I Contracted Myself

【316】No place to stand

This white-haired man is handsome and has a very friendly smile.

If he were placed on Earth and said to be the most beautiful man, no man would dare to object.

The main thing is that he is not that kind of effeminate handsome, but he is not a strong man like Schwarzenegger. It can be said that he is handsome just right. He is the kind of being who can replace the word handsome guy with his name.

Wuming looked at Xu Qinqin, thinking that Xu Qinqin knew him.

However, Xu Qinqin just glanced at the white-haired man, then lowered her eyes slightly and began to observe the surrounding terrain.

"Do you know him?" Wuming had no choice but to ask through a voice message.

Xu Qinqin replied calmly: "The skill plagiarist Ma Boni is a very troublesome guy. Don't get too close to him, otherwise he will plagiarize your skills. Once he successfully plagiarizes, your skills will become his." "

"It's just a skill, what does it matter?" Wuming was stunned and then asked.

Even if the other party plagiarizes his skills, is his skill no longer a skill?

What is truly powerful is never skills, but the use of abilities and one's own strength.

If the strength is not enough, no matter how good the skill is, it will be like a mirror in the mirror.

Xu Qinqin glanced at Wuming and said calmly: "Once he successfully plagiarizes it, as long as one person thinks that the skill is his, then your ability will be taken away. Whether it is perception or practice, everything will belong to him. This is The true meaning of plagiarism.”

"How about we kill him first?" Wuming immediately suggested after hearing this.

Xu Qinqin said calmly: "There are several conditions for his plagiarism. First, he must see your ability to use it. Secondly, your friendship with him must reach a certain standard, but I don't know the specific standard. Anyway, don't talk to him, don't be with him It’s good that he’s close, but there are some other conditions that I’m not sure about.”

"Then should we kill him?" Wuming asked again.

Xu Qinqin rolled her eyes and said helplessly: "Let's go through this level first. In the past, Ma Boni would have a partner who would help him complete the complete plagiarism of his abilities. Now that partner has not entered the divine treasure. We just have to be careful. ”

The most important thing at the moment is undoubtedly to clear the level. No matter what Ma Boni is, one more trialist now means more opportunities. Killing Ma Boni will not only consume their own strength, but also reduce the probability of clearing the level. I'm sick so I can start the war now.

"Okay, forget it."

Wuming naturally knows this, but he hates plagiarists.

On the opposite side, Ma Boni just waved his hand and said hello. He did not approach Wuming and Xu Qinqin unreasonably. He didn't know Wuming, but he knew Xu Qinqin.

Although Xu Qinqin seldom walks in the divine hidden space, he has appeared a few times, and he happens to have the ability to see through the essence of others. Although Xu Qinqin has changed his appearance and even his temperament, this change is not an enhanced version of Shenzang Space after all, so he can still take a peek.

If it was Jilensky's imitation ability that was enhanced by the divine hidden space, he wouldn't be able to see through it.

Not to mention that he can't see through it, even if Dahuang drinks the wine of transformation, he still can't see through Jilensky's disguise, which shows how strong Jilensky's ability to imitate and disguise is.

It's just that no matter how strong this imitation is, it's really useless in the arena, especially when everyone except yourself is the enemy.

Having said that, the reason why Ma Boni greeted Xu Qinqin was because he knew Xu Qinqin’s true identity, one of the four great gods of the Zun Alliance and the master of the black area—Ye Qin!

It is worth mentioning that the ‘four’ great gods of the Zunmeng League actually have five people. Yes, although everyone says there are four great gods, there are actually five people.

Very few people know this, and most people simply can’t tell why Great God Tianzun is called Great God Tianzun, but Ma Boni knows.

The most terrifying thing about Zunmeng is the Great God, and the four Heavenly Lords are actually subordinates of that Great God.

Xu Qinqin himself is not scary, but the master behind him cannot be offended. Therefore, Ma Boni never thought of plagiarizing Xu Qinqin’s ability from the beginning to the end. After all, the battles in Shenzang can be watched by people outside. He doesn’t want to be beaten by the master when he goes out. Caught and killed.

Next, more people came over one after another. Everyone did not gather together immediately, but stood everywhere consciously and loosely, waiting for the test to come.

"Those people are dead." Xu Qinqin looked at the mountain peak in the middle of the island and said suddenly.

The pillars cut across the road between the valley and the mountain. To get from the middle of the island, you need to pass through several pillars. Even if those trialists who choose the mountain in the middle of the island are fast enough, they may not have much life left to get there.

Wuming sighed: "We should have reminded them just now."

"Do you think they will believe it?" Xu Qinqin asked.

Wuming smiled bitterly and said, "I know it won't happen, but I said

There is still a difference in mood between those who have confessed and those who have not confessed, just like a confession during the graduation season. There is still a big difference between one who has confessed and one who has not confessed, regardless of whether it is rejected or not. "

"Your metaphor is terrible." Xu Qinqin complained.


Wuming looked up at the distant sky.

On the mountain peak in the middle of the island, many trialists looked up and saw a pillar appearing in the thunderclouds in the sky, and their pupils shrank sharply.

In fact, now, many trialists have discovered that there are only three areas on the entire island where pillars have not fallen, and their location is only one of them.

There is no doubt that only one of these three areas will ultimately be preserved.

When they found this, they actually had no chance to regret, and could only bet that the area they were in was the last area to be preserved.

But now the answer was revealed.

They lost the bet, and the area they were in was not the last area to be preserved.


Someone shouted, and all the trialists rushed to the valley where Wuming and his friends were.

Among the three areas, the valley where Wuming and his friends were gathered had the second largest number of people, and the terrain was indeed suitable for the final test.

If the answer had not been revealed, these trialists would still wait in place with a fluke mentality, but now that the answer had come out, they could only desperately sprint towards the location where Wuming and his friends were.

In the valley, many trialists began to bet on how many people could escape from there.

In fact, there are only two factors that determine whether these people can escape alive, one is whether their own speed is fast enough, and the other is how much life time they have left.

"I don't know if they can escape." Wuming said with some emotion.

Xu Qinqin suddenly looked at another area, which was a flat mountain, and pillars appeared above the mountain.

"Hahahaha, I knew this side was the correct answer. Sure enough, my choice was right." A trial participant laughed wildly when he saw this scene.

Of the three areas, pillars have appeared in the remaining two areas, and the area they are in is stable.

However, just as these trial participants were ecstatic, a pillar slowly appeared in the dark clouds above their area, and everyone was stunned.

Damn it, there is not a single safe zone on the entire island?

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