I Contracted Myself

【329】Nameless Book

On the other side, Wuming also received the bonding ability provided by Marnie.

[Good business partner: Wuming can exchange gold for anything he wants directly from Marnie's small vault. 】

Wuming glanced at this bond and couldn't help but laugh. This ability is very strong but also very weak. When there is enough gold, it can be incredibly strong, but without gold, this ability is like the moon that cannot be seen or touched.

"Phew, all the people who know me will be arranged next. I should be able to defeat the King of Darkness when I go back." Wuming regained his mind and looked at the trialists who were still snatching rewards, and couldn't help but think with great pride in his heart. .

But when he thought of the terrifying and fatal blow from the King of Darkness, he felt that he was far from strong enough now.

The King of Darkness is no longer a type that can be defeated purely by "measurement". He will not take action against the King of Darkness until he is 100% sure.

Even if he has the protection of countless people, he has no confidence in defeating the King of Darkness.

By the way, let’s get the rewards for this level first.

Wuming saw that all the trialists had finished snatching the blind boxes and were all checking to see what was in their own blind boxes. He walked to the side and picked up a blind box.

The God Insect is not a reward for him to clear the level, but a compensation given to him by that terrifyingly powerful existence.

After all, everyone else had been resurrected. Wouldn't he be at a disadvantage as the only one to pass the level, so the other party gave him the God Insect.

Of course, the above is just Wuming's own speculation. Whether this is the case or not, I am afraid only the owner of that arm knows.

He opened the blind box and was stunned.

There was a book in the blind box. There was no name on the cover of the book, and he didn't know what the book was for.

He took the book out of the blind box, and the next moment the book integrated into his body. He frowned and felt his body, and found that there was no book in his body.

Suddenly, he vaguely sensed the existence of the book, but the book was not anywhere in his body, not even in his soul or sea of ​​consciousness, but in his 'concept'.

In addition to body and mind, everyone actually also has concepts.

For example, ordinary people also have concepts such as "people", "father", "mother", "workers", "animals", "living people", etc., and they also have their own unique "something"

the concept of.

When one person mentions another person, it is actually conceptual.

The concept of "nameless" contains countless small concepts, such as "savior", "rescue team captain", "holy mother", "good man", "handsome guy", etc., which undoubtedly points to nameless,

This book was rooted in his concept at this time, and it made him feel the existence of the concept.

"Do I have so many concepts or labels on my body?" Wuming was a little curious. The next moment he thought, the Book of Nameless appeared in his hand.

This book has been deeply bound to him, only he can use it, and only he can see it.

He found that there was already a name on the cover. Sure enough, the title of the book was "The Book of Nameless". After opening it, it recorded every bit of his past.

The question is what does this do?

He turned to the last page, which happened to be what he was experiencing now, and a line of text was automatically updated every minute that passed.

"Just a record?"

Wuming frowned, flipping through the Book of Nameless back and forth, and suddenly he realized a question, what would happen if he changed the description in the book?

"Forget it, forget it, if it harms my personality, it will be a big trouble."

Wuming was a little impulsive, but thinking that this book was rooted in his own concept, he suddenly felt a little timid.

But is this book really useless?

Anyway, Clock Cat also said when fighting him that his evaluation was A.

Besides, he had another battle with Clock Cat later, and even defeated the strong with the weak, so he deserved an S rating.

He watched the Nameless Book suddenly move again, and words appeared one after another on the white paper. He thought about holding down the position where the next word was about to appear, and wondered what would happen if he stopped the words from being produced.


The writing stopped.

Wuming felt his thumb getting hotter and hotter, and then he felt something was wrong. Why was it so quiet around him?

He raised his head, and was shocked to find that everyone in the Shenzang was still. He looked down at the Nameless Book in disbelief, subconsciously let go of his hand, and continued to write, and the surroundings immediately became lively again.

"What the hell!"

Wuming couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

He himself has the superpower to stop time, but he is not qualified to stop time in Shenzang. In other words, the power of this space is unimaginable, and most of his abilities cannot be used at all.

If you want to classify the time stop into levels, the time stop he had in the past may only be level 1, while the time stop provided by the Book of Names is level 10.


Wuming thought for a while, took another deep breath, looked at the Book of Nameless, and realized that stopping time might not be the real ability of the Book of Nameless.

After all, the Nameless Book records everything about him, and obviously it does not exist to stop time for him.

If an incidental ability is so strong, how strong is the original ability of the Nameless Book?

Wuming could not imagine what level of reward he received.

He continued to study the Nameless Book. Since he did not dare to modify the existing words at will, he simply took out a pen and tried to write on the book.

But unfortunately, this method obviously didn't work. His pen couldn't leave any traces on the Nameless Book.

Even if the pen he used was not an ordinary pen, it still had no effect on the Nameless Book.

"Tsk, you said you could leave words on all books, fake!" Wuming threw the special props he bought in a parallel world in the Lashao Universe back to the storage room and complained in his heart.

Absolute abilities are actually very rare.

Wuming's superpowers work well within the Lashao Universe, and many abilities are called absolute abilities, but it's different in the heavens and all worlds.

The rules of the universe are different, and the strength of the universe is different, which will cause his abilities to deviate.

After all, all the superpowers in the Lashao Universe come from the will runes of the Dark King, and the superpowers that can run perfectly in the Lashao Universe may not work well in other universes, especially those universes with extraordinary attributes, where superpowers may be suppressed.

In comparison, all the rewards in the God's Treasure seem a bit scary.

Wuming simply continued to study the Book of Wuming, but before he could figure out a solution, everyone around him was suddenly teleported away, and he disappeared the next second.

Shenzang, the sixth level begins!

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