I Contracted Myself

【305】Lottery Ticket

Four people took part in the test, but only two were left alive.

Wuming looked at the Golden Gate, and his mood was a bit complicated at this moment. Although they might be competitors or even life-or-death enemies in the next level, Wuming could pat his chest and guarantee that at least at this level, he actually wanted everyone to All can survive.

"By the way, their heritage." Wuming suddenly thought of something and looked at Xu Qinqin and said.

Xu Qinqin said calmly: "The reward belongs to the individual, you can't take it away, and everyone has storage space. If you die, the storage space will be formatted."

After saying that, she jumped down the stairs gracefully and disappeared directly into the golden door.

Wuming looked back at the ruins of the Great Hidden Temple for the last time, then slowly walked down with his legs, leaving this world with a complicated mood.

Divine Treasure, Golden Road.

There were a lot fewer trialists, and some of them were still injured.

After Wuming came out, he subconsciously glanced at everyone, and then his eyes fell on the corner. Xu Qinqin stood in an inconspicuous position, quietly waiting for the rewards to be distributed.

He walked next to Xu Qinqin, who immediately walked to the other side. Wuming was stunned for a moment, and then followed him, but Xu Qinqin immediately moved his position as if he was avoiding the god of plague.

"Hey, after all, we are also temporary teammates. Is this necessary?" Wuming chased after him and asked, dumbfounded.

Xu Qinqin said calmly: "You exude a sense of luck. Your luck must be very high."

"Wouldn't it be better to come with me?" Wuming asked doubtfully.

Xu Qinqin's little face remained expressionless and said: "There is no absolutely safe place in Shenzang. You are so lucky. If something bad happens, the person next to you will definitely suffer. I don't want to be that unlucky guy. "

"Is there such a thing?" Wuming asked in surprise.

Xu Qinqin said coldly: "Yes."

"Okay, then I'll stand over there." Wuming smiled bitterly.

He walked to the other side of Xu Qinqin and started looking for Dahuang. Although he had not known Dahuang for a long time, they were friends after all. He still hoped that Dahuang could come out alive.

But then he thought about Dahuang's reward from the previous level, and felt that it was unlikely that Dahuang would die in the third level.

But then he thought of Xu Tao, on how to save life

To be sure, Xu Tao's conch was not much inferior to rhubarb, but Xu Tao died miserably.

Inexplicably, Wuming suddenly had the illusion that the testers were all salmon returning to spawn.

During the return flow, many salmon will be scratched by stones during jumping and die due to excessive body damage or exhaustion of strength.

Only after going through many difficulties can salmon reach a calm lake upstream to spawn.

The same is true for the trialists. They need to go through many difficulties before they can get rich rewards, and everything is just for the illusory dream of transcendence.

"Hahahaha, I am indeed the strongest, hahahahaha." At this time, a man with crested head and phoenix eyes walked out of the Golden Gate.

Wuming immediately looked at the rooster-crested man's neck. The reward from the previous level of Rhubarb was worn around the rooster-crested man's neck.


Wuming knew that Dahuang was probably dead.

He carefully observed the cock-combed man, and finally closed his eyes to recharge his batteries.

At this moment, he understood why Xu Qinqin stayed away from him, because they might be enemies or teammates in the future.

No matter what your identity is, you can only have a future if you survive in the end. If you are in a relationship now, it will only be more sad if the other person dies.

At the same time, Wuming also had some doubts in his heart. Xu Qinqin told him that it was strange that other people's reward belts were no longer available, but the man with the crested head could get the reward of rhubarb.

Could it be that the reward the rooster-crested man received from the previous level was a prop that could steal other people's rewards?

Apart from this possibility, Wuming could not think of any other reason.

After about ten minutes, the golden door closed.

Apparently there are only so many people who survived the third level.

The next moment, a large number of lottery tickets fell from the sky. Someone with quick eyes and quick hands grabbed a lottery ticket in an instant. When he wanted to grab more, he found that his hand had passed through the lottery tickets.

Apparently each person can only grab one ticket.

Wuming originally wanted to grab it, but stopped decisively when he saw this scene. Then he saw various symbols on the lottery tickets. Different symbols seemed to have different meanings.

The problem is that the meaning of these symbols is unclear.

“Phnom Penh!”

Xu Qinqin rushed over at this time, squatted on the ground and picked up a lottery ticket, then glanced at the dazed Wuming and said lightly.

"Phnom Penh?"

Wuming looked at the lottery ticket in Xu Qinqin's hand, and sure enough, the edge was golden.

He looked down at the lottery tickets around him and found that the edges of the lottery tickets were of different colors. He immediately scanned around quickly, but most of them were white, cyan and blue, with a very small amount of purple, and there was no golden one.

"Sure enough, gold rim is a rare reward, even the highest grade reward."

Wuming thought to himself, and then a large number of hands grew from his back, but instead of picking up the lottery tickets, they fanned the air and blew away the surrounding lottery tickets, looking for gold-rimmed lottery tickets.

Fortunately, most of the trialists this time were impatient and quick-handed. They grabbed the lottery tickets the moment they fell, but they also lost the opportunity to choose.

At this time, many people found that the color of the edge of their tickets was different. After some comparison, everyone speculated that the color of the edge of the ticket might be related to the quality of the reward.

White, cyan, blue, purple, gold.

At present, the tickets in the hands of the trialists only have these five colors. Everyone looked down and immediately guessed the ranking of the ticket rewards from the perspective of rarity.

However, the trialists did not say it out loud. Instead, they quietly stepped on the rarer tickets under their feet, not giving the rest of the people a chance to pick them up.

"Hahaha, golden!" Suddenly, the cockscomb man picked up a ticket and laughed wildly.

Wuming glanced at it, and then continued to look for the ticket with gold edges. He had just learned a lot of information about the cockscomb man through talking to others.

The name of this cockscomb man is Gilensky. He seems to be a practitioner of the superpower system. Several of the trialists who came in are people he knows, and they seem to have a good relationship.

If you encounter any of them alone in the next level, you must kill them as quickly as possible, otherwise they will definitely join forces when they gather together.

While thinking, the lottery ticket on the ground was swept away by the wind, and a black-edged lottery ticket appeared in front of Wuming.

Wuming stopped immediately and looked around hesitantly. The people around him were holding white, cyan, blue, purple, and gold, and no one was holding black.

Is this good or bad?

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