitely die.

Of course, there is no certain death situation in the mission.

Wuming looked at Xu Qinqin and asked, "You should have a way to clear the level, right?"

"You can think about it carefully, if we burn the first plaque at the beginning, what will our next battle process be like." Xu Qinqin said.

Wuming closed his eyes and simulated it carefully, then smiled and said, "That's it."

This level is difficult to say, but it is actually quite easy to say easy.

If everyone chooses to cooperate from the beginning, then just follow the rules and realize that the second plaque is a trap after burning the first plaque, then kill the head in the sky before burning the second plaque, and then burn the second plaque. Plaque, and finally kill the headless body, you can actually pass the level easily.

The question is whether you can see through the traps in the mission and have the strength to kill heads.

"Then what we have to do now is to kill it!" Wuming looked at the head in the sky and said to Xu Qinqin and Xu Tao.

Xu Tao also realized how to break this level. In an instant, the air next to Wuming was distorted. He appeared next to Wuming out of thin air. After taking the conch, he smiled and said: "I hate levels that use my brain. Fortunately, this time With you.”

"The main thing is to rely on Xu Qinqin. Without her, I'm afraid we would all have died at this level." Wuming said.

To be honest, he was curious that Xu Qinqin just left that place

How could he get so much information in such a short time? This ability to collect information is too strong.

Moreover, Xu Qinqin's knowledge was quite profound. At least Wuming, Xu Tao, and Rikawa Xiangzi didn't know that the monsters in the west courtyard were mountain ghosts, but Xu Qinqin knew the names and even the origins of these monsters.

Finally, through the mountain ghost, the hidden information about the mountain demon was deduced.

Although Xu Qinqin didn't say it, Wuming actually knew a hidden piece of information, that is, the moment the Mountain Demon was successfully born, their mission failed.

Their mission is to kill ghosts, not the mountain demon. This is very crucial.

Now that the ghosts are gone, what else can they kill?

The next three people retreated from the main hall to the stairs. Since the goal was clear, they didn't need to worry so much.

As soon as Wuming's thoughts came to his mind, the sea spirits who had been relatively conservative in their attacks showed their cruel side one after another. A bear simply bit off the head of a mountain ghost in one bite, and then spat at the charging mountain ghost, and the head was It hit the mountain ghost like a cannonball. The mountain ghost was thrown out on the spot, with a big hole in his chest.

Xu Qinqin and Xu Tao also joined the battle.

Because they had no scruples, they seemed to be unparalleled. The mountain ghosts were quickly killed like weeds. In just three minutes, all the mountain ghosts were slaughtered.

"What happened to those women's heads?" Wuming looked up at the heads flying around the big heads and asked.

Xu Qinqin guessed: "Maybe it's the attendant. Kill the little head first, and then deal with the big head."

"Then why hasn't Big Tou taken action yet?" Xu Tao asked in confusion.

Xu Qinqin said helplessly: "How do I know?"

In fact, she combined the countless knowledge she had learned in the past with the intelligence she had just collected, and came to this conclusion with half-guessing and half-conception. But she was not a god, so how could she know everything in detail.

"Since you don't know clearly, let's kill him and get to the bottom of it!" Wuming said with a smile.

The next moment, a large amount of black water appeared out of thin air, shooting towards the head in the sky like an arrow.

With his current strength, it was no longer difficult to kill people who were several levels weaker than him. Under Black Water's attack, a large number of heads fell to the ground.

"Look at me!"

Xu Tao saw that the small head was taken care of, and then laughed.

He took out a talisman from his sleeve, recited the spell silently and threw it out. In an instant, the talisman turned into a bolt of thunder and lightning and flew high into the sky.

There was lightning and thunder tonight, otherwise Wuming and the others would not have noticed the heads in the sky. Now that the thunder and lightning transformed by this spell fell into the dark clouds, a large amount of lightning immediately gathered.


There was a loud noise, and a thick electric light suddenly fell on the big head.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

The head was struck by lightning, and then his eyes suddenly opened and he let out a sharp scream.

Then its face was half ferocious and half fierce, and it glanced at Wuming and others in a frenzy. A large number of thorns immediately protruded from the ground, blasting towards everyone at extremely fast speeds.

For an attack of this magnitude, Hikawa Kyouko would directly block it with a barrier.

"So weak."

Rikawa Xiangzi looked at the ground thorn blocked by him and said in surprise.

Wuming frowned slightly, feeling something was wrong. The level of this head was 220, theoretically on par with him, but the current attack was too weak.

In short, it was not worthy of its level.

Xu Tao shouted at this time: "Isn't it good to be weak? Let's kill it while it's weak!"

"That's right, blame it for being weak, kill it first." Wuming laughed.

Next, the four of them continued to attack the big head flying in the sky. The big head was really strangely weak. Apart from screaming, it just made a mess of attacks, and the power was so weak that it was not enough to pose any threat to the four people.

Wuming controlled Heishui to cut off one of the big head's ears, and then controlled Heishui to change from a sword to a knife, and then spun to cut off the big head's nose.

On the other side, Xu Tao kept setting mines, but the sword in his hand was never used.


Suddenly, the ground shook violently.

Everyone looked in the direction of the vibration and found that the huge headless body had appeared in front of the main hall. It kept punching the front, but there was an invisible force in front of it that prevented it from coming out.

"It can't come out, let's kill it quickly!" Xu Tao laughed.

In fact, he was the first to discover that the monster in the main hall couldn't come out, because after he hid in the conch, he found that those arms didn't actually touch the conch.

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