I Contracted Myself

【330】Level 6

A primitive tribe, the nameless man was naked on the upper body and wearing a grass skirt on the lower body. A gust of wind blew by, and his bare buttocks could be vaguely seen.

He blinked, unable to accept this change. A moment ago, he was wearing clothes made of the water of the Dream River. The clothes were not only comfortable and close-fitting, but also provided him with considerable protection.

But in the blink of an eye, he turned into a tribal savage. This style of painting has changed too much.

At the same time, he also felt weak, as if he had turned back into a mortal body. He couldn't help but jump on the spot. As expected, he couldn't fly, and he couldn't jump more than one meter high.

This level is poisonous!

At least leave him a pair of underwear!

After Wuming landed, he felt his balls were cold, and he couldn't help but complained crazily in his heart.

He is not afraid of all kinds of difficulties, but this kind of level that directly turns him into an ordinary person really makes him feel extremely painful.

It's like a person who was originally healthy suddenly got a lot of diseases, and his body is extremely uncomfortable. How strong his original body was, so how uncomfortable he is now.

Although this body is a healthy body, Wuming feels that this body is really too weak.

At this time, a light curtain appeared in front of him, which read: The sixth level, complete a great migration of life. The more tribe survivors, the higher the evaluation. The evaluation will affect the prizes obtained in this level.

"The Great Migration of Life?"

Wuming frowned and immediately looked around the tribe. As expected, many savages were already packing their things, and some were polishing their stone spears.

Fortunately, this level is not like the previous level, even the rules are vague.

But this level is a bit difficult.

He is an ordinary person, and he has to protect the entire tribe from completing their migration...

"Let's take a step and see."

Wuming thought for a long time but couldn't think of any good solution, and finally sighed helplessly.


By the way, what is his status in the tribe?

Isn't this another trap?

Wuming suddenly realized the problem, thought about it and immediately walked towards a savage.

The savage was sitting on the ground polishing his stone spear. When he saw him approaching, he immediately stood up, lowered his head and said, "Kasan!"


Wuming's heart beat fiercely, wondering if this was Japanese. Could it be that he was in an ancient island country?

But then he discovered that it was not Japanese, but a title with a similar pronunciation. After the other party called him, he respectfully raised his hands with his hands.

Hand him the stone spear.

"It would be great if Xu Qinqin was here."

Wuming took the stone spear and sighed slightly in his heart.

Many levels in Shenzang are actually related to the world. If a knowledgeable person enters these levels, they can directly deduce the world they are in and even the culture of this world through various clues.

But Wuming had just come into contact with the Shenzang space not long ago, and he had no time to understand this knowledge. Moreover, although he was not said to be uneducated and incompetent, he was not a good student. If he was really allowed to learn, the most he could do was let Xiao Xi record it.

The problem is that at this level, Xiaoxi has no way to contact him, he is just an ordinary person!

Combining all the above situations, Wuming realized deeply that he was just a waste. As expected, he admitted that he was a waste first and felt much better.

Wuming held the stone spear and swung it according to the marksmanship in his memory. After finishing the set of marksmanship, he was already sweating a lot.

To be honest, he hadn't shed a real sweat for a long time. He usually sweated just to confuse the enemy or make himself feel more human.

But he doesn't need to dissipate heat, so he naturally doesn't need to sweat.

Now that I feel like sweating again, I really miss it.

"Fortunately, I studied it seriously back then."

Wuming held the stone spear, wiped the sweat with his hand, and thought to himself.

He had previously thought of being prepared for danger in times of peace, such as what if his superpowers were gone, what if Xiaoxi couldn't be contacted? What if the automatic printing is no longer available?

Based on the above situation, he learned a lot of boxing, sword, stick, spear, and footwork.

It's just that he didn't have the chance to use these abilities before. Now that he suddenly became an ordinary person, these skills were finally put to use.

Next, he spent the whole day observing the tribe and honing his marksmanship.

He found that he had a high status, but there were seven or eight savages who were also called "Kasan", all of whom were strong and armed.

Through this, he guessed that 'Kasan' should be a warrior in this tribe.

In other words, ‘Kasan’ means ‘warrior’.

Obviously, the status of warriors is very high. In the evening, everyone gathered in the square in the middle of the village to have dinner. Except for an old man who got food first, it was his turn and the rest of the warriors' turn to get food, and then it was their turn to breastfeed. Menstrual women and pregnant women, followed by children and women.

Fortunately, the tribe

The savages inside were very quiet and ate quietly. After eating, everyone dispersed.

Wuming was sitting by the campfire, when a savage came over and said, "Are you also a trialist?"

"You too?" Wuming was stunned and said a little surprised.

But this is not surprising. After all, no one spoke much just now. Who can guess who among the savages is the real savage and who is the fake.

"Sure enough, you were practicing marksmanship before and I guessed that you were a tester." The savage breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Wuming was speaking the common language in Shenzang.

Then he smiled and said: "My name is Boshe. We are assigned to the same tribe. The tasks may be the same."

"My name is Zhang Shouzhong. What is your mission?" Wuming introduced himself and asked.

Boshe replied, "Protect the people in the tribe to complete the migration. What about you?"

"Same!" Wuming replied.

Boshe smiled and said, "Then let's cooperate temporarily in this stage. I believe you have also discovered that we are just ordinary people in this stage. At best, we are slightly stronger than the savages. We don't know what we will encounter during the migration process. Cooperation is the only choice for win-win."

"Okay, cooperate in this stage!" Wuming agreed without saying a word.

In this situation, if they still engage in internal fighting, they are pure fools.

"Do you know what language they speak?" Wuming asked.

Boshe shook his head and said, "I don't know. My knowledge in this area is relatively weak. But when you were practicing shooting in the afternoon, I walked around the tribe and found that we were in a valley. There is only one road leading to the outside world in the valley. Under normal circumstances, it is very safe here."

"Why migrate?" Wuming was stunned and then frowned and asked.

Boshe looked at Wuming deeply and said with a smile: "If I'm not wrong, it's probably... a threat!"


Wuming fell silent, he understood.

This tribe obviously has no shortage of water or food. The only thing that can make the entire tribe decide to leave is the threat of life, and it is a threat that the tribe cannot resist.

Only in this case, they must run.

By analogy, Wuming and his group are in a very dangerous situation now.

After all, the savages of the tribe are packing up and preparing to leave today, which means that the threat has already appeared.

During this period before leaving, Wuming and his group may face the unknown enemy.

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