I Contracted Myself

【315】Team formation successful

Over the island, a large number of dark clouds gradually accumulated.

Suddenly, there was a roar of thunder, and a pillar fell from the sky and plunged directly into the island's woods. The trees in the entire forest instantly withered, and countless animals aged rapidly and finally died.

Coincidentally, a trialist named Moji was in this area. When he saw this scene, he turned around and ran away without saying a word. While running, he observed his wrist, and sure enough, his life was rapidly decreasing.

Before this pillar fell, he only lost one second for every second that passed, and now it loses ten seconds for every second that passed. What's even more disgusting is that this pillar has a greater impact on other creatures, and can cause those creatures to die in an instant. Die of old age.

If more pillars fall and all creatures on the island are killed, then the trialist will have no way to gain more time.

"What the hell!"

The time that Moji had painstakingly collected passed too quickly, and the area affected by the pillar was also very large. Even if he was fast, it still took him five minutes to escape the area of ​​influence, which meant that he wasted fifty minutes.

But at this moment, there was a sudden thunder, and a pillar crashed down thousands of meters in front of him, and the area where he was was affected again.

"I'll do it!"

Moji roared in pain and started running again without saying a word.

At the same time, pillars were lowered in many areas of the island. Some smart people have discovered that these pillars actually surrounded the entire island little by little, forcing them to move towards the central area of ​​the island.

Wuming was standing on the top of a tree. Because he was on the mountain range close to the center of the island, he could clearly see the situation in the woods on the edge of the island when he looked down from the mountain.

"Why does it feel a bit like a game of chicken? This is a poisonous circle." Wuming said to himself.

If it's a poisonous circle, what will happen if all the trialists are herded into one area?

Since it's not a level where you kill each other, will there be a big BOSS, and then they kill the BOSS and that's enough to pass the level?

If that's the case, wouldn't it be better to have more trialists who survive?

On the other side, Xu Qinqin looked back with concern. Fortunately, she realized that this level was not a competitive level, and immediately ran in the direction of Wuming, which allowed her to escape the disaster. Thousands of meters behind her, there was exactly have

When a pillar falls, trees and animals all die instantly.

"Can't stop, keep running!" Xu Qinqin thought to herself, and immediately continued moving in the unknown direction.

Many surviving trialists on the entire island were running towards the center of the island. There were some unlucky trialists who ran out of one 'poisonous circle' and happened to enter another 'poisonous circle'. As a result, they ran for half an hour. It’s gone.

Wuming observed for a while and made sure that the pillar would not fall to his area so quickly. Then he ignored the changes in the island and continued to collect the hearts of animals.

His time has accumulated to fifteen hours. Although he is not guaranteed to have the most time among all the trialists, he is definitely among the best.

After a while, several trialists came quickly. When they saw Wuming, they first stopped. Then one of the women said: "Don't do anything yet. This level is not about trialists competing with each other." The level is a cooperative level. This is the heart of a trial person. There is definitely still time. If you don’t believe me, give it a try.”

"No, I know." Wuming said directly without picking up the heart.

Several trialists breathed a sigh of relief, and the woman took advantage of the situation and said: "The more trialists who survive now, the better. Soon this place will be affected. Do you want to come with us?"

"I'm used to moving alone. You can go first." Wuming replied.

The woman nodded, said nothing more, and left with a group of trialists.

Since the levels are not competing with each other, there is no need for her to make enemies, and there is no need to take care of Wuming. Since Wuming is not willing to act together, then forget it.

Anyway, in the end, if Wuming can survive, we will definitely get through the difficulties together.

After the trialists left, Wuming bent down and picked up a heart. After gaining life time, he turned around and headed in another direction.

If this level is really similar to a game of chicken, then running towards the center of the island may not be correct.

Especially if there is a big BOSS that they need to solve in the end, the venue should be more open. The center of the island is a mountain, with no place to stand at all, and the battle will be very troublesome.

He felt that a valley in the distance was more suitable for fighting. Not only was the ground flat and open, but it was also surrounded by mountains. Everyone would be like worms fighting in the valley, and the scene would be very interesting.


Don’t forget, people outside can watch the test in Shenzang like a live broadcast. I believe Shenzang will also consider the feelings of the outside audience.


While walking, Wuming suddenly felt someone running towards him from behind, and immediately turned around and shouted.

Xu Qinqin rushed out of the bushes in a moment, stopped right in front of Wuming, and said calmly: "It's me, the situation has changed now, let's cooperate!"

"Okay!" Wuming immediately said with a smile.

He smiled and said: "Let's go, go this way."

"Everyone gather at the center of the island." Xu Qinqin said as she followed Wuming.

Wuming smiled and said, "Which one do you think is more suitable as a stage for performances?"

As he spoke, he pointed to the valley in front, and then pointed to the steep peak in the middle of the island.

"I understand!" Xu Qinqin is also a smart person, and she understood Wuming's meaning instantly.

She looked up and looked at Wuming deeply, and said indifferently: "Did you pretend to be stupid in that level?"

"No, my brain is not good to begin with, and it's probably because of my brain that my brain is not good, so my brain circuit is a little strange." Wuming denied decisively.


Xu Qinqin thought to herself, but didn't say anything else.

In the final analysis, the alliance they have formed now is actually not solid. Once there is any problem in the final test, they will immediately disband and even attack each other.

"What do you think the final test will be?" Wuming asked curiously.

Xu Qinqin said indifferently: "It should be related to time, but I don't know what it is specifically."

"I hope it's not too difficult." Wuming sighed.

These levels are too difficult. If you are not careful, you may die. To be honest, although the rewards are rich, if he is given the opportunity to choose, he will definitely choose not to come in.

After all, there are a lot of resources in the Shenzang space to support him to continue to become stronger, and there is actually not much necessity to enter the real Shenzang.

Of course, since he was already here, and since he couldn't quit, he didn't mind giving it a try.

While thinking, the two of them came to the valley.

They landed on the cliff of a mountain, and opposite them there was a white-haired man sitting on the edge of the cliff, smiling and waving at them.

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