I Contracted Myself

【331】Night Travel

A night of silence.

Wuming and Boshe chose an empty mud house to take turns keeping vigil, but fortunately, nothing happened that they were worried about.

In the morning, the two of them were sparring with stone spears in the open space. After all, they didn't have any extraordinary power now and could only rely on various fighting techniques they had learned in the past.

The two fought back and forth, and Boshe obviously used a stick technique, mainly horizontal sweeps and vertical chops, with a wide range of moves. Wuming had more tricks, and the stone spear was like a dangerous poisonous snake in his hand, especially the carbine shot several times. If Wuming hadn't deliberately missed it, Boshe would have been stabbed in the throat.

"Okay, okay, let's not fight, your kung fu is too good." After the fight ended, Boshe realized that he was not an unknown opponent, and shouted helplessly.

Wuming somersaulted the stone spear into the ground and said with a smile: "You shouldn't use this weapon. You should replace it with a long stick with better flexibility."

"Actually, it's a mage's wand." Boshe said with a wry smile.

He is a mage who seeks the Dharma within his practice. Because mage generally have weak combat power in the early stage, he will learn various combat techniques to protect himself, and the most popular one is the stick technique.

Every powerful mage must be a master of stick skills. After all, those who are not good at stick skills have died before they grew up.

The two of them sat on a stone at the edge of the square, and a savage happened to bring them drinking water and a kind of fruit. The two of them ate while observing the entire tribe.

Things in the tribe have almost been packed up, but I don’t know when they will start migrating.

"Let's investigate separately and see if we can find out what kind of animal forced the tribe to migrate." Wuming finished one fruit and then said to Boshe.

Boshe nodded, looked at the old man not far away, and said, "I'll go talk to him."

"Be careful not to expose any flaws." Wuming warned.

Now the two must support each other. He definitely doesn't want Boshe to die, and Boshe definitely doesn't want him to die.

After the two separated, Wuming walked to a young man who was polishing a stone spear and squatted down, looking at the boy like this. At first, the young man could remain calm, but when Wuming looked at him, he became a little panicked.

"Kasan, are you in Kamdika?" The young man raised his head and asked cautiously.

Wuming drew something on the ground

Make a circle, then draw a tiger-like creature, and draw some people running away in the circle.


The young man gave Wuming a confused look, then he picked up the stone on the ground and drew a person next to the tiger.


Wuming was stunned for a moment, unsure whether the boy's drawing was a human being or a humanoid creature.

He erased the paintings on the ground and returned to the place where he had just rested with the stone spear in his hand. Boshe came back after a while. He said helplessly: "There is no way to communicate at all. It's a bit troublesome."

"I do know some information."

Wuming said, and then told Boshe about the boy's drawing of a person.

"Human? Or a humanoid creature like a vampire?" Boshe frowned and said feeling a little bad.

The main reason is that if the gap between people is not large, there is no need for the entire tribe to migrate together. The danger that makes the entire tribe migrate at any risk must be something that the entire tribe cannot resist.

"If it's a vampire, it's not difficult to deal with, but... if it's a more terrifying monster, it will be a big problem." Wuming sighed.

Humanoid creatures must have something special in order to crush other human beings.

In fact, the other party has extraordinary abilities, which are so powerful that ordinary people feel despair.

"Looking at the bright side, maybe the other party is just a backdrop, and its existence is just to make the tribe's migration more reasonable." Boshe comforted.

Wuming nodded, it was indeed a possibility.

Because of the language barrier, the two of them did not do anything extra. They just continued to familiarize themselves with the stone spears and competed with each other from time to time to ensure that they could perform at their best during the battle.

In the evening, everyone in the tribe suddenly packed up their bags. Wuming and Boshe were also arranged by the old man to be in the middle of the team. They were given three stone spearheads in their hands, and there were also specialized teenagers holding torches to follow.

"Does this mean we are going to walk at night?" Wuming came to Boshe's side and asked Boshe in a low voice.

Boshe nodded and said, "It's possible."

The two have always been careful in communicating, after all, their language is different from the tribe's language.

Next, the tribe's team started to set off. Wuming took the opportunity to count and admit defeat. The entire team

The total number of people is exactly one hundred.

"One hundred people may mean 100%. If only one person dies, the evaluation will be lowered by one point?" Wuming secretly guessed in his heart.

The mighty team advanced slowly. After leaving the valley, the savages all became quiet and everyone speeded up their pace.

This subtle change proved that Wuming and Boshe were right. The tribe had to migrate because of some kind of life threat, or even the danger of the tribe's demise.

Wu Ming Da woke up ten seconds, holding a spear, and hanging three polished stone spearheads on his waist. These stone spearheads can be used as darts or mounted on wooden sticks, which is very convenient.

Suddenly, his eyes saw a poisonous snake in the grass not far away through the reflection of the fire. He immediately threw the stone spear in his hand and accurately shot the poisonous snake that was about to bite.

Several savages were frightened, and only when the firelight hit them did they discover the poisonous snake hidden in the grass.

"Kasan, Kasan, Kasan!!!"

Several people bowed to Wuming gratefully, and at the same time made a sound of fear.

Wuming immediately signaled them to be quiet, then pulled up the stone spear stuck in the ground, and gently threw the dead snake away.

This tribe is not short of food, but lacks the force to protect their safety. The food of each warrior is provided first, so there is no need to keep this poisonous snake that is not sure whether it can be eaten.

Next, Wuming and Boshe walked together, alert to all possible dangers around them. After walking for two hours, the two began to take turns to be on guard.

In the absence of danger, one of them pressed the other's shoulder and closed his eyes to rest, and the other led him to walk, so as to save energy to the greatest extent.

In fact, the savages are also very hard, especially the savages carrying heavy luggage, who are not only sleepy but also very tired, but no one shouted out, and they all endured and endured silently.

Wuming closed his eyes to rest for two hours, and then it was Boshe's turn to close his eyes to rest.

The resting party walked on the inner side of the team, while the guards walked on the outer side. Wuming held a spear in his hand, looking at the endless darkness in the distance, and he did not dare to relax at all.

This level was definitely not that easy. Although reducing the trial participants to ordinary people was too much, he felt that there must be more to come.

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