I Contracted Myself

【309】The end of a good show


"I'm obviously invincible."

"Gilianski, you will die miserably."

Jeko cursed furiously, but he couldn't stop himself from breaking apart. Finally, he turned into pieces and slowly dissipated.

"How terrible." Wuming said faintly as he watched Jeko die.

Gilianski said solemnly: "How terrible? Wuming, you are the real terrible one. You didn't make a move the whole time. As a result, we both suffered losses, and you just sit back and reap the benefits."

"Then can you die?" Wuming looked at Gilianski with a smile and asked.

Gilensky pinched the collar on his neck and turned around, sneering: "You are friends with that dog, right? Do you know what happened in the last level? I turned into your appearance, and it came over to me. Not only did it not guard against me, but it also told me a lot of information I didn't know, and finally gave me such an important prop. It was really touching." "So that's it. I was wondering how Da Huang could die with such a life-saving prop. Now I understand." After hearing this, Wuming's smile became even brighter, and he said slowly. Gilensky slowly walked towards Wuming and asked: "Don't hold on. Do you want to kill me? Are you very angry? Then there will be more angry things next!" Then he left his feet and instantly turned from a human to a dog, exactly like Da Huang. "Can you still do it like this?" Gilensky raised his head and asked proudly. Then Wuming kicked its dog head, and its whole body spun 360 degrees crazily, flying backwards for dozens of meters before stopping. "You laughed so meanly, sorry, sorry, I couldn't help it." Wuming said with a smile.

Gilensky immediately got up from the ground, spit out a mouthful of blood, and his body gradually changed from a dog back to a human. He was secretly shocked. Wuming's attack just now was too fast, and he couldn't even react.

Sure enough, Wuming was the strongest among the four people. If it weren't for Jacko's sudden betrayal, he would actually be willing to kill Wuming first, and then kill Jacko and Tao Wan.

As a result, because of Jacko, he now has to fight Wuming one-on-one.

"What should I do?"

Gilensky was a little confused.

It was currently the fourth level, and he had used up all the props in the first three levels.

If it weren't for the props in the second level that made him so powerful, he really didn't have the confidence to face Wuming.

He got the Blade of Loneliness in the first level, and just used it on Jacko.

Because it was a one-time prop, it was directly consumed.

The main reason was that Jake himself blew up his own ability. After hearing Jake's self-explosion, Gilensky realized that even if he killed Wuming first, he would still be killed by Jake.

Jake's ability was too incomprehensible to him.

Between Wuming and Jake, he finally chose Jake.

In the second level, he got the Heart of Imitation.

This item can be integrated into his heart, making his superpower Wumao Face stronger, and even directly simulating the opponent's breath and some abilities.

It can be said that the more detailed he knows about the target, the greater the power of the simulation.

He had been observing all the trial participants during the Shenzang lottery. Dahuang and Wuming were too close, so he naturally saw it in his eyes, so later he turned into Wuming and successfully deceived Dahuang.

In the third level, he got the prop of stealing white gloves.

This prop is a white glove. After wearing it, you can seize the target's props, but the effect of the props after seizing may be incomplete.

After Dahuang accidentally said the effect of his props, he set his sights on Dahuang's collar.

After some planning, he used the white gloves of theft to successfully seize Da Huang's collar, and finally killed Da Huang, but the collar he got was still incomplete.

The original ability of the collar was twelve lives per day plus twelve times of 100% rebound damage. Now he only has twelve lives per day, and the 100% rebound effect is gone.

And the white gloves of theft are also a one-time prop, so they are gone after use.

Now he has eleven lives and the ability to imitate.

"It seems that I worry too much."

Wuming squinted and opened his eyes slightly, and suddenly spoke at this time.

He was actually very worried that Gilensky had other cards, but the moment Gilensky was confused, he realized that Gilensky might really have run out of tricks.

But for safety, it's better to play it safe!

He was still very clear about the effect of Da Huang's collar. If his attack was rebounded, it would not be good.

He kicked the ground, and black liquid gradually appeared on the ground, and then the black liquid rose suddenly, forming a humanoid creature composed entirely of triangles.

The Deep Sea Apostle is only half as strong as Wuming, but for most creatures, it is an unsolvable and terrifying existence.

Gillianski is not weak, but he is only level 186.

If there are no props or other blessings, Wuming is fully confident that he can bring him back to life in an instant.

"Kill him!"

Wuming looked at Gillianski, who remained calm, and said lightly.

It doesn't matter whether Gillianski is really not afraid or just trying to hold on, because it is the Deep Sea Apostle who made the move.

In an instant, the Deep Sea Apostle took a step forward, and before Gillianski could react, the Deep Sea Apostle had already appeared behind him.

"How is it possible!"

Gillianski had just had a thought in his mind, and his consciousness fell into darkness in the next second.

Is there really no trick?

And the rebound effect of the collar seems to have disappeared.

Wuming saw this scene and thought to himself.

He originally thought that Gilenski would have to keep some tricks to deal with him, but the other party really exhausted all his tricks in the internal strife.

What is this?

Wuming touched his chin and suddenly laughed. This was probably because he was too lucky.

If he had been a little less lucky, Gilenski would have chosen him to use the Blade of Loneliness, and the result might have been different, but there is no if in reality, so Gilenski was dead.

Next, Gilenski resurrected, was killed, resurrected, was killed, resurrected and killed.

This process was repeated ten times.

At first, he tried to become a deep-sea apostle to confuse Wuming.

But before he started the performance, the deep-sea apostle killed him in one move. The two sides were completely incomparable.

After all, he didn't know anything about the deep-sea apostle. Just imitating a shell was not enough to improve his strength. Even if he imitated Wuming, he couldn't imitate it like him, mainly because he didn't know what Wuming's essence was.

Without knowing the true nature of Wuming, he thought Wuming was a pure human being, so the simulated Wuming was not Wuming at all, how could he have Wuming's ability?

The result is needless to say.

Gilensky died miserably, especially when he was dying, he knelt on the ground and cried bitterly, even confessed his mistakes, hoping that Wuming would spare his life.

The performance was wonderful, Wuming clapped his hands.

Amid his applause, the Deep Sea Apostle stabbed Gilensky to death with his legs, and after Gilensky fell to the ground, a golden gate slowly appeared in the middle of the ring.

"What good luck, it looks like a good show."

Wuming smiled and walked into the golden gate, feeling really good to be lucky.

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