I Contracted Myself

【310】Survival of the fittest

There are fewer people in Shenzang.

Wuming looked around and instantly locked onto Xu Qinqin standing in the corner.

Sure enough, Xu Qinqin was not that easy to die in the test. From Wuming's point of view, she was the only one among all the testers present who was qualified to compete with her.

"I don't know what good things Qinqin got in the previous level." Wuming thought curiously.

Fortunately, Xu Qinqin reminded him to pay attention to the color of the lottery ticket before. This favor must be remembered. As long as it is not a life-and-death level, he will not mind letting Xu Qinqin go, or the two of them will cooperate with each other.

There is really no other way, so I can only apologize. After all, the rules of the game are like this, and I believe Xu Qinqin has already realized it.


Wuming approached Xu Qinqin with a smile, knelt down and said hello.

But Xu Qinqin glanced at Wuming, and then decided to stay away from Wuming. She found that Wuming's luck had become stronger, and getting too close to Wuming would definitely lead to bad luck.

Xu Qinqin has an in-depth study of fate and luck. She knows very well how terrible people with good luck can be.

If their fates are compatible, it's okay, but if they are not, they will become a shield and stepping stone for the other party in every minute. She doesn't know what Wuming's destiny is, so the best way is to stay away.

"This kid is so unlovable."

Wuming watched Xu Qinqin run away and smiled to himself.

He naturally knew the reason why Xu Qinqin stayed away from him, so he didn't really care. He looked at the other testers with a smile and found that the remaining testers were not weak, and their levels were generally above level 190.

Fortunately, Jinzang will weaken the destructive power of the trialists. Otherwise, if these trialists move their hands, many trial worlds will collapse instantly.

This is also where the Kamizo becomes interesting.

It can weaken the damage caused by the trial to the external environment, but it will not weaken the damage caused by the trial to the trial. Therefore, the battle often has little impact on the outside world. It is enjoyable to watch just watching the video, but it is difficult to be intuitive. It can be seen how strong the people present are.

Wuming waited for about two minutes before the rewards began to be distributed.

The distribution this time is very simple. A box appears in front of each trialist. All you have to do is put your hand into the box and randomly draw out the prize.

Wuming did not reach out in a hurry, but instead raised his head to look at the other testers first.

"Hmph, you're lucky. I'm sure of the next level."

One person was about three meters tall and covered his body

The big man with tendons smiled slightly.

Then someone laughed softly again. He was obviously enduring it, but the joy in his heart was so strong that he couldn't help it.

"The rewards for the fifth level look good."

Wuming saw many people showing happy expressions, so he reached into the box and pinched a ball.

The next second, the box disappeared, and there was an additional prop in his storage space.

The reward distribution method this time is really simple and crude.

But Wuming really likes it.

Obviously, everyone also likes this mode. Compared with the previous torments, the rewards this time are really too easy to get.

Wuming sat in the corner and opened the storage space. The next moment he saw his reward: a golden shield.

"With my luck, it shouldn't be too bad."

Wuming thought to himself, and then checked the attributes and abilities of the shield.

This shield is called the 'Perfect Shield'. It can be integrated into any material, greatly improving the defensive power of the material. At the same time, it can also turn the material into a shield at any time in the user's hand.

For example, if Wuming puts a perfect shield into the ground, then when the enemy attacks, a perfect shield will rise from the ground at any time to defend against the enemy's attack.

If thrown into the air, an invisible air shield will be formed in the air at any time to defend against attacks.

"It feels a bit ordinary."

Wuming thought a little disgusted after understanding the effect of Perfect Shield.

The main reason is that his own defense is already very high, and as long as the Nameless Sea and Dream River still exist, he will never die. This perfect shield will help him very little.

“What would be a better idea to incorporate it into?”

Wuming looked at the Perfect Shield and couldn't help but fall into deep thought. In fact, there were quite a lot of things that could be integrated.

For example, if the Perfect Shield is integrated into the Nameless Sea, then the Nameless Sea can provide seawater to turn into a shield at any time. The problem is that even if Wuming does not integrate into the Perfect Shield, the seawater can still be turned into a shield if he wants to, and at most it will have less defense than Perfect. The shield is formed by a little bit of shield.

Wuming really didn't lack that bit of defense, so he didn't want to throw the Perfect Shield into the Wuming Sea. He had a feeling that the Perfect Shield could be more valuable.

"How about simply investing in luck and forming a luck shield?"

Wuming thought to himself, but then he

I'm a little hesitant, mainly because of luck, what's the use of forming a shield?

I do not know!

Sure enough, after leaving Shenzang, he had to study more.

At least buy all the books in the major bookstores in the Shenzang space and read them carefully to avoid encountering this kind of situation again.

At this time, the people around him suddenly disappeared, and he immediately felt a distortion in the space. When he came back to his senses, he was already on the beach of an island.

"Tsk, tsk, aren't we going to let the trialists kill each other again?" Wuming couldn't help complaining in his heart when he saw the surrounding environment.

His body turned transparent the next moment, and he simply squatted under a tree, waiting for the mission to be released.

After drinking the wine of transformation, all of his abilities have been greatly enhanced. Those super powers in the past have also become extremely practical. He didn't use them before because they didn't have any use. Now that the situation is unclear, he can use some of them at his own discretion. ability to weather the storm.

After a moment, a translucent interface appeared in front of Wuming, which read: The fifth level, survival of the fittest.

"Sure enough, it's still an ambiguous mission, bah." Wuming couldn't help but complain in his mind after reading it.

From a literal sense, the fifth level should be a test of survival. After all, the term survival of the fittest generally refers to the survival of organisms with strong adaptability in the competition for survival, while those with poor adaptability are eliminated.

Wuming looked at the sea, and then decisively decided to find a shelter first.

His level is very high, but in Shenzang, it does not mean that a high level and strong strength will guarantee that he will be able to pass the level. If he underestimates the enemy and is careless, the weak may defeat the strong in minutes.

In particular, trialists have various reward props, and a comeback may only take a few seconds.

Wuming entered the woods and soon found a cave. He shot two laser beams directly from his eyes and penetrated the cave. A poisonous snake was instantly shot.

He stretched out his hand to pull the poisonous snake out of the hole, accidentally saw his wrist, and his expression changed slightly.

"I see."

At this moment, Wuming already understood the real difficulty of this level.

In his previous life, he had seen a movie called "Time Planning Bureau". In that world, people would have their remaining time on their wrists, and once the time ran out, they would face death.

And he has time on his wrist!


His time was less than an hour, only fifty-three minutes and twenty-two seconds left!

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