I Contracted Myself

【311】A trapped beast fights

"How can I increase the time?"

Wuming soon realized that the key point in this level must be time.

Of course, it can be said to be time or lifespan. In short, the number on his wrist is probably the time he can live at this level.

Once time runs out, he will die no matter how long his true lifespan is.

To be honest, after dying in the test of Shenzang, Wuming was really not sure whether the Wuming Sea could resurrect him. What if he died simply?

Wuming threw the dead snake in his hand to the ground, and then quickly searched for the animals around him, but he did not find the same numbers on the animals as on his wrist.

"There are two possibilities now. One is that we testers must hunt each other and take more time from each other until the test is over."

"The second possibility is that there is some kind of special enemy in this level. We must fight this monster to increase our time."

Wuming quickly calmed down and analyzed silently in his heart.

He himself is more inclined to the first possibility. After all, the tests of Shenzang are very cruel, and if you want to get better rewards, you must fight.

Compared with the gentle resource tower, Shenzang is like an iron-blooded instructor, hoping that every trialist will risk their lives to obtain resources.

"Then we must search the entire island now!"

Wuming looked up at the highest mountain on the island and made a judgment in his mind.

He wasn't sure if there were other trialists on the island, or if there were any hidden monsters. Now he had to open his vision before he could decide what to do next.

In an instant, his body turned into a black crow and soared into the sky, approaching the distant mountain peak at an extremely fast speed.

Looking down from the sky, he soon discovered that there were people on the ground.

The three-meter-tall man killed a bear instantly with a huge axe, then dug out the bear's heart and pressed it on his wrist. Wuming's pupils shrank instantly, and he saw that the time on the big man's wrist had increased by one minute.

"So that's how it works."

Wuming suddenly realized that in this level, they were not fighting each other at the beginning, but fighting for resources first, and then they would fight each other only after all the resources were competed for.

But it is still necessary to do some experiments.

Under no name

For a moment, his wings trembled, and a feather quickly fell from his wings.

When the feathers were stuck on the ground, a large amount of black water spurted out from the feathers, turning into the apostles of the deep sea in an instant.


The big man with the ax was extremely vigilant. The moment the Deep Sea Apostle appeared, he shouted loudly and swung the ax in his hand to slash towards his back.

His reaction can be said to be very fast, but the Deep Sea Apostle is even faster.

In an instant, the man with the ax flew backwards like a cannonball, knocking down several trees before stopping. The muscles in his abdomen were dented, forming exaggerated scars.

However, the big man with the ax didn't look at his injuries at all, and quickly rolled to the right.

The moment he dodged it, the Deep Sea Apostle kicked the big tree he had just been leaning against.

Then the deep-sea apostle's sharp, knife-like feet landed on the ground, his body spun like a figure skater, and then he used his legs to sweep out a sharp blade at the axe-wielding man.

This attack was so fast that the man with the ax obviously couldn't avoid it.

However, the big axe-wielding man suddenly disappeared the next moment, and a brass-colored tower quickly appeared in his place. The sword energy fell on the tower like a spring breeze, and was completely unable to cause damage to the tower.

"Is this the prop he got in Shenzang?" Wuming thought to himself when he saw this scene in the sky.

The most troublesome part for trialists is the various treasures obtained from the divine treasures. The levels of these treasures are very high, so that weak trialists can also hold reward props to fight against stronger trialists.

Of course, this is actually a balancing mechanism.

If there was no such 'protection' mechanism, wouldn't the weak who entered the divine treasure be doomed?

Next, the Deep Sea Apostles approached the tower and bombarded them wildly. The attacks covered almost every corner of the tower. However, the tower had no weaknesses. Even if the Deep Sea Apostles tried their best, there was nothing they could do against the tower.

"Keep an eye on him. If he comes out, kill him!" Wuming saw that he couldn't take down the axe-wielding man for the time being, so he ordered.

He doesn't like killing, but now the rules are like this. If he wants to survive, he must abide by the rules and kill other competitors, even if they are innocent.

Moreover, every trialist who enters the Divine Treasure must be mentally prepared to be killed, and has even killed other trialists long ago.

He will not be unjust even if he dies.

Wuming no longer paid attention to the tower, but quickly stared at an unnamed behemoth on the ground.

This animal looks a bit like an elephant, but it doesn't have a trunk. Instead, the trunk is collapsed, which looks very weird. In addition, it has external skeletons on both sides, which can be used to easily kill prey when running.

Wuming witnessed it kill a snake, a wolf-like creature, and a bird that landed on a tree trunk while running.

Then, the big guy stopped, turned around, lowered his head and started to eat the wolf-like creature.

Wuming swooped down, and then a feather turned into a sharp sword and shot out at a faster speed. In an instant, the big guy exploded in size, and a big hole was punched through his brain.

He landed on the ground and used black water to cut open the chest of the unknown animal. After taking out the heart, he endured nausea and pressed it on his wrist.

Sure enough, the heart turned into energy and was absorbed by the wrist the next moment, and his life increased from [0:50:01] to [0:55:57].

"Nearly six minutes of life."

Wuming breathed a sigh of relief. It was a good thing to have a way to increase it, but he didn't know how many creatures there were on this island.

He turned into a black crow again and flew into the sky, and then continued to hunt.

During the hunting process, he found an interesting phenomenon, that is, there were no pure vegetarian creatures on this island. All creatures ate meat, but some creatures would mix vegetarian and meat, and some creatures only ate meat.

Maybe all the creatures on this island are in a state of taking each other's lives, but compared to the natural world on Earth, all the struggles here are more naked.

Wuming kept hunting, and in just half an hour, his life increased to more than three hours.

However, due to his crazy killing, there were no large creatures in this forest, and he had to change places.

He was flying in the air, his eyes fell on the tower. The axe-wielding man's initial life was estimated to be one hour, the same as his. Now more than half an hour had passed, and the other party's remaining life was probably less than 30 minutes.

I believe that even if the other party is hiding in the tower, he must be like an ant on a hot pot. In ten minutes at most, he will definitely come out and fight to the death.

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