I Contracted Myself

【306】One out of four

Although for a moment, Wuming thought of the possibility of being the only winner, but then he realized that this could also be the possibility of being the only unlucky one.

What if the black border is the only ticket with no prize?

What about 'Thank you for participating'?

Everything is possible in the divine treasure and cannot be speculated based on common sense.

Under normal circumstances, Wuming would definitely not have any hesitation. The problem is that in the Divine Treasure, the rewards at each level are extremely outrageous and extremely important.

Maybe a reward is related to life or death in the next level.

Even Wuming couldn't be completely calm, not to mention that he was gambling now.

He went through a brainstorming session in just one second and finally came to a conclusion: "Qinqin said I'm very lucky, let's see if it's true!"

Then he bent down and picked up the black-edged lottery ticket and held it silently, not letting others see the color of the edge of his lottery ticket.

After all, there is a time limit for receiving the prize, so the longer the time passes, the more anxious the trialists who have not picked up the lottery tickets will become, and in the end they may even have to pick up purple or blue lottery tickets.

Suddenly, the time has come.

The lottery tickets on the ground disappeared instantly, and the few trialists who had not picked up the lottery tickets were dumbfounded.

Some of the trialists looked at the dumbfounded trialists and laughed softly, mockingly. Although they had quick eyesight and quick hands to get the white tickets, it was still better than not losing the tickets at all.

At this time, many of the trialists holding white lottery tickets were mentally balanced, leaving only those few who had not had time to pick up the lottery tickets and were depressed to the point of internal injury.

This is not an exaggeration, but there are real testers who are so angry that they vomit blood due to their own greed.

Fortunately, the testers present were all extremely tenacious and would not be so angry that they would die of anger and have their bodies inherited by the time-travelers.

At this time, a trialist found that the lottery symbol in his hand suddenly changed, turning into familiar words in an instant.

"Oh, I'm pretty lucky!" The trialist glanced at the ticket and then laughed.

After saying that, he put his lottery ticket into the storage space.

Others looked at the lottery tickets one after another. Some were smiling happily, some had a sore face, and some were depressed and vomiting blood.

Wuming also looked at the lottery ticket in his hand at this time, and saw that the symbol on the lottery ticket had turned into text: Infinite Seed*1.

"Infinite seeds

, what is this? "

Wuming frowned slightly and was a little confused. He simply put the lottery ticket into the storage space, and the next moment the lottery ticket turned into a black seed.

In an instant, Wuming felt the abyss-like aura of this seed.

At the same time, he also understood the role of this seed.

Infinity seeds can upgrade one of his abilities to an infinite level. This infinity is not the 'infinite level' of the awakened person's abilities in the Lashao universe, but a truly limitless state.

For example, when he punches, the original damage of one punch is 100, but if the concept of 'punching' is enhanced with infinite seeds, then the damage will reach infinite level.

The problem is that he has no control, which means that his punches are 100% unlimited.

Wuming naturally would not do such a stupid thing. He silently took out the infinite seeds, swallowed the seeds in one gulp, and said in his heart: "Luck, I want to integrate the infinite seeds into luck!"

Then, he felt the infinite seeds quietly blending into his ethereal luck.

"Does this mean my luck is unlimited?"

Wuming opened his eyes, feeling an unreal feeling in his heart.

He looked at Xu Qinqin and found that Xu Qinqin was also looking at him, so he gave Xu Qinqin a kind smile. Unexpectedly, Xu Qinqin subconsciously stepped back, her expression becoming more frightened.

"Am I that scary?" Wuming touched his cheek and said with a smile.

Judging from Xu Qinqin's performance, her luck has definitely improved, but she still has to try it at the next level to know how strong it is.

The infinite seed makes his luck infinite, but this infinite possibility is different from the infinite that everyone understands.

The main reason is that luck and punching are not the same type. The punching power can change from 100 attack power to unlimited. That is because this concept only has one attribute.

Luck is enhanced in different ways.

For example, Wuming's current luck is 1000, then after using the infinite seed, Wuming's luck is still 1000, but no matter how he consumes his luck, his luck will not be less, it will always be 1000.

Moreover, people's luck fluctuates, and his luck will only get higher and higher, not lower.

Maybe one day, his luck will increase to 2,000, and then his luck will last forever.

It is far from 2000 and will not drop back to 1000.

Over time, his luck will grow to an extremely exaggerated level, and anyone who plots against him will automatically be unlucky and even die suddenly in minutes.

"Go back to Dao Pavilion and see if there are any techniques or super powers that can transfer luck to others."

Wuming began to wonder how to use his unlimited luck to his advantage. After all, his luck was already inexhaustible, so why not share it with others?

At this time, people around him disappeared one after another, and Wuming felt that the space around him was distorted in the next second.

When he opened his eyes again, he was already standing on a huge arena, and there were three trialists standing in the other three corners of the arena.

He immediately targeted one of the testers, Gilensky!

"Is this also a manifestation of luck?" Wuming thought silently in his heart.

At this time, a light screen appeared in front of the four people: the fourth level, four people take one.

Can only one of the four survive?

Wuming immediately looked at Gillianski, and Gillianski immediately said: "Bronze Head, Eagle, let's not fight among ourselves first, kill him and then duel, how about it?"


On the other side, a fat and tall giant nodded in agreement.

Then in another corner, a foreigner with a bald eagle head also nodded and said: "He is very dangerous, I agree with Lao Ji's opinion."

The three of them immediately walked forward and slowly gathered in the middle of the ring.

"Do you think you are his opponent? Maybe you want to kill him together after you get rid of me, and then you can have a fair fight in the end, but he is definitely not stupid, you'd better be careful." Wuming looked at 'Bronze Head' and 'Eagle' and said faintly.

Bronze Head sneered: "What a bad attempt to sow discord."

"Don't talk nonsense with him, kill him first." Gillianski said coldly.

But at this moment, Eagle suddenly attacked, stabbing Gillianski's waist with a dagger. Gillianski immediately punched Eagle with his backhand, but Eagle easily avoided it.

In a blink of an eye, one-third of Gillianski's body became dry, and all the blood was sucked away.


Bronzehead roared, but did not attack. Instead, he quickly retreated, leaving Gillianski standing in the middle of the ring, dying.

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