I Contracted Myself

【327】God Worm

This hand happened to pinch the back of Clock Cat's neck. Clock Cat immediately became quiet and was lifted obediently by this hand.

After the hand with the clock cat disappeared, Wuming suddenly knelt on the ground, gasping for air. Then he suddenly heard a cry and looked at the other side of the stage in disbelief. Xu Qinqin sat up from the ground, looking a little confused. Confused, and then everyone around him who was supposed to be dead came back to life one by one.


Wuming wiped the blood from his face and looked at the people around him speechlessly.

What is going on?

Could it be that as long as one person clears this level, everyone else will get a chance to be resurrected?

Or is this just the arm that took away the clock cat to compensate for the difficulty of this level?

The problem is that he is the one who cleared the level. Shouldn’t the compensation go to him?

What the hell is it about to compensate these his competitors?

While he was complaining crazily in his heart, the last trialist on the stage was also resurrected. He counted and found that there were two less trialists. Neither of them died in the hands of the clock cat, nor did they die in the hands of the clock cat. Not affected by the clock cat, it was entirely my own time that ran out.

If you think about it this way, they might as well be killed by the clock cat before time runs out, because after killing and resurrecting, you can directly clear the level without dying at all.

The Golden Gate slowly appeared in the middle of the stage after the last trialist was resurrected. Everyone looked at me and me in confusion, and finally they all looked at Wuming in unison.

Wuming's face was expressionless, and he was complaining crazily in his heart as he walked towards the Golden Gate. After he left, everyone began to discuss.


Xu Qinqin pursed her lips and walked directly into the golden door.

She knew that her expression of relief after she thought Wuming was dead must have been seen by Wuming. Their friendship was not that deep in the first place, and her reaction must have aroused Wuming's resentment.

Next, the two are real competitors.

God hidden.

Wuming stood on the golden road and couldn't help but stretch. This battle was too tiring.

Next, the surviving trialists came back one after another. Wuming stood in the corner and counted the number of people. Sure enough, there were many fewer trialists. The chances of everyone encountering them will probably increase.

No matter what, the boat will naturally go straight when it reaches the bridge.

Wuming closed his eyes and began to think about what would be more suitable to incorporate into the Perfect Shield.

Judging from the current situation, the Perfect Shield will definitely not last until the end. He originally wanted to take it outside Shenzang and check the information before making a decision, but now he feels that he may not survive until the moment of leaving.

Improve your strength without delay!

He wiped his eyes subconsciously, and suddenly felt a little itchy. He frowned and wiped them again, and the itching became more and more intense.

"What's going on? Did you get a pinprick because you saw something you shouldn't have seen?" Wuming closed his eyes in discomfort and instinctively started doing eye exercises.

However, it was obvious that the eye exercises he had learned in his previous life did not help his eyes at all. He did several eye exercises, but instead he felt burning breath gushing out from inside his eyes, as strong as a volcanic eruption.

He took a deep breath and simply squatted on the ground, thinking about whether to dig out his eyes. Instead, he could grow another pair of eyes. He simply didn't want the pair of defective eyes.

But just when he was about to take action, he felt that there was something wrong with his head, as if his eyes had taken root and sprouted directly into his brain. He could feel the nerves drilling into his brain.

No, no, no!

Wuming felt as if his eyes had come alive and had thoughts of their own.

He immediately gritted his teeth and prepared to dig out his eyes, but just when he was in extreme pain, a cool feeling burst out from his eyes, and he couldn't help but let out a comfortable hum, and it took him a while to recover.

The eyes seemed normal again.

He opened his eyes and found that there was no problem with his vision.

"what's the situation?"

Wuming was a little confused, so he took out a mirror and looked at himself. Then his eyes suddenly opened wide, and he found that there were two small white snakes spinning in his dark pupils.

Well, not actually a snake.

Wuming observed carefully and found that they were two strange, white creatures that were difficult to describe in words? ’.

He looked at it, suddenly fascinated. People around him had begun to snatch the blind boxes that fell from the sky, striving for better rewards, but he stood in the corner and stared into his eyes obsessively, as if everything in the outside world was following him. It doesn't matter.

I don’t know if it starts with the first look or ends with the last look.

Wuming suddenly realized that this was the compensation given to him by the hand that took away the clock cat: the divine insect!

Although they are called God Insects, they are not actually creatures in the true sense, but an extremely illusory concept. The other party materializes this concept, gives it unlimited possibilities, and finally compensates him.

The worm of God feeds on ‘observation’ and finally secretes ‘image’.

To put it simply, it is all the pictures that Wuming sees. The pictures themselves are the food of the God Insect. After eating these pictures, the God Insect will secrete the true nature of all things in these pictures based on the things in the pictures.

Of course, the true forms are just pictures, but in conjunction with the nameless sea of ​​namelessness, these true forms can be made into divine cocoons, and finally hatch out divine butterflies and divine cicadas.

Give it a try!

Wuming was not sure what the effects of Divine Butterfly and Divine Cicada were, and immediately looked at a trialist not far away.

When he stared at the other person, the God Worm in his eyes began to rotate rapidly, and the last energy appeared in his mind. He did not extract this energy, but slowly opened it.

This energy itself is spherical, and it is not a real existence in essence. It is closer to the form of concepts and illusions.

When Wuming opened the energy, the energy appeared in his consciousness in the form of a picture. The trialer himself was an alien, about two meters tall, with bronze bones on his shoulders and two rows of spikes on his back.

Wuming didn't know what planet this alien was from, but in the picture provided by the God Worm at this time, this alien had completely changed.

Vortex, the alien's abdomen turned into three vortices, and the bronze bone horns turned into two tentacles. On the other side of the vortex, densely packed spheres were rotating, connected to the brain.

Originally, the alien's head was very similar to that of a human, except that the square face was too square, but in the picture, the alien's head was a cross, and on top of the cross was a spherical brain. There were many small black spikes in the cracks of the wrinkled surface of the brain, and each spike was like a volcano, and from time to time strange symbols would be ejected.

The strange thing was... Wuming understood the meaning of the symbol the moment he saw it: Double-row dragon!

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