I Contracted Myself

【317】Clock Warrior


Where to run?

At this moment, everyone was like an ant in a hot pot, at a loss.

"Don't be nervous, there is no level where you must die." Xu Qinqin saw Wuming frowning and said calmly.

Wuming shook his head and said, "No, I'm thinking about a question. Since we can't leave this island, and the entire island has become a poison circle, where is our way out?"

Many trialists have actually tried to leave the island. After all, compared to the island, there are more prey in the sea.

Compared to the land, the sea is the real cradle of life, with inexhaustible prey.

But there is no way, the trialists can't leave the island too far.

Since they can't leave this island, then the question is, when the entire island becomes a 'poison circle', how can the trialists survive?

It's not that all the trialists will die in the 'poison circle', right?

"At least the situation is still in our favor now." Xu Qinqin thought about it and could only comfort her.

The pillars fell earlier in other places, but the area where they were located was the latest to fall, which was indeed more advantageous than other areas.

In Xu Qinqin's opinion, the place where she would have good luck following Wuming was probably here, but the next situation might have nothing to do with luck.

After all, no matter how good her luck was, could it be better than the big man behind Shenzang?

Although luck itself was also part of strength, Shenzang must have a regulatory mechanism so that a person would not be able to pass the level just by luck.

"It's falling!"

Wuming looked up at the pillar and spoke at this time.


The pillar instantly fell from the sky, accompanied by thunder, and inserted into the flat ground of the valley. In an instant, the ground shook, and the surrounding plants withered immediately, and everyone's life time was rapidly reduced.

"Could it be that if we persist to the end and reach a certain number of people, we can pass the level?" Someone suddenly shouted.

The next second, a trialist immediately attacked the trialist next to him, using the sword he got from Shenzang to kill the other party, but as soon as he killed the target, he was hit by a fireball from behind, and the whole person fell forward to the ground.

"Don't rush to act, the situation is not clear yet!" The rational trialist yelled, and then someone stabbed his neck with a dagger.

Wuming and Xu Qinqin did not rush to act. In addition to being wary of the trialists around them, they still calmly observed the surroundings.

Suddenly, the pillars made a strange, deep bell sound, and the pillars of the entire island began to "grow" and extend toward the sky. All the trialists who noticed this scene were stunned.

"Quick, climb up!"

Wuming instantly realized the gameplay of this level and immediately said to Xu Qinqin.

After all, he had climbed Tongtian Shenfeng in the training ground in the past, which was one of the most important experiences in his life, so when he saw the pillars extending to the sky, he understood that this was a prop for the trialists to climb up.

The two immediately rushed to the bottom of the pillars and climbed up along the pillars.

Some other trialists reacted quickly and began to climb up one after another. Only a few trialists who were red-eyed were still fighting and did not dare to distract themselves.

A few minutes later, Wuming and Xu Qinqin found that after climbing to a certain height, the flow rate of life time on their wrists slowed down. Although it has not returned to the original flow rate, it is much better than on the ground.

"Sure enough, climb up quickly!" Wuming laughed.

The two said they were climbing, but in fact their feet were glued to the pillars and their bodies were walking straight up. After all, at their level, it would be too unreasonable if they didn't have this ability.

The pillars continued to extend upwards. Wuming, Xu Qinqin, Ma Boni and other faster trialists had actually run to the end of the pillars. As long as the pillars extended a little upwards, they would go up a little.

Gradually, the flow rate of time on their wrists returned to normal.

The surrounding pillars finally began to deform and gathered together in the air. Countless pillars merged, twisted, and flattened into a huge circular stage.

Wuming and others jumped onto the stage, stood on the edge and immediately looked around, and only breathed a sigh of relief after confirming that it was safe.

"It seems that this is the last test of this level." Xu Qinqin said seriously.

Wuming nodded and said, "We should destroy some kind of monster."

"To be precise, we should destroy the monster within the time limit. After all, we don't have much time left." Ma Boni was not far from Wuming and said with a smile.

Wuming glanced at Ma Boni and didn't talk to him.

Gradually, more and more trialists caught up, and some even came from other areas. There were about 30 people who survived in the three areas.

The reason why I said almost is because Wuming felt that there were puppets among these people!

"Damn it, damn it, damn it, no!!!!"

Suddenly, a

trialist climbed up and immediately let out a hysterical roar. He knelt on the ground and pounded the edge of the stage frantically, and finally let out an extremely unwilling roar.

The next second, he leaned back slightly, and his body froze. Obviously, his life time was exhausted.

This is also a common problem among trialists at present. Not everyone has a lot of time. The number of prey in different areas is also different. There are also problems with strength and fate.

Some people need to spend a lot of time fighting with others, and the time to actually collect hearts is not long, and the remaining time is only about an hour.

This is not a short time, but after experiencing the "poison circle", this time is a bit insufficient.

Wuming saw this scene and whispered: "Qinqin, how much time do you have left?"

"There are still five hours, what about you." Xu Qinqin replied.

Wuming smiled slightly and handed his wrist to Xu Qinqin to see. Xu Qinqin pursed her lips after reading it. Wuming had much more time than her, and he was indeed a lucky bastard.




At this time, the sound of drums came from the sky, followed by various shouts.

The trialists present all looked to the sky, and a burly man wearing golden armor with three heads and six arms slowly descended from the sky.

Three of his six arms hold clock bucklers, and the other three hold hour hand spears. The thick armor completely seals his face, making it impossible to tell whether he is a puppet or a living thing.

"Welcome all challengers, I am the Clock Warrior. You only need to defeat me to pass the level. Come on, fight, let me see your strength!" After the armored man landed, he raised six arms at the same time and shouted Loud voice.

In an instant, all the testers broke out at the same time, and all kinds of attacks bombarded the clock warrior in the middle of the stage.

"too weak!"

The Clock Warrior's six arms were swung precisely, and all attacks were blocked by him. There were even some reboundable attacks that he simply fought back.

The next moment, he appeared in front of a trialist, and stabbed the opponent with the hour hand spear condescendingly. The trialist did not react slowly, and immediately retreated crazily, but found that the time on his wrist was increasing, but his position was not. Nothing has changed.

not good!

The tester's pupils shrank instantly, his chest was stabbed by the hour hand spear, and the time on his wrist decreased rapidly.

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