[Double row dragon: When another member of the same race acts together, they will enter a resonance state and their combat power will increase by 200%. 】

This is easy to understand. To put it simply, when you act alone, you are a worm, and when you act together, you are a dragon.

Obviously, this is the core ability of the alien trialist.

Although Wuming is a little confused, wouldn't this guy's strength be greatly reduced if he doesn't have any kindred in Shenzang?

However, compared to how this trialist solves his own problems, Wuming is still more curious about what the created cocoon of God can do.

He thought for a moment, then simply rolled up the energy again and threw it into the nameless sea.

This energy slowly sank into the dark sea water. Slowly, the surrounding auras gathered around the energy, and finally a group of auras rushed towards the energy.

When it combines with energy, a cocoon is instantly formed.

It is said to be a cocoon, but in fact its true shape is more twisted and complex, like countless fruits put into a blender and smashed, and you can vaguely see insects struggling in the distortion.

A minute later, a cicada made of green gems broke out of the twisting hole. It immediately spread its wings and rushed straight from the deep sea to the surface. After flying high into the sky, it emitted a high-decibel cicada chirp.

Wuming has been paying attention to the changes in the Nameless Sea. After the Cicada of God came out, he felt that he had absolute control over the Cicada of God. At the same time, the ability of the Cicada of God was also exposed in front of him.

"So that's it, look at the person and you'll get their appearance!"

After Wuming understood the ability of the God Cicada, he suddenly understood.

The ability of this Cicada of God is called [Love Network]. It can be split infinitely and integrated into the designated target. In the end, every target integrated into the Cicada of God will produce something similar to a 'Double Dragon' Effect.

But in terms of the effect of double row dragons, the ability of the Cicada of God goes even further. Not only is the combat power greatly improved, but it also produces different special effects based on the 'relationship' between them.

"Isn't this the bond in Auto Chess?"

After Wuming understood the power of the God Cicada spawned by the God Worm, he couldn't help but complain.

However, the God Insect is indeed a bit unbelievably strong. If the God Cicada were placed in all bubble worlds and everyone merged with the God Cicada, wouldn't everyone be like a dragon in the end?

Wuming immediately controlled the Cicada of God to split into hundreds, and then handed the three Cicadas of God to Lin Renmei, Su Jingyao, and Mani respectively.

For a moment, when Lin Renmei and Su Jing

After Yaodu merged with the Cicada of God, Wuming immediately integrated a Cicada of God into his body. In a moment, he was slightly shaken, and his strength was greatly improved.

Unfortunately, this kind of improvement relies on external objects, so the level is not improved.

Wuming estimated that his strength had been enhanced by three times by the Cicada of God, and at the same time there were two new abilities flowing in his body.

He closed his eyes and knew for a moment what ability it was.

The first ability comes from the 'bond' between Lin Renmei and him. When he and Lin Renmei met, Lin Renmei was in the dungeon. It was he who took Lin Renmei out of the dungeon. In the end, the two fought countless battles. , fell in love with each other during the rescue operation.

[Fight side by side: When Lin Renmei and Wuming fight together, the two sides will share each other's strength, thus achieving the effect of one plus one being greater than two. 】

This ability is nameless and there is nothing to say about it. I can only say that it is indeed a beautiful person.

He smiled and turned his attention to another ability. This ability came from the bond between Su Jingyao and him. He was not actually the original owner. He told Su Jingyao about this one day a long, long time ago.

Su Jingyao was surprised at first, but soon accepted the result because she knew that her feelings for the original owner were not as deep as her feelings for Wuming.

If her feelings for the original owner were love, or even love, then her true love for Wuming was.

After all, the original owner himself was an arrogant man with a small mind. Although he was not very ambitious and talented, he was still a little ambitious, so he was destined to meet that fate.

But Wuming saved Pearl City, avenged her, and even saved countless worlds later on. It would be impossible for the original owner to do these things, or he wouldn't do them even if he could.

If Wuming becomes a superman who sticks to his true intentions after gaining power, then the original owner will only become a native of the country who does whatever he wants after gaining power.

It is true that everyone wants to be a native of the motherland who can do whatever they want, but what if you are not a native of the motherland, but a victim who is about to be shot to death by the motherland with laser eyes?

Namelessness brings a sense of security to people, but the original owner...

[Prayer of Love: When Wuming enters combat status, every life saved in the past will provide him with a blessing. Each blessing increases his strength by one percent. At the same time, each layer of protection can resist A fatal attack. 】

Wuming looked at the bond that Su Jingyao had given him, and he couldn't turn around for a moment.

By the way, how many people has he saved?

He himself doesn't

I know!

On the other side, Lin Renmei and Su Jingyao also gained abilities formed by their bonds with Wuming.

[Paired: When Lin Renmei and Wuming act together, Lin Renmei's power will increase by one percent of Wuming's power every second, and Wuming's power will increase by one percent of Lin Renmei's power every second. The power of one. 】

Lin Renmei is very satisfied with the ability formed by her bond with Wuming. This ability is like stepping on the right foot with the left foot, which can quickly improve the strength of both parties.

She had a feeling that when Wuming came out of Shenzang, it would probably be the time to kill the King of Darkness. She had to prepare for this in advance, so as not to hinder Wuming later.

On the other side, Su Jingyao is also checking her bonding ability with Wuming.

[Ideal Wife: When Wuming is not by Su Jingyao's side, an invisible force field will be generated with Su Jingyao as the center. Any creature within the force field that attempts to attack Su Jingyao will be instantly teleported to Wuming's location. 】

This is completely a protective ability. Obviously Wuming has a great desire to protect Su Jingyao, otherwise this situation would not happen.

On the one hand, I hope that the other party will be invincible, and on the other hand, I hope that the other party will not be harmed in any way.

Both of them were very satisfied with their abilities, especially when Su Jingyao saw the words 'ideal wife', she couldn't stop smiling in her eyes.

Seeing that Lin Renmei and Su Jingyao had fused the Cicada of God, Mani looked happy. After thinking about it, she picked up the Cicada of God from the table. She was a little reluctant and said, "It's so beautiful, it can be exchanged for a lot of gold."

Although she said this, she finally pressed the Cicada of God between her eyebrows, and the Cicada of God instantly integrated into her body.

The God's Cicada is not a real creature, but a concept like the God's Insect. Once integrated into the target's body, it will completely become a part of the target, and will only provide abilities without any hindrance.

After a moment, Marnie discovered that she had an extra ability. She raised her hand and touched her cup, and the cup turned into gold!

[The ultimate pursuit of a small money fan: Marnie's right index finger has the ability to turn stones into gold. Each time the ability is activated, a part of Wuming's luck will be consumed. 】

Marnie happily turned her chair into gold. Just as she was about to order Lin Renmei's cup, she suddenly saw Lin Renmei looking at her with a smile on her face. She quickly smiled ingratiatingly and put away her fingers angrily.

Anyway, with this ability, she can have as much gold as she wants without making Sister Lin Renmei angry.

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