I Contracted Myself


The trialist endured the pain and stepped back, but he was still unable to get rid of the clock warrior's hour hand spear. He took a step back and the clock warrior took a step forward.

It's not that the other trialists didn't stop him, the problem is that their attacks were blocked by their shields.

It has to be said that the shield in the hands of the clock warrior is like the hard shell of a beetle, perfectly blocking attacks from both sides while swinging.

Even if there were some unstoppable attacks, it would be harmless if they landed on his armor.

Wuming's eyes kept firing lasers at the Clock Warrior, but it did not leave any scars on the shield or armor. He thought about it and simply turned off the laser and summoned the Deep Sea Apostle.


Wuming gave an order, and the Deep Sea Apostle immediately rushed towards the Clock Warrior.

In fact, although the trialists were all doing crazy output, no one approached the Clock Warrior. After all, the Clock Warrior's ability was unknown. What if he approached rashly and was regarded as a scapegoat?

So although everyone was doing damage, they all stayed far away. They watched the face of the trialist who was stabbed by the hour hand spear getting worse and worse, without the slightest thought of rescue.

At this time, the approach of the Deep Sea Apostle attracted everyone's attention. When everyone was wondering what the Deep Sea Apostle could do, an hour hand fell from top to bottom. After the Deep Sea Apostle entered a certain range, his movements became very weird. , and then was killed instantly with one quick shot.

Wuming was stunned when he saw this scene.

The level of the trialist who was stabbed by the hour hand spear was only level 199, while the level of the Deep Sea Apostle was level 219. It can be said that a hundred or a thousand trialists could not defeat one Deep Sea Apostle.

But in the end, the trialists were able to hold on until now, but the Deep Sea Apostle was killed instantly?

Unreasonable, this is so unreasonable.

Other trialists naturally saw that there was a problem with this. After all, the Deep Sea Apostle knew at a glance that he was not weak, so there was obviously something wrong with being killed so easily.

"Time, it attacks the time on our wrists. As long as time is not used up, we will not die!" The stabbed tester also saw the Deep Sea Apostle being killed instantly, and he instantly realized the Clock Warrior's Hiding the rules, he immediately gritted his teeth and yelled.

The other trialists reacted immediately. Several big men rushed towards the Clock Warrior, and immediately used their fists to hit the Clock Warrior's position that was difficult to defend.

Because the angles of attack of these big men were completely different, the clock warrior could only take a step back to avoid the tester's attack.

"He also has time on his wrist!" a sharp-eyed trialist said loudly.

The wrist of Clock Warrior's first right hand does show

Time, because he wore a shield on this arm, it blocked time very well, and no one noticed it just now.

But now it’s obvious that I can’t hide it anymore.

He simply raised his hand, showed his time openly, and said with a smile: "I have a total of 1,000 hours of time. Depending on the power of your attack, only hitting me can reduce my time to a certain extent. And I can completely control you by giving my own time to influence the flow of time in your area, and my spear can absorb your time. Come on, have a hearty battle with me!"

"A thousand hours, how can I fight this? I only have five minutes left." A trialist collapsed.

There is no doubt that the Clock Warrior cannot be defeated in five minutes. He has already lost from the beginning.

There are also some trialists who don't have a lot of time, but their faces are extremely ugly. The clock warrior shows his time generously, which is obviously a trick to attack people's hearts, and it is very successful. They are under great pressure at this moment, and they don't know if they can still It is necessary to continue to fight hard.

After all, they worked hard, and it was probably the trialists who had more time who finally passed the level.

"Everyone, don't give up. As long as there is a chance, we should fight until the end. Do you want to die in vain like this? If this is the case, it is better to fight. At least we will die in the battle!!!" Wuming said When Shi realized that morale could not continue to weaken, he simply shouted loudly.

Maboni smiled and agreed: "Yes, if I had to choose a way to die, I would choose to die in battle. This is the way a man should die. Dying cowardly is not only worthless, but also You will also be looked down upon by the guys watching the show outside!”


There are countless spectators outside during the trial in the divine treasure house.

Some trialists suddenly realized that this might be their last performance. He still had a wife, daughter, and son outside. If he died in vain here, what would they think of him?

At least die in battle!

The eyes of many trialists who were running out of time had a desire to die. They longed for a hearty explosion at the last moment of their lives.


Someone roared, and seven trialists rushed towards the clock warrior at the same time.

"The Secret of Life, open it!"

"Watch my demon dissolve... the body!"

"Take a stick from my old grandson!"

These trialists are all attacking desperately, as long as they hit the clock warrior once, they are satisfied.


Warrior Zhong laughed and blocked the attacks of the two testers with his shield, and then used the hour hand spear to block the attacks of the two testers. The remaining three testers could no longer block it, so he simply used The body resists.

The attack fell on him, and the time on his wrist immediately decreased rapidly, but he didn't care about this decrease in time. Instead, he smiled and said: "Cheong, come again!"

While speaking, he turned his body and instantly swept away several trialists with his spear. He then raised his shield to block the attack from a distance, and a spear pierced a trialist unexpectedly.

The trialist didn't have much time to begin with. After being pierced by the hour spear, his time was rapidly reduced, and he died instantly.

However, the time of the clock warrior increased by a large amount. When a trialist saw this scene, he immediately thought it was not good, and at the same time realized that the clock warrior must have some rules that he had not yet said.

"That trialist didn't have that much time, and it increased the time too much." Xu Qinqin immediately said to Wuming.

Wuming frowned and said, "Not good, it seems that it also has rules such as 'number of heads killed', that is, how much time can be added for each trialist killed, and we can't let anyone die here."

"But what if the trialist who originally had little time dies?" A trialist asked.

Ma Boni smiled and said, "At least you can't die in his hands. All the trialists below the 190th level, all retreat!"

The level he mentioned is actually the same as Wuming's level.

Because the cultivation system of the heavens and the worlds is very complicated, magic has its own system, what magic apprentices, regular magicians, great magicians, or the cultivation of qi, foundation building, and golden elixir of immortals, if you want to have a unified comparison of strength and weakness, it is obvious that you can only know after fighting, and no one will accept the other party's system.

But since the Shenzang space has been created, the division of strength has become very simple.

When a cultivator enters the resource tower, the number of levels he can pass is naturally equivalent to the number of levels, so everyone's division of strength has changed from the previous mess, no one is convinced by anyone, to so many levels.

However, Wuming's ability to see other people's levels is one level higher than the so-called level.

Generally, cultivators can only fight at a level lower than their own strength, and they cannot beat the same level level, so a 190-level cultivator is positioned at the 189th level in the Shenzang space.

Of course, the name is never fixed.

Some people also use the level to describe how many floors the opponent's resource tower has been hit.

Whether it is level 100 or 100 floors, there is actually no difference, and practitioners can understand it without any obstacles.

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