I Contracted Myself

【307】Internal strife

"Jacko, why?"

Gilensky was shaking, covering his wound with one hand, turning his head and staring at the eagle in confusion and asked.

This time, he didn't call the other person by his nickname, but by his first name.

"Because I think you are more dangerous than him!" Jacko stared at Jilensky with his eagle eyes and said slowly.

Copperhead was stunned for a moment, then said angrily: "Eagle, are you blind? Can't you see that that guy is very strong? How can this old chicken be more dangerous than him?"

As he spoke, he walked towards the center of the ring again, ready to see if there was any way to treat Jilensky. After all, Jieko could not be trusted, and Jilensky was the only one he could team up with.

"I advise you not to go there. He hides it very deep. You might die if you go there." Wuming said at this time.

Jieke glanced at Wuming and agreed: "Liu Wan, he is right. The old chicken is very dangerous. If you can't trust him, you can't trust me?"

"I don't believe anyone. I have my own judgment." Tongtou said coldly.

Jieke was a little helpless. Why was Liuan's nickname Copperhead? Because he was tougher than Ironhead, so he was nicknamed Copperhead by those who knew him.

There is only a wrong name, but there is no wrong nickname.

Tongtou obviously wouldn't trust him, let alone Wuming, so he couldn't do anything to stop him even if he wanted to.

With that blow, he had already taken a huge risk in sneak attack, but before he could kill Gilensky, he felt the danger and retreated decisively.

Bronzehead walked to the middle of the ring and was about to check Gilensky's injury when suddenly Gilensky showed a weird smile to Bronzehead.

The next moment, Tongtou's expression changed, and just as he was about to step back, he felt like he had been stabbed.

He slowly lowered his head and looked down. He saw that the knife in Jilensky's hand was very similar to the knife used by Jieco. He looked in the direction of Jieko and found that Jieko also looked surprised and was holding his own knife. Take a look.


Copperhead realized that what Wuming and Jieke said were true and that his judgment was wrong.

Anger suddenly surged from his chest, he let out an extremely angry roar, raised his hand and slapped Gilensky.

Although Gilensky seems to be quite tall, he is actually very short in stature. He relies on his cockscomb head to support the scene. Faced with the desperate fight of the bronze head,

After hitting, he also decisively stepped back. At the same time, the dagger was pulled out from Tongtou's body, and blood formed a blood line along the wound.

A moment ago, Jilensky was sucked out of a large amount of blood by Jieko, and now he transferred the damage to Copperhead, and his originally dry body quickly regained its fullness.

"Jilensky, I can't spare you!" Copperhead wanted to pursue him, but as soon as he took a step, he half-knelt on the ground. He could only watch helplessly as Jilensky retreated to a corner of the ring.

Jilensky smiled and said: "I'm sorry, although I have betrayed your trust a little, but don't forget that this level is one out of four, and only one of us can survive in the end."

"It was originally a fight to the death, but I naively thought we could join forces. How stupid." Wuming looked at the bronze head in the middle of the ring and said with a faint smile.

Tongtou blushed and glared at Wuming, who mocked: "Why are you staring at me? It's not me who hurt you, or do you think I'm more hateful than him? Are you cheap?"

"Jilensky is a practitioner of the inner-seeking method and a superpower system. His superpower is the uncrowned face. As long as he meets anyone, he can imitate them and even become more lifelike than the other person."

"Jieke Lijian is a practitioner of external Dharma and super energy system. His super power is energy absorption. He can seize other people's energy and even suck other people's blood. During the battle, he can be immune to most attacks. "

Copperhead breathed heavily. Although the nameless ridicule made him furious, it also calmed him down. Obviously he was the most dangerous one among the four. If he wanted to survive now, he must divert everyone's attention.

Especially Wuming's attention must be transferred from him to others.

Therefore, he decisively exposed the information about Gilensky and Jacko.

Wuming glanced at Jilensky and Jacko, and was secretly wary. Although both of them were much weaker than him, the problem was that they had divine rewards. If the rewards could be linked to superpowers, You may not be able to kill him back.

This was also the reason why he did not attack the injured Gilensky immediately. After all, as long as Gilensky was not dead, he might drag someone to death together.

He is so lucky now, is it necessary to take risks?

It would be better if these three people fight among themselves and commit suicide.

“Liuania, you wouldn’t think

If you say this, you will make this friend attack us, right? Even beasts know that persimmons need to be picked and pinched, let alone this friend, you are the weakest one here. "Jilensky said at this time.

Jieke said calmly: "Killing Liuan, we will become a tripartite state. In fact, it won't have much impact."

"You!" Copperhead roared angrily.

Everyone present knows that this level must have a time limit.

The question is, after the time limit is up, will they be eliminated from Jinzang or directly obliterated?

have no idea!

Even the viewers outside who have watched the challenge of Shenzang for millions of years don’t know.

Because Shen Zang itself is extremely random, when you think elimination means being expelled from Shen Zang, you may encounter obliteration. When you think you will be obliterated, you may just be eliminated from Shen Zang.

It is precisely because the divine treasure is unpredictable that every trial participant can only try his best and cannot have any fluke mentality.

At this time, Gilensky and Jacko both wanted to kill Tongtou.

Although Wuming was a high threat, Gilensky and Jacko had their own little calculations and their own trump cards. The real trouble was the two acquaintances with similar strength.

The trump card must be left to Wuming. These two acquaintances knew his details. Why not kill them and keep them for the New Year?

Countless ideas were actually formed in an instant. Gilensky and Jacko both took action at the same time.

Gilensky's arms suddenly appeared densely packed with dragon scales. The arms that were not particularly strong immediately turned into thick dragon claws. He roared and directly shot a hot yellow energy bomb at the copper head in the middle of the ring.

Jacko plucked out one of his feathers and threw it directly at the copper head.

"I want you to die!"

The copper head half-knelt on the ground and roared in shock and anger.

They had agreed to join forces to kill Wuming first, but he turned around and became the target of public criticism. He felt wronged, angry, and incomprehensible.

He regretted knowing these two people at this moment. If he didn't know them, he wouldn't be tricked.

Even if he had to face three unknown strong enemies now, it would be much better than the current situation.


There was a loud noise.

Gilensky's attack and Jacko's attack both hit the bull's eye.

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